JC's Extras for Sale/Trade

Started by JC, March 07, 2007, 03:11:19 pm

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March 07, 2007, 03:11:19 pm Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 06:11:11 pm by JC
Prices are always up for negotiation. Ask questions!
Typical shipping costs: 1 game = $2.75; 2-3 games = $3.75; 4-8 games = $4.75.
International buyers: Please note your country when requesting a shipping quote.
Delivery confirmation included for US packages; prices may vary based on cart size and loose/CIB.
All games are tested prior to sale; refunds or exchanges will take place under limited circumstances.




*cries because he has no money*

Jedi Master Baiter

Holey moley. :o Screw getting a PAL Rodland; I'll just get the Famicom version.


Yeah, Jedi. I said the same thing when I figured out there was a Famicom Rodland. It goes for about $30 complete...I paid a little more for my first one before I knew the pricing.

Jedi Master Baiter

But is it exactly the same?

The art looks nice.


Can't say. I've never played the NES version. Since there are usually slight differences between NES and Famicom games by the same names, i wouldn't be surprised if there are some in the Rodlands as well.


Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Quote from: FamicomFreak on March 08, 2007, 08:01:44 am
is that wario game good?

That's Wario's Woods, which I feel is a VERY underrated game...


March 09, 2007, 09:54:02 pm #9 Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 04:22:51 pm by kite200
JC i think you should sell the nekketsu games individually. For starters,  I remember you saying you got them all for like a bit over 100, you could sell each for around 40 dollars a piece, probably more. Secondly, its easier to sell if you split them. What do you think?


That's likely the best option if (when) I eBay them. Individual games make more than a lot, at least for CIB games. I've hocked them here as a set only because that's how I got them and it's preferred to get rid of them all in one shot.



Bump. I've got most of this stuff still, and probably a lot more to add. Someday I'll update this...and maybe someday when I get faster internet I can just eBay it like I've planned to do.


I forgot, do those mario hacks work? I thought you said somewhere they were broken


One works for sure. The other one didn't work on my NES. I'll test it out on my Famicom sometime soon and let you know. My Tekken cart didn't work on my NES, and I was pissed, but then I tried it on my Famicom and it worked perfectly.