WTB: Power Joy 008 Cart, Among Other Things...

Started by Zeloz (akaBill), January 05, 2012, 11:40:34 am

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Zeloz (akaBill)

January 05, 2012, 11:40:34 am Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 05:00:29 pm by Zeloz (akaBill)
Heya guys!

I'm looking for a very specific pj-008 84-in-1 cartridge that differs slightly from the existing rom dump floating around on the Internet. The one I'm looking for has Balloon Fight, Ikki (listed as "Ninja Fighter"), Ninja Jajamaru-kun (as "Ninja II"), Soccer, Nuts and Milk, and Wrecking Crew in it's lineup. I believe BootlegGames's AT-101 multicart article (http://bootleggames.wikia.com/wiki/AT-101_84-in-1) makes mention of it. Now that I'm getting into building up a sizable Famicom collection, I thought I might want to hunt down my very first pirate multicart for sentimentality's sake.

I'm also looking for any older NES games that have the built-in 60-72 pin adaptor, and also a game bit so I can get inside the thing in a manner more civilized than hacking apart the plastic casing. :D

I'm still trying to trade off the digital download games mentioned in my Bethesda thread (http://www.famicomworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=7015.0), but if you like being paid in cash that's fine too. ;D

EDIT: BasiliskFang has brought it to my attention that early NES games could be opened with a flathead screwdriver. My bad...


I think these multicarts come with Famiclone systems, so I think finding a loose copy of it would be no easy task. I have an 84 in 1 like that, but some of the games are different. :octorok:
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Zeloz (akaBill)

Yeah, the one I used to have came with a Power Joy controller-type famiclone my mom bought over some TV shopping channel. Unfortunately, when the thing broke, we threw away both the system and the perfectly good multicart away, unaware of anything about Famicoms or the illegitimate offspring that could've still used the cart. Oh, how I rue such foolishness even to this very day! :'(

I'm also finding it hard to find the Power Joy systems themselves, with or without the cart. I would think that finding just the specific cart from my youth might be less expensive than wading through the few Power Joy sets that pop up on occasion and hoping the cart comes with it. Ah well, I will remain vigilant regardless.


There someone on digitpress selling one for 3 bucks plus shipping.

Zeloz (akaBill)

Really? Do you have a link? I can't seem to find it on their forums...


Zeloz (akaBill)

Ah... well drat. I'll make an account there and see what comes of it.