List of Sharp product codes

Started by JC, May 14, 2008, 09:21:19 pm

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Not sure yet. My supplier didn't have much of a description for it. Just the product number. I'm pretty sure it's a distinct model from the AN-505-BK since both seem to be listed in different places on the internet, but how it is different exactly will need to be determined.


January 15, 2011, 04:39:24 pm #16 Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 07:16:01 pm by Xious
Here are some additions/corrections to the list. I'll be making a special website for Sharp stuff as soon as I have time, which will include a large amount of details and photos of everything (possible).

AN-500B - Sharp Twin Famicom (ツインファミコン) Charcoal Black Body (Reddish/Maroon details on nameplate); off-white and cherry red details on controllers.; Came in yellow box featuring screenshots from 'Zelda no Densetsu' and 'Super Mario Bros.'; manual has blue-green stripe; blue text cardboard disk insert. Specific model number clearly marked on box.

AN-500R - Sharp Twin Famicon (ツインファミコン) Cherry Red Body (Black Details on Namepate)-white and dark grey details on controllers. came in yellow box featuring screenshots from 'Zelda no Densetsu' and 'Super Mario Bros.; manual has orange stripe; blue text cardboard disk insert. Specific model number clearly marked on box.

AN-505-BK - Sharp Twin Famicom (ツインファミコン) Shiny Black Body; has blue-grey/light-green highlights on nameplate and controllers; with Turbo *switches* on controllers (on/offf, no speed settings).  Came in black box that has white and yellow text with 'Golf Japan Course" screenshots.; blue text cardboard disk insert.  Specific model number clearly marked on box.

AN-505-RD - Twin Famicom (ツインファミコン) Orange-Red Body has beige/blue-gray highlights on nameplate and controllers; with Turbo *switches* on controllers  (on/offf, no speed settings). Came in black box that has white and yellow text with 'Golf Japan Course" screenshots.; blue text cardboard disk insert.  Specific model number clearly marked on box.

AN-505B - [details to come] - To my knowledge, this is just an error when people talk abo0ut the 5505-BK or the 500B. I don't have any evidence to prove that it exists.

UADP-0041CEZZ  - Power Supply for Sharp AN500,505; Box/PSU states both 500 & 505; Silver box with green and black lettering plus green and white stripes.
? - Power Supply for Sharp AN500; (doesn't state 505) - Should be a different part No. ?

AN-510 - Sharp Famicom Titler;  black body; uses special power supply; Came in White box with dark-grey print. Controllers say 'FamicomTITLER' on them, no trubo function; black plastic stylus.

AN-560 - Sharp FamicomStation (ファミコンステーション); Correct controllers look like NES controllers, but have red 'SHARP' logo in place of 'Nintendo' logo.

AN-58C - Sharp RF Switch; Special unit with DIN-type connection. Grey body with black wires (one DIN, one male yellow RCA, one female F-type).

VO-U42S - Sharp 3D System; Came in box with purple/black theme; Goggles have no logo (in place of 'Nintendo' logo); Adapter box has no logo (on plug) and has differently (V) shaped arrows for the glasses ports.

AN-320 - Sharp Playbox Keyboard for Playbox BASIC (need Part for cart / 'cassette'). Tawny silvery hue to match 14CC1F, but otherwise identical in design to Family BASIC KB. Came with Sharp Playbox BASIC cartridge that was slightly different to FC Family BASIC; Cart is black with silver label and has maroon, grey and black print--a field of small squares that says: SHARP PLAYBOX BASIC and lists the four modes.

14C-C1-R - 14" Sharp C1 'My Computer TV' (マイコンピュータテレビC1); Maroon-Red casing with matching controllers.

14C-C1-F - 14" Sharp C1 'My Computer TV' (マイコンピュータテレビC1); Tawny-Silver casing with matching controllers.

14C-C1-W - 14" Sharp C1 'My Computer TV (マイコンピュータテレビC1)'; White casing with matching controllers.

19C-C1-F - 19" Sharp C1 'My Computer TV' (マイコンピュータテレビC1); Tawny-Silver casing with matching controllers.

19C-C1-W - 19" Sharp C1 'My Computer TV' (マイコンピュータテレビC1); White casing with matching controllers.

??? - Part numbers needed for C1 controllers; Need numbers for red, white and silvery 'PI' and 'PII' joycards.

CZ-8NJ1 - Controller for X1/X68000 tat uses Famicom joycard casing, buttons and plastic mask.