Is that true? if it is then happy birthday Famicom!!
As far as I know it's true. July 15 in 1983.
Happy 24th birthday, Famicom. :D
Happy birthday ファミリコンピュータ !!! ;D
lol I read the title of this thread and thought that yet another new Famicom game was released today. But yay! 24 years of Famicom gaming goodness! What games were released at launch? because those games would be 24 years old as well today!
3 games were released on the same day:
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
It took over a month, until August 27 to be exact, for the next games to be released. And today people complain when the starting lineup "only" has around 20 games. ::)
Yay for famicom.
I seem to recall when the N64 launched it only launched with Mario 64 and Waverace.
wooot ok yay!
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on July 15, 2007, 09:46:35 pm
I seem to recall when the N64 launched it only launched with Mario 64 and Waverace.
I think Pilot Wings 64 was a launch title as well.
Only Mario and Pilotwings were launch titles.
yeah I remember that about the n64. Pretty weird but everyone would get mario 64 because of the breakthrough 3d engine gaming etc etc
Mario 64 was/is a great game. I never beat it, I need to revisit that one soon.
Never beat Mario 64? :o ... :o
It has quite a nice ending, you should try it again, once. It isn't that hard. :)
I never said it was hard, I got the N64 in college and there were more important things to do with my time than play Mario 64.
Ah, you had no time.
That explains all. :D
Actually now that I think about it, maybe I beat it but didn't get all the coins or stars or whatever it was you had to collect. This was over 10 years ago so my memory is fuzzy :)
11 years ago? :P
I also never beat the mario 64 game. I should play it on my pc sometime or just get a n64 at the flea market lol
Me too! Never got a N64 and never played it more than 15 minutes (friend's houses, etc). Recently trying to beat Super Mario Sunshine to compensate for those missing memories ;D