Famicom representations in Famicom games

Started by M3Patterns, July 28, 2008, 11:48:33 am

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Hey guys! Kinda new to posting here, but I've been a lurker for a while, and I was wondering if you could help me. I am trying to track down every representation of the Famicom, along with its accessories and media, within the games themselves. For instance, the Famicom controller that is a bonus in Adventure Island. I am also looking for NES representations. If you know what games contain said representations and can post a screen shot, that would be great. (Or if you know of a page that already has it archived - and I've completely missed it - please let me know.) Thanks!


Welcome! I've read bits and pieces about these.

I don't know of many, but FW has three: Famicom controller in Adventure Island and Famicom in Mega Man VII, and Disk-kun in Family Computer Golf: US Course. There also a Famicom controller in Joy Mech Fight, to show you what buttons to push (only seen it on the handbill). And the FDS's face and some disks in' Nazoler Land Dai 2 Gou. That's all I know about.

If you grab any screens, I'd love to have them for the site. :)


July 29, 2008, 07:24:49 am #2 Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 05:17:22 pm by KEVMAN569
Diskun is featured in WArioWare: Touched at some point.  I don't have the game I just remember hearing about it.

EDIT:  Sorry I thought we were talking about Famicom representations in any game but the title says Famicom games.  Sorry for that.


There's a representation of ROB in Star Tropics:


Wasn't Disk-kun also in the Famicom Disk System game "Smash Ping-pong"?

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Yes. I just booted up Smash Ping Pong and it shows Disk-kun on the title screen getting knocked out by a ping pong ball.

Jedi Master Baiter

Journey To Silius has a picture of the Light Gun for the "Hand Gun" .

Flying Omelette:



The Miho game has a black-outlined Disk-kun in it.


Utsurun Desu shows you a picture of the Famicom controller if you press select instead of start on the title screen.


In the VS mode screen on Musashi no ken you can see a famicom controller
Long live to the Pirates !!!


What about Gradius special edition where you fight a flying Famicom?



Quote from: JC on July 28, 2008, 05:00:08 pm
Famicom controller in Joy Mech Fight, to show you what buttons to push
If you grab any screens, I'd love to have them for the site. :)
I can get a pic if you want :)
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


Preference is for a ROM screenshot and not a pic, at least for the site's purposed, but for the sake of just posting it here, a pic will work.


January 22, 2009, 09:54:57 am #14 Last Edit: January 22, 2009, 10:02:06 am by nintendodork
Well here's a screen from a ROM, I'll post it here and you can do whatever with it.

I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat