Post any Genie codes you discover or aren't in the code book (post the game, the code and what it does). I'd love to have a page or whatever on the site with cool codes.
Super Mario Brothers (NES):
IKAAAE - gets REALLY crazy and glitchy, you just have to try it!
but wouldn't this only benifit the like 2 of us who have Famicom Game Genies?
Or are we including NES codes as well?
Any and all.
Batman (NES):
PEOPPZ/PEOPPG/PEPPPG - Vertical Wall Jump (any of them)
Let's you do this:
Double Dragon 3 (NES):
AEKNPPIA - Have Jimmy Enabled
Super Mario Bros:
EPOISS - Destroy blocks
-not quite as good as the SMB3 code, but worth a try
does anyone know any Game Genie codes for Rockman 2? I want to play some various insanely difficult rom hacks, but I can't seem to find any codes anywhere. Mega Man 2 codes don't work.
I was fooling around with Rockman2 hex and I stumbled upon a code that makes your suit yellow and lets you kind of glide through the air(as a pose to using an attack). If you are on the ground and you use the attack it just makes your arms and legs rapidly change between the jump stance and the standing stance. This code is actually very helpful. If I can find where I wrote it down, I'll post it.
Sounds cool. The only code I really am interested in in infinite energy if you happen to have that ;)
Rockman 2 infinite energy: SXOVTSSE (this is the same as the SXXTPSSE code for Megaman 2).
wai wai my hero! ;D
Quote from: 133MHz on September 19, 2007, 09:53:07 pm
Super Mario Brothers (NES):
IKAAAE - gets REALLY crazy and glitchy, you just have to try it!
I'm afraid it'll break my NES! ;D
Sorry to triple post, but hey UlgyJoe, do you happen to have other codes for Rockman 2? Of course the inf. health is the most handy one, but I'd like to see if there are other codes as well, such as inf. lives and those crazy super jumps.
I can convert pretty much any Megaman code into a Rockman code. The infinite lives code should work for both.
Can we get this thread stickied? I feel it something that should be kept up with.
Does anyone have any codes for Earthnound Zero/Mother? I'm looking for codes that will work with the traslated ROM.
infinite cash or quick EXP gain would be nice.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 18, 2008, 09:39:52 pm
Does anyone have any codes for Earthnound Zero/Mother? I'm looking for codes that will work with the traslated ROM.
infinite cash or quick EXP gain would be nice.
Quick EXP gain: OZSUZGOU, GASULGAT (you need both codes). That'll give you 1024 exp plus a little bit for any enemy that you kill.
Lotsa Gold gain: OZNLAGOU, NYNLPGAV (you need both codes). That'll give you 65025 gold plus a little bit for any enemy that you kill. I don't know what happens if you max out your gold, so be careful.
sweet! Thanks a lot uglyjoe.
just out of ceriosity, how are you able to generate codes? I can't seem to find any codes relating to Mother at all.
I use an emulator with a debugger and the knowledge of how Game Genie codes work.
(ps, lotsa gold codes added)
Sweet. Thanks so much uglyjoe. How difficult is the process? If it isn't too bad, I have a few other games I'd like codes for at your leasure:
all of these are the Famicom (J) versions in case you need to know.
Akumajou Special - infinite health? I'd like to finish it. Some of the later stages are quite difficult.
Chuuka Taisen, Dragon Spirit, Parodius da and Gradius II - infinite lives, and possibly the ability to retain powerups after death. I know there's codes similer to these with the NES Gradius and Lifeforce if they at all help.
Getsufuu Maden - infinite health.
Konami Wai Wai World 1 - infinite heath. This game can kick your ass if you dont pay attention and its because of its difficulty that I dont like it nearly as much as its sequal.
Sword Master - just infinite health. wow this game's hard.
(Namco) Star Wars - infinite health. you die soooooooooooooo easily I've never made it past the water world.
no rush with any of these, they are just on my list to beat and are stubborn due to unfair difficulty.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Sweet. Thanks so much uglyjoe. How difficult is the process?
It varies from game to game, but it's generally not too hard.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Akumajou Special - infinite health? I'd like to finish it. Some of the later stages are quite difficult.
That's the Dracula-kun game, right?
I didn't test these too much, but they appear to work:
infinite life:
when you die, gain a life instead of losing a life:
I'll work on the other ones sometime.
wow thanks uglyjoe! your quick!
I just thought of something else that I;d like codes for above all the others. I only own an NES reproduction of it, but I'd really like to get some codes for Summer Carnival '92: Recca
like the other shooters, I'm looking for infinite lives and possibly a way to keep your power ups.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Parodius da
infinite lives: GAOTTUZE
don't lose powerups: AVSKOASA
I haven't tested those too thoroughly, so let me know if they don't work.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Chuuka Taisen
infinite lives: XVVELGVK, XVVEGKEX (requires both codes)
don't lose powerups/specials: OVSEPGLY, this one skips a bunch of code, including the "you died" animation. I played through to the second level and didn't see any bugs caused by it, but I can't guarantee it won't make the game crash later on...
Sweet. Thanks so much uglyjoe. Can you do anything for Recca? I swear that game exists to mock you past the first level :P
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 22, 2008, 05:27:11 pm
Sweet. Thanks so much uglyjoe. Can you do anything for Recca? I swear that game exists to mock you past the first level :P
Try this for infinite lives: TASYXZVG
And try this to keep your weapons: YPSNNXIA, note that you will lose those spinny things that go around your ship after you die. I'm sure there are instances where this code will not work, but I'm not sure when that is. If you get to a spot where it's not working, let me know.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Dragon Spirit
This one is tough. There are too many types of powerups to keep them all from de-leveling. So, I'll give you these two that give you infinite health. You shouldn't ever die with this one, so it's like having infinite lives:
The game gives you that little "pre game" level that will decide if you use the Gold dragon or Blue dragon. Since you can't die, you'll always get the Blue dragon.
Sweet codes uglyjoe! Thanks to you, I was able to beat Recca! Do you know what it says at the end?
followed by the Staff roll
I think that's pretty accurite!
and then you fight a boss and it says "To be continued"
Anyone know whats up with that? I didn't think Recca got a sequal?
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 23, 2008, 06:17:59 pm
Anyone know whats up with that? I didn't think Recca got a sequal?
Glad to hear that the codes are working. The "to be continued" part is in reference to the second set of levels you get if you beat the game and hit reset. Check this article: (
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Getsufuu Maden - infinite health.
Infinite health: ATXKGNSA
Infinite lives (in case you fall into a pit): ZXXTOGYX, ZZVLAIYX
Sweet. Any codes for Gun-Nac (NES version?) looking for the usual: infinite lives, keep power ups. Becides Recca, Gun Nac is my favorite Famicom shump.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 23, 2008, 10:14:48 pm
Sweet. Any codes for Gun-Nac (NES version?) looking for the usual: infinite lives, keep power ups. Becides Recca, Gun Nac is my favorite Famicom shump.
Infinite lives: OUOZYUSE, should work with either version. I can't get a "keep your power ups" code to work. Maybe some other night.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Gradius II
Infinite lives: OXUTTYVS
Invincible: ATENGIAZ, this is like the ultimate code. You can't die. You can fly through anything.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Konami Wai Wai World 1 - infinite heath. This game can kick your ass if you dont pay attention and its because of its difficulty that I dont like it nearly as much as its sequal.
infinite health: YOUGATGP
infinite lives: TEXTUPAE
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 20, 2008, 05:51:08 pm
Sword Master - just infinite health. wow this game's hard.
infinite lives: SXXTSOVK
infinite health may not be possible with a game genie...
AVKKKAAZ, ATVZAAEZ, ATOXYAEZ: with these three codes, you'll walk right through all the enemies and the bosses won't attack you. It's pretty cheap, but if you want to see the game's ending, these will get you there (just don't fall into too many holes...). The first one controls the enemies in the level and the last two control the bosses. So, if you still want a challenge with the bosses, use only the first one.
i get most of my codes at (
Someday every Famicom game will have a page on FW and we'll have codes on them. Maybe sooner than later. By the way, this has turned out to be a cool thread. :)
UglyJoe, could you please see if you cound find a copy for Devil World for Famicom to grant infinite lives? The life stock they give you isn't enough to complete the game. Thanks!
NYVGNGIE = Start with 255 lives
XVNIAIEN + XVNIPITK = Avoid Game Over. These two kinda avoid the game over screen. It'll still say game over in the corner, but the game will keep going. I don't know what kind of odd effects this might have later on (although I was able to go from level 1 to level 2 no problem).
Thanks uglyjoe. Any chance I could get either a infinite health or infinite lives or keep weapon after dying code for the Famicom cartridge version of Akumajou Dracula?
These are for the sake of my reviews, since I'm not using emulators and thus no savestates.
Gonna be busy until Sunday/Monday. I can get you some codes, but you're going to have to wait.
OZOGZLVK = infinite lives
AVKTAYSA = infinite life
If you plug an american game genie into an nes, a converter into the game genie, and then a famicom cartridge, can you use the game genie with the famicom cart, using the famicom version codes?
I had a code request, UglyJoe. it's for Ys for the Famicom. I'm just looking for a code for infinite health, or walk through solid walls. Either would be very appreciated, as I've searched all over the net with no results. Thanks!
SZOTONSE - Ys, infinite health. I only tried it out in the field above the first town, so there's a chance it won't work against other kinds of attacks (magic, etc).
To figure out a "walking through walls" code, I'd probably have to figure out how the map data is stored. That's not something I plan on doing, so I hope the inf life code is enough.
has anyone tried "OVAAAE" for SMB?
man that code is AWESOME!
Is it like IKAAAE?
What does it do?
I don't have that game, so I can't test it. :-\ :P
You don't have SMB?! :o
Am I in trouble?
That would be kinda cool :P
Well, I have the famicom version. I just dont want to find my converter, I have several boxes of stuff in my basement. :P
Cooler underground.
Also, KKKXUN. that's a fun one. :D
I'm bumping this..
Anymore SMB3j Codes..
Are you looking to do anything in particular, or just want random weird stuff?
Infinite Lives
I'm going to try the dedug code on the Pirat NES Cart of SMB3j
I think most of the SMB3j Codes are in the Super Mario Bros. 3 Thread
Looking for Mother codes, excluding infinite money/exp.
UglyJoe, in his review/rant, the AVGN noted that Ninja Gaiden NES doesn't have an infinite energy code. Think you can whip one up?
Chinson, sorry for the late reply, but in case you were looking for more Earthbound Zero codes, try out these. I don't take any credit for them, I just found 'em.
Start a new game with $100 cash.
Start a new game with $250 cash.
Start a new game with about $1000 cash.
Start a new game with about $10,000 cash.
Ninten starts with 99 HP (instead of 30).
Ninten starts with 250 HP (instead of 30).
Ninten starts with 50 PP (instead of 8).
Ninten starts with 99 PP (instead of 8).
Get mega experience points after battle!
Infinite PP (PSI).
Get mega amounts of cash in your ATM when you try and
withdraw from it! Do NOT deposit any money into your
ATM with this code on or else you may lose lots of
money from your ATM.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on February 16, 2010, 12:36:33 pm
UglyJoe, in his review/rant, the AVGN noted that Ninja Gaiden NES doesn't have an infinite energy code. Think you can whip one up?
Infinite health: AVXVYPSA
It was pretty easy to make, so I'm not sure why there isn't one already floating around ???
Thanks UglyJoe, that code was really needed. Something else that comes to mind:
Since the PowerPak has 5 built in Gamegenie code generation and FDS support, is it possible to create Gamegenie codes for FDS games? If at all possible, I would like to request these codes.
Akumajou Dracula - Inf Energy
Metroid - Inf Energy
Super Mario Bros. - basically anything interesting. Since many codes exist for the NES and Famicom cart versions, this might be the one to test out possibilities with.
Super Mario Bros. 2J - Never loose powerups and inf lives.
Yume Kojo Doki Doki Panic - Inf lives
I wish you luck Uglyjoe!
The Powerpak doesn't let you enter Game Genie codes for FDS games. I was able to make GG codes that work in Mednafen and FCEUX, though:
Akumajou Dracula, inf health (depends on the FDS rom version):
ATNOOPSA (v1.0)'re right. I was sure it did. Oh well. Maybe in a future firmware release.
For the sake of finishing some of the outrageously difficult ROM hacks of the Rockman games, I would like to request Inf Energy, lives and weapon energy for each of the six Rockman titles. Back on page 1, Uglyjoe posted the inf Energy code for Rockman 2, so that's already done.
Rockman 2 infinite energy: SXOVTSSE (this is the same as the SXXTPSSE code for Megaman 2). He said that he can convert any Megaman code to Rockman codes, so in the interest of making this request easier, here are the codes for each of the NES Megaman games I want converted to Rockman codes. Ones with ? question marks are codes I cant find any existing NES codes for. If you can generate NES and Famicom codes for them, that would be great.
Megaman 1:
Infinite energy - SZKZGZSA
Infinite lives - OZSKPZVK
Infinite weapons energy - ?
Megaman 2:
Infinite energy - SXXTPSSE
Infinite lives - SXUGTPVG
Infinite weapons energy - ?
Rapid fire - LZVSSZYZ
Megaman 3:
Infinite energy - GXVAAASA
Infinite lives - AEEGXLPA
Infinite weapons energy - ?
Megaman 4:
Infinite energy - ?
Infinite lives - SZUGUAVG
Infinite weapons energy - GXENESOO
Instant Mega Buster - AEOAIEPA
Megaman 5:
Infinite energy - GXSEYZSA
Infinite lives - GXXAAIVG
Infinite weapons energy - OVNLZISV + OTKPYISV
Megaman 6:
Infinite energy - ?
Infinite lives - SXEEXTVG
Infinite weapons energy - ?
Here's how you can convert the codes yourself:
- First of all, just try the Megaman GG code in Rockman. It might work without any conversion. Failing that, though:
- Open up Megaman in FCEUX.
- Goto Debug -> Game Genie Decoder/Encoder...
- Type the Game Genie code you want to convert into the Game Genie Code field.
- Write down the values of the Address, Compare, and Value fields.
- Hit "Add To Cheat List" and close the dialog.
- Get to a point in the game where the code becomes relevant (like, get into a level, not on the title screen or stage select screen) and hit the Pause button on your keyboard (this is an emulator pause, not the in-game pause).
- Goto Debug -> Hex Editor...
- Scroll down to the address you wrote down in step 5. The affected byte should be colored blue. Write down the three bytes before it and the three bytes after it.
- Open up the Rockman rom in FCEUX now (we don't need Megaman anymore).
- Get to a point in the game where the code would become relevant (ie, in-stage) and hit the Pause button on your keyboard.
- Goto Debug -> Hex Editor...
- In the Hex Editor dialog, goto Edit -> Find...
- Make sure Direction is set to "Down" and Type is set to "Hex". In the "Find What:" field, type in the first three bytes you wrote down in step 9 (no spaces, upper/lower case doesn't matter), then the Compare value you wrote down in step 5, and then the last three bytes you wrote down in step 9. Hit the "Find Next" button.
- The Hex Editor should highlight the seven bytes you searched for. Click on the one in the middle (it will be equal to the Compare value). In the titlebar of the Hex Editor dialog, you'll see "Hex Editor - Editing RAM Offset 0x00ABCD", where ABCD is some hex address. Write down that address.
- You can close the Search and Hex Editor dialogs now.
- Goto Debug -> Game Genie Decoder/Encoder...
- Type the address you just wrote down in step 15 into the Address field. Type the Compare and Value values from step 5 into their respective fields.
- After you've typed in those values, the "Game Genie Code" field will populate. There's your converted Rockman GG code. You can hit "Add To Cheat List" if you want to test it out.
Here's a pretty awesome GG code I found for SMB3. I've tested it only on the NES version.
AOSUZI - Block Suit Mario
Press B at anytime and Mario will generate a toss-able block normally found in only certain stages. The game will think Mario is grabbing the block from whatever tile is next to Mario's hands and strip it down to the bare background tile. This means you can rip and remove background elements such as hills or clouds as well as solid stage objects such as coin blocks and warp pipes! With this code you can literally tunnel your way through a stage!
Only problem that I've found is that it causes the game to crash unexpectedly.
Uglyjoe, I wonder if a GG code could be made to correct the crash issue?
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on May 16, 2010, 11:24:16 pm
Uglyjoe, I wonder if a GG code could be made to correct the crash issue?
Possibly. It depends on what's making it crash. If I had hours to spend staring at a trace log I might be able to figure it out, but there are other things I'd rather do ;)
Hi guys, I have seen that some of you are really good at finding game genie codes for games, and I would like to ask you for help finding some for the loopy's MMC3 hacked SMB2j version (you can find it on his site ( in the NES section).
I am particularly looking for level select code, if that's possible. Many thanks for any help!
I'll play with it tomorrow if someone hasn't already done everything needing to be done. :D
THANKS! If you cannot find the level select code, try to find at least the infinite lives code.
...yes, I suck at SMB2j on NES/FC, it's hard as hell! But for some reason I've managed to play untill W7-3 on my SMB deluxe - GBC version. But there was a save game option.
So I've been playing around with this and it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe someone who has more experience with this might be able to understand why or get around it. For some reason when I put the address I want to modify into the game genie code creator and create the code, then look at the code later, the value is changed and the code is worthless. Like, for example, if I wanted to make an infinite lives code, I should modify address 701B and change instruction CE to AD... Yet when I look at the code afterwards, it says it's modifying address F01B instead, and the code is worthless. This is where the debugger says the change should be made. I can't change the instruction if it keeps picking a different value for the address. >:(
The NES PRG-ROM exists from $8000 to $FFFF. As such, Game Genie was designed to only allow you to make changes to that memory range. You can't modify $701B because it is not in that range. The reason why code is being executed outside of that region is because MMC3 uses the SRAM space ($6000 - $7FFF) as a PRG-RAM region.
Now, because $701B is ram, that means that its value (CE) must have been written to it by some other routine. Set a write breakpoint at $701B and do a hard reset.
When the debugger snaps, you can see that the accumulator, which is holding the value CE, is being stored into $701B. If you look at the previous line, you can see that it loaded the value into the accumulator from $D01B. Lucky! Since $D01B is within our PRG-ROM address space, that means we can change it with Game Genie.
Make a code that changes $D01B from CE to AD and you get SZOSLEVK. Try it out and you've got infinite lives!
WOW I didn't understood 99% of your post UglyJoe but that's amazing! Thanks for the code! Works perfectly! And thanks for trying botulismo!
Here's a bootleg stage-select method. Use these codes to pick the starting world and stage. I'm not sure how to get to the A-D worlds:
4: LENKIGAA These seem to only be cosmetic...
Oh man UglyJoe! That explains a lot. I had a vague idea that the MMC3 was involved, and that this value must be outside of the Game Genie's memory range.. I didn't know what the range itself was, nor did I know how the MMC3 worked, but this has explained why a rare couple of gmaes in the past have been Game Genie unfriendly to me.. This is why I'm doing this though, to learn.
I've learned more about how a computer works by playing with Game Genie codes than I ever did taking recreational programming classes in school.
Many thanks for the codes UglyJoe! The level codes are working perfectly.
I've already edited the rom with the unlimited lives code and put it on my SMB2j repro to save my NES cartridge connector from the devastating effect of Game genie, and yesterday - world 5-4! Yay! (I went to sleep after that, so maybe today I will get even further)
I've decided to play through Earth Bound on the cart, but damnit there seems to be random encounters TOO often!
UglyJoe or anyone else, can you come up with some code to address this problem?
Something like
No Random Encounters
or at the very least, always be able to run from random encounters would be very helpful.
Quote from: jpx72 on November 25, 2010, 11:18:55 pm
I've already edited the rom with the unlimited lives code and put it on my SMB2j repro to save my NES cartridge connector from the devastating effect of Game genie, and yesterday - world 5-4! Yay! (I went to sleep after that, so maybe today I will get even further)
Weak. I beat this game eight times without no extra lives cheat! Kids these days! (
JK, SMB2J is heartless & has no soul! I don't even think Miyamoto was involved. Or possessed, I forget.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on December 18, 2010, 12:37:40 am
I've decided to play through Earth Bound on the cart, but damnit there seems to be random encounters TOO often!
Which Earthbound are you talking about? SNES? FC? Translated FC?
I didn't say the game was hard - but it takes too much advantage of physics - having the player maneuver around objects in tedious ways. I found it less fun. :(
Quote from: UglyJoe on December 18, 2010, 07:42:19 am
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on December 18, 2010, 12:37:40 am
I've decided to play through Earth Bound on the cart, but damnit there seems to be random encounters TOO often!
Which Earthbound are you talking about? SNES? FC? Translated FC?
Mother 1/Earth Bound (Zero)
please and thanks.
Okay, I made these using a "Mother (J).nes" rom, so I hope that's the one you're playing. Couldn't find a one-code way of doing this. Note that these codes seem to cause some glitches in certain text boxes (like the Game Over text) and I have no idea why.
The game seems to generate a pseudo-random number after every step you take (but also at other times, it seems) and then checks to see if that number is less than some other number, which I call the "encounter rate" for lack of a better name. There is a small table of encounter rate values and I'm assuming the value used depends on the area you are in, but I didn't look into that part of the code too much.
These codes will hard-code the encounter rate to a fixed value.
Use both of these codes, which make the comparison use a hard-coded value rather than the lookup table:
And then one of these codes. A lower number means less random encounters. (00) means no random encounters, although if that's what you wanted then I could probably do that with less than three codes. As a frame of reference, the area just outside of Ness's (Ninten's?) house is using (13), and it looks like the toughest areas would be using (32).
Thanks UglyJoe. So that I understand what you're saying, In order to completely remove random encounters, I need to put in three codes:
And the difference between say
is that with the first code will never produce random encounters while the second code will almost never produce random encounters?
You said you could probably produce a code that turns off enemy encounters completely in less than three codes? Please see about that. This is exactly what I'm after, as long it doesn't affect scripted encounters (such as the lamp battle at the very start of the game) or encounters you seek out (such as the doll battle also at the start of the game).
No random encounters would be EZVOAINP.
thank you good sir.
I would like to ask about inserting the GG codes into ROMs:
SMB has this invincibility code: ZZZSSO
This code should alter the value on adress 0xD92D to value 2A
but the ROM size is only 0xA00F (including the 16byte header).
So how do I alter the adress which is out of the file size? Thanks!
(By the way I need this also for code VZTLTN altering 0xB766 to AE)
Because SMB1 doesn't do any bankswapping, you can do this:
0xD92D + 0x10 ; offset iNES header
0xD93D - 0x8000 ; offset start of NES PRG-ROM space
0x593D ; address of byte you want to change
Great! It works (obviously)!
So add the lenght of the header and substract the lenght of the PRG part... Hopefully one day i will understand why :D
Thanks a million UglyJoe!
UglyJoe can you please, make a code for loopy smb2j so you 7 or 8 stars at title screen? thanx.
This one is a bit weird. There are three places in the game's code that check the "how many stars should they have" byte (which is stored as the first byte in the SRAM at 0x6000).
VXEGZGAV - The "functional" code. This one will give you 24 stars, but you don't see them on the title screen. If you hold down A when you press start, though, you'll be in World A.
VZUYXZAV - The "cosmetic" code. This one will light up the title screen with 24 stars, but as far as I can tell it's just for looks.
VXXKYIAV - The "mystery" code. This modifies part of the game code that looks at the "stars" byte, but I have no idea what it does.
You can use them in any combination that you want, as they should work independent of each other (except maybe the third one, since I don't know what it actually does...). I figured 24 stars was better than 7 or 8, but if you specifically need 7 or 8 stars there, I can come up with codes for those, as well.
May I jump in with something different?
I have a question from the other end: There are two versions of hacked FDS version of All night nippon Super mario bros rom to work on cartridge:
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (J).nes
All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (J) [a1].nes
The ONLY difference is at h9B6F where the first one has hEF and the second [alternative] has h6F. What does this difference do? It's definatelly nothing obvious because I can't tell from playing those two versions for some time. Maybe it's just some mistake that occured during dumping the pirate rom, and maybe it doesn't affect gameplay at all. Can this be discovered by any mean? Thanks!
When you're looking for small changes like this based only on a single address, the first thing to do would be to determine if it's program rom or character rom. A quick glance at the rom in a tile editor shows that the address 0x9b6f is part of the CHR-ROM, so it's just a graphical change.
The difference is a single pixel in part of the stone floor graphics, as shown below. I've marked the different pixel with a blue pixel so it'll stand out better. You can see after I stop marking it that it is indeed a different color between versions.
And here they are side by side, notice the bottom-left pixel
Wow you really ARE a genius Joe! Thanks! I would have never found out what's the difference, and it would bother me for a VERY long time! I would say that the A1 stone texture version looks a little better than the first one, but it's such a small diference that I actually think it's only a mistake. And a mistake that got an [a1] tag and it's spread over the internet.
Also great job on the stars-code for loopy's SMB2j! Always appreciate a new code for my repro! :D
UglyJoe, thanx for the codes. i tested them on a real nes.
VXEGZGAV - The "functional" code. It works, but the game freezes sometimes. for exemple when i was at the end of world A-1, or when i paused the game in A-1 to go for a smoke. It's random. i don't know if it's a bad connection between the nes-game genie-game, or maybe the rom, or even the code.
VZUYXZAV - The "cosmetic" code. - This code didn't worked.
if you please, can me make a code to have 7 stars. why 7? because i want to make another cart whit the code patched in the rom. and that way you can acces world A-1 only when you finish the game one time. it's not important if the star are visible or not at the title screen.
Quote from: gorgyrip on February 10, 2011, 11:13:39 pm
if you please, can me make a code to have 7 stars. why 7? because i want to make another cart whit the code patched in the rom. and that way you can acces world A-1 only when you finish the game one time. it's not important if the star are visible or not at the title screen.
Would have been helpful to know this at the beginning! So you don't really want 7 stars, you want to be able to get to World A after beating the game only once. Those are two different things. I can make a code for that.
sorry for not telling you. a code like you said would be perfect.
Try PEEGGKAA. That should let you get to World A with only one star.
thanx. i will try that.
Post Merge: February 13, 2011, 05:54:03 am
i just finished the game (using warp pipes) with your code and it's working! THANX. soon i will make a new cart.
I finished the new cart with the code patched into the rom and it's working. Thanx again UglyJoe.
I made this in just for amusement... and also for another reason.
Super Mario Bros.
Enable music and sound effects on the Title Screen
Quote from: nensondubois on March 14, 2011, 06:20:00 pmAOSYLZEI + AUNPAAEY
That's a great idea! I'm happy to see it, because I'm still searching for something like presentational rom (imagine a working famicom displayed under some glass with a small TV), and to have SMB running with full sound effects and music without touching the controllers is a great idea. Off topic - any idea how to exchange the built-in demo for a full/partial run of the game?
The demos were programmed and making the game play itself would require a massive reprogramming of the game which isn't likely to happen. :D
How will I know I have Loopys Hack??
Is there a Stage Selete Code for Super Mario Bros. 2 (SMB1 Hack) ??
Quote from: nensondubois on March 15, 2011, 08:56:19 am...require a massive reprogramming of the game which isn't likely to happen
Doh... :(
Quote from: MarioMania on March 16, 2011, 12:20:54 amHow will I know I have Loopys Hack??Is there a Stage Selete Code for Super Mario Bros. 2 (SMB1 Hack) ??
Well if you have downloaded the rom from loopy's site, then you have the loopy's hack :D
And codes for the SMB1 hack should be the same as for normal SMB1... but I'm not sure.
I got a smb2j ROM..I don't know if it's Loopy's Hack or not...
the PEEGGKAA code dosen't work in an NEStopia
Anybody have any 9 Lives code for the MMC Hack??
Quote from: MarioMania on March 16, 2011, 02:05:13 pm
Anybody have any 9 Lives code for the MMC Hack??
you should have read the whole thread - I was asking about loopy's hack a couple of weeks ago:
you only asked for the level select code...
But I just saw he made the Infinite lives code, I got that....
anymore codes for Super Mario Bros. 2 (J)??
Not from me, no. All the codes that I came up with are already posted here.
UglyJoe, could you see if you can make a code to give infinite special weapon energy in The Guardian Legend? I've never completed it sadly and want to see it to the end. Thanks!
I don't have the time to make codes, at the moment. Maybe someone else can make one?
Has anybody seen a "stop-timer" code for Blade buster (
..also an infinite lives code would be nice, but that should be not so har do do myself.
Quote from: jpx72 on October 27, 2011, 11:11:27 pm
Has anybody seen a "stop-timer" code for Blade buster (
..also an infinite lives code would be nice, but that should be not so har do do myself.
AVOKENVG - Stop timer
AOKEAUIA - Infinite lives
I haven't tested either one of these extensively, so YMMV.
I'd like to point out this resource I've came across
This site has GG codes for hundreds of nes AND famicom games! It's not perfect, but it's sure got a lot of codes. I think it's something we should all have in our favorites.
Quote from: UglyJoe on October 28, 2011, 06:56:39 pm
AVOKENVG - Stop timer
AOKEAUIA - Infinite lives
Thank you very much for those! I will test them ASAP and report back! Thank you again! I'm so desperate when it comes to clock-value modifying..
Quote from: 133MHz on September 19, 2007, 09:53:07 pm
Super Mario Brothers (NES):
IKAAAE - gets REALLY crazy and glitchy, you just have to try it!
Awesome!! This code is amazing. I find that I can milk the total meltdown in the game without it freezing if I avoid the mushroom power-up. Becoming big Mario seems to force the game to step off the deep end into a total freeze; best to remain small and enjoy the crazy show. ;)
Super Mario Bros., loops the scene between 1-1 and 1-2 infinitely. It's like a piece of post-modern art ;D
Here's a simple one I made last night -
Dig Dug:
GGGGGG - Start at Level 99, and once you beat it, you get to do the same level over again and again!
UglyJoe are you taking requests ATM? I'm looking for a super high jump code for the NES game Mystery Quest. If not, that's okay.
May I ask for help with invincibility code for Rockman 4: Minus infinity hack?
No need for "no hit" code, only that the life bar will not decrease on hit. THANKS A MILLION!
Quote from: jpx72 on September 04, 2012, 04:24:31 am
May I ask for help with invincibility code for Rockman 4: Minus infinity hack?
No need for "no hit" code, only that the life bar will not decrease on hit. THANKS A MILLION!
MMC3 or MMC5 version?
MMC5 version: OXKPUZSX & NNKPVXYO (spikes will still kill you; technically only the first code is needed)
Quote from: DDCecil on July 21, 2012, 11:56:50 pm
UglyJoe are you taking requests ATM? I'm looking for a super high jump code for the NES game Mystery Quest. If not, that's okay.
FYI, I did look at this back in July, but the jumping routine was more complicated than I thought it would be. Tracing through the whole thing didn't seem like a great way to spend my time :D
Quote from: UglyJoe on September 04, 2012, 06:01:40 pm
MMC5 version: OXKPUZSX & NNKPVXYO (spikes will still kill you; technically only the first code is needed)
Thank you very much!!! Yes, the MMC5 version is the one I am after, it seems more real-hardware compatible (and that's why I am after this version).
Thank you for the fast reply! :star:
Can anyone Convert these Super Mario Bros. 3 to Super Mario Bros. 3 (J)
Re-Enterable Levels Beaten By Mario
Re-Enterable Mushroom Houses Beaten By Mario
Turns All Bricks Into Coins
Many Blocks Will Have Infinite Multiple Coins Inside Them
Infinite Time [Works On All Levels]
Coin For A 1 Up
Re-Enter Levels Beaten By Mario
Re-Enter Mushroom Houses Beaten By Mario
Slower Timer
Press B to Raise P Meter While Standing
it would help if you listed the codes themselves rather than just what each does.
Convert to Super Mario Bros.3 (J) PRG1
AEUGNSSL - Re-Enter Levels Beaten By Mario
AKUGNSSL - Re-Enter Mushroom Houses Beaten By Mario
ATUXYVOP - Infinite Re-Use of Items For Mario And Luigi
EIXKXTEY - Can Pass Over Most Stages
AGOGVLYT - Turns All Bricks Into Coins
LVUSVKYI - Many Blocks Will Have Infinite Multiple Coins Inside Them
AINZULAL - Press B to Raise P Meter While Standing
SXUZENVK or SXKXKNVK - Infinite Time [Works On All Levels]
ANUZVNAZ - Slower Timer
I wrote a short guide earlier in this thread for converting codes between game variations. I wrote it for Megaman => Rockman, but would apply to SMB3 US => SMB3 J as well: (
Sorry for the necrobump, but is there any game genie code for infinite weapon energy in Rockman 4 Minus Infinity (MMC3)?
Quote from: TheDoc on June 10, 2013, 03:56:39 pm
Sorry for the necrobump, but is there any game genie code for infinite weapon energy in Rockman 4 Minus Infinity (MMC3)?
Here there are some Game Genie codes for Super Mario Bros. (NES) that weren't posted into this topic. :)
Tested on NTSC version of SMB1, haven't tried them on european version yet.
(Allows you to go to any world you wish, even after world 8, so you can explore all 256 worlds in a game)
SOSENA (Graphics are messed up)
POPAYA (Graphics are messed up along with the screeen where it says how many lives you have)
ENEPIP (Star Mario + No Power-up on title screen demo. Timer goes to 1000 and timer doesn't reset if you die. After dying, Mario looks like he got a star)
XLNULZ (Mario freezes when he gets a mushroom, but the music still keeps playing. Can't control him at all)
EPISKA (Mario freezes when he touches an enemy or falls into a pit. Also during that, some random sound effect is playing)
SIZPSK / KILPSK / PIUPSK (Different enemies. Can't go further than World 1-2. Even Warp Zones won't help much)
KILLLX (Mario Freezes when getting a mushroom)
OSAPSK (No floor)
ALPPSK (Different levels. If you die, you go to the next level)
Holy diver - infinite lives-SXKVTOVK
almost a requirement to beat it! :)
So I tried out the R4MI cheat, and it worked for the Rush Adaptors only... :-[
Heh, I was wondering if that would be the case. I guess I'll have to beat a robot master or two and make a new code.
If it helps, Megaman 4's original Game Genie code for infinite weapon energy (GXENESOO) did the job pretty well EXCEPT for the Rush Adaptor and the Balloon Adaptor (Wire is unlimited already). Although it worked for Dive and Ring, it screwed them both up in a couple game-breaking ways:
1.) It would randomly deplete your weapon energy completely
2.) If you died, you completely lost both of the weapons even if you already beat the boss.
I think it has to do with the fact that both Dive and Ring have an ammo capacity of >28 (Ring being 56 and Dive 72), but I'm just spitballing here.
I appreciate you taking the time to do this and I hope I helped! ;D
Using the save file that you PM'd me, I came up with OZNNKSPX (mmc3). This is giving unlimited weapon energy for everything in the save file except for the Rush Search (which, I guess, you can use this code and the one I gave earlier at the same time...haven't tried).
Quote from: TheDoc on June 14, 2013, 10:35:47 am
2.) If you died, you completely lost both of the weapons even if you already beat the boss.
I think it has to do with the fact that both Dive and Ring have an ammo capacity of >28 (Ring being 56 and Dive 72), but I'm just spitballing here.
This happened to me once, and I wasn't using any other codes. Don't know if it was a residual effect in your save file or if it was my GG code. :-\
Ummm,..this actually made the weapon disappearance worse for me. If I completely lost my ammo on Dive, then switched it out for another weapon, Dive would be gone forever. Also, if I died, Balloon AND Dive would be gone. I'm going to try it on FCEUX (I'd been using VirtuaNES up to this point) to see if that helps.
Hmm...guess I'm not going to be able to figure this one out, then :D
I'm looking for some Game Genie codes for the Tetsuan Atom (Astro Boy) and Circus Charlie Famicom games. I need unlimited lives codes for both, but anything wold be useful.
Tetsuwan Atom - Infinite Lives
(This one is weird because the game has a kind of life score instead of just a number of lives. I think these will work, but I didn't test it too much.)
Circus Charlie - Infinite Lives
Does anyone have a game genie code for Ninja Gaiden/Ryukenden that makes pirated copies of the game (like on a multicart) have all powerups intact?
The Tetsuwan Atom codes worked fine, but I'm still not getting very far. Is there an invincibility code?
Max, try the U.S. codes. Every time I use the U.S. Game genie codes on my multicart games, they work like a charm!
I found this:
FCEU Codes For NES Salamander(J):
Infinite Lives
0034 09
What would be the GG equivalent? I tried numerous "converters", but I guess I'm not getting it. One said it would be PALAGE but all it did was freeze the game.
Quote from: DDCecil on August 19, 2015, 04:00:49 pm
I found this:
FCEU Codes For NES Salamander(J):
Infinite Lives
0034 09
What would be the GG equivalent? I tried numerous "converters", but I guess I'm not getting it. One said it would be PALAGE but all it did was freeze the game.
0034 is a RAM address. Game Genie codes can only modify ROM addresses.
You can use this instead, though: OXNKYAVS
Quote from: UglyJoe on August 19, 2015, 05:39:32 pm
Quote from: DDCecil on August 19, 2015, 04:00:49 pm
I found this:
FCEU Codes For NES Salamander(J):
Infinite Lives
0034 09
What would be the GG equivalent? I tried numerous "converters", but I guess I'm not getting it. One said it would be PALAGE but all it did was freeze the game.
0034 is a RAM address. Game Genie codes can only modify ROM addresses.
You can use this instead, though: OXNKYAVS
Thanks, man! I appreciate it! One more question. I found this code for Mystery Quest for Super Jumps:
RAM Write - Constantly writes 0xF0 to the RAM address 0x46.
Since it's also a RAM address, does that mean I can't add it to say FCEU's cheat page (I've tried the F0 on Value and COmpare, but they always turn to 0):
Quote from: DDCecil on August 19, 2015, 07:59:00 pm
Since it's also a RAM address, does that mean I can't add it to say FCEU's cheat page (I've tried the F0 on Value and COmpare, but they always turn to 0):
Right. You'd have to use a debugger to find out what part of the code (which is in the ROM address space) sets values to 0x0046 and change it to set it to 0xF0 instead. That's an over-simplified explanation, though :-[
In the vein of monkeys typing on a keyboard and writing Shakespeare, I made these codes for Mystery Quest on my own quest to find a jump code just by randomly inserting letters:
PZLUNZ - Less enemies
POPPIS - Slide!
ISZXUY - Missing parts of level
SKAPZL - Every enemy drops a star health power-up- change 1st and last letter for other effects
TOZXVT - NEW WORLD! Have fun dropping between sub-areas 1 and 2!
ELPOZL - No enemies, but can't shoot!
NLZPAK - Keep taking damage!
AEPGKI - Shoot Up-Right diagonally!
ALLUUL - new palette
I just finished my first play through of the incredible Zelda 1 hack, Legend of Link.
I'm planning on writing an article about it for my blog and plan to capture specific screenshots for it, playing it through a second time at an execrated rate now that I've played it through.
UglyJoe or someone else, could you please generate a Game Genie code that would allow me to walk anywhere in the overworld? A "walk through walls" code as it were. This would greatly speed up the process of playing through the game with screenshots.
Thanks for any assistance.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on April 04, 2016, 02:38:36 am
UglyJoe or someone else, could you please generate a Game Genie code that would allow me to walk anywhere in the overworld? A "walk through walls" code as it were.
Not sure I could pull it off using Game Genie codes. I figured out how to "warp" Link around the screen by poking some memory addresses, so that I can get to any edge of the screen and walk to the adjacent screens. If you use FCEUX, I could write you a LUA script to get you around.
Thanks for looking into it, but I contacted the creator and he helped me out with this.
Ah, it's cool that they were willing to help you out.
I made the LUA script anyway, though ;D
UglyJoe, I've got something else I'd like to request your help with.
Could you see if you can come up with codes to disable hit detection for all six Rockman games and possibly their US Megaman counterparts as well? This is especially important for Rockman 2, but I would like the same code done for the others as well if you can manage it.
The reason i request this is because I'd like to a mapping series of Megaman ROM hacks, especially for the more elaborate hacks. Make level maps to both admire what the hacker was doing and also be able to write up strategy guides for the most difficult hacks.
For the mapping portion, I need to make sure Megaman can move through enemies and enemy fire as if it isn't there.
For Rockman 2, you can use both:
ATSTYSOZ AVOVTSSA - works in levels
ATXXISOZ ATNZPSSA - works on bosses
I only tried this on three levels and two bosses. Instant-death traps will still kill you. I doubt these will work with advanced rom hacks, though.
(updated the codes with ones that still let you pick up powerups and seem to cause less glitches)
excellent! Thank you so much. What about Megaman 2 NTSC?
I haven't looked at Megaman 2. Those same codes might work.
They don't seem to work for Megaman 2, only Rockman 2. Can you see if you can adapt the codes to work with MM2?
Try these two for Megaman 2:
The first one seems to screw up some of the graphics in the opening sequence, so if you see weird stuff while playing, you may need to temporarily disable the cheats. (This was probably true with Rockman 2, as well, but I didn't check).
(updated the codes so you should be able to pickup powerups now and they don't seem to be as glitchy)
FYI, these codes end up skipping entire routines. The logic that says, "you've been hit" is getting skipped, but there's a possibility that other stuff is being skipped too.
Truly excellent. Thank you. Could you please see if you can do the same for Rockman 3 and then Megaman 3? I would imagine that the engines are very similar for all six games, so hopefully this won't be too difficult. I'd like this done for all six Rockman games, but 2 and then 3 are the top priority.
Rockman 3 and Megaman 3:
AVOAYESZ - run through enemies and projectiles (seems to work in levels and on bosses)
Umm, You forgot to put what it does
It's for an ongoing request for satoshi matrix, but I added a description, anyway.
Rockman 4, Megaman 4 (PRG0 or PRG1)
AVKEGOSZ - run through enemies and projectiles
Post Merge: April 22, 2016, 10:57:13 am
Please also do Rockman 5 and 6 this is really great!
I've also got another request. In Rockman 2, is it possible to generate a GameGenie code to mute sound effects, but not music? There are a number of hacks that use custom music, and I'd like to record it without sound effects getting it in the recording.
Have you tried these code with any hacks? Like I said earlier, there's a good chance they won't work.
Megaman 5 Rockman 5:
AVKATZEY - run through enemies and projectiles
Megaman 6, Rockman 6:
ATNAXYSZ - run through enemies and projectiles
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on April 22, 2016, 01:24:27 am
I've also got another request. In Rockman 2, is it possible to generate a GameGenie code to mute sound effects, but not music? There are a number of hacks that use custom music, and I'd like to record it without sound effects getting it in the recording.
Wouldn't an NSF be better for that?
Thanks! Lastly, can you see if you can get a code for Rockman 1 and Megaman 1?
Yes, nsfs would be preferred, but again I want to record custom music from custom hacks. There are no nsfs available.
and the Rockman games don't have sound tests, so the only way to record audio is from the game running. But there's a sound effect as soon as Rockman appears onscreen, and sometimes there is an enemy right away as well. So if theres a gg code that could be whipped up starting with Rockman 2 that would disable sound effects, that would be be great.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on April 22, 2016, 10:56:21 pm
Thanks! Lastly, can you see if you can get a code for Rockman 1 and Megaman 1?
Megaman / Rockman:
ATUXYXAL - run through enemies and projectiles
Post Merge: April 23, 2016, 08:23:17 am
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on April 22, 2016, 01:24:27 am
I've also got another request. In Rockman 2, is it possible to generate a GameGenie code to mute sound effects, but not music? There are a number of hacks that use custom music, and I'd like to record it without sound effects getting it in the recording.
Rockman 2, Megaman 2:
AVKALAEL - no sound effects
I got lucky with this one. I probably wouldn't have been able to figure it out without the RAM map (
I updated the Rockman 2 and Megaman 2 invincibility codes so that they are less buggy, btw.
Great! Is it possible to do that with other Rockman games as well?
I'm done with game genie for a while :-[
It's Mega Man, two words not one word
Quote from: MarioMania on April 26, 2016, 01:55:11 pm
It's Mega Man, two words not one word
It's actually spelled "Rockman" ;D
I don't get why Mega Man, Elec Man etc is usually spelled with a space. Isn't it names? At least a hyphen instead of a space would be more normal.
The spacing doesn't exist in Japanese. It was done in English I guess to help kids more easily pronounce the names. Megaman to a child is harder to read than Mega Man. I will frequently ignore the spaces whenever talking about Rockman as well. I suggest you do the same, just pretend they don't exist.
I just checked the first game (both Japanese and English versions) and there are no spaces, they are all Elecman etc. I guess people have started adding spaces in the robot names just to make them match Rockman's localized name.
Does anyone have codes for the FDS version of Zelda 2 :'(
Sorry, FDS games don't support GameGenie because the cartridge port is occupied with the RAM adapter.
UglyJoe, I've got another request. Last time, I asked if the sound effects for the Megaman games could be muted, leaving only the BGMs. Now I'd like the opposite. Leave all sound effects, but mute all background music. Could you please start with Rockman 2 and the US Megaman 2, then the US versions of 3, 4, 5 6? Thanks! you're a real hero and wizard at this.
ATKAGASZ - Rockman 2, no music (SFX only).
I haven't tested this very much, but seems to be working. Did not test on Megaman 2.
Did the Rockman 2 "no sfx" codes work for you with any rom hacks?
Alright! ;D
The same code works for both Rockman 2 and Megaman 2. I just did most of a playthrough and it appears to be working. In case you're wondering, this is so I can record footage, insert custom music and still retain the sound effects.
And yes, the previous removal of sound effects only worked for every rom hack I tried.
Next, please see if you can come up with the same no music, sfx only code for Megaman 3. Rockman 3 might even be the same code.
ATVEYPXZ - Rockman 3, no music (SFX only)
ATVEYPXZ - Rockman 4, no music (SFX only) (Yay, code re-use!)
ATVEYPXZ - Rockman 5, no music (SFX only) (Haha, this is getting ridiculous)
ATVETPXZ - Rockman 6, no music (SFX only) (Aw, combo breaker!)
Excellent I try these all out shortly.
I don't know if this is outside your wheelhouse, but could the ssme effect (no music, SFX only) be done for the GameBoy Megaman II? I've got a run planned for that if a GG code could be done to remove the music but keep the sound effects.
I tried, but I can't quite get it. When are you doing your run? I may be able to try again later.
I had hoped to be doing it later on this month. Megaman II GB is an okay game but the stock audio is pretty terrible. There's an amazing VRC6 arrange that I want to put a run to. Please see if youc an do this!
UglyJoe, can you see if you can whip up a GameGenie code for Super Mario World that mutes the sound effects but retains the BGM? Thanks.
I'm not really familiar with the SNES hardware architecture, sorry.
Hm that's unfortunate, but understandable. Do you know anyone who might be able to help, perhaps another forum?
There are tools for modifying the sounds in SMW. If I were going to do it, I would probably try using one of those to remove the sound effects or replace them all with a silent sound effect.
UglyJoe may I ask you for help making a working IPS patch for japanes Gimmick with unlimited lives?
It's been a while and I don't remember how it's done, I found a code
but when I "insert" the code into the rom with software "Game Genie Guy by Kyle", the output rom has glitches (on the START screen you can see a small black glitch flying over, and one music chanel is out of sync after a while).
I don't even know if the code is correct but it's working in Nestopia, at least in first level, I found a forum where somebody said you must not die in level 2 or the game freezes.
Maybe a 99 lives code would be better (safer and glitchless) than an unlimited one.
I can tell by the code's length that it's not doing a comparison check, so it's likely to cause bugs in a game as large as Gimmick. I'll take a look at it tonight if I get a chance.
SXVTTSVK - GImmick! Infinite lives
The SUTTTS code targets the same address as SXVTTSVK, but since it doesn't do a comparison check it ends up modifying 32 bytes instead of 1 byte!
It sounds like you know how to make IPS patches, so I'll leave that to you.
Thanks Joe, you're the boss of Game Genie!
I saw the adresses in FCEUX's "Possible Affected ROM File Addresses" and now I understand that there is something wrong. With your new code there is only one adress.
A simple hexedit can do the trick now :)
Also take a look through the history of this thread. I think you're getting him to do the same codes he did for me a while back!
No, not for gimmick so far.
I'm still looking to see if it's possible to mute the BGM in Megaman 2 (GB) and retain the sound effects. I asked about this on nesdev and got what may be a promising lead:
"I don't know GB assembly enough to look at the ROM, but there's a possibility this could work:
get the GBS rip
get the music play routine, disassemble it to find out if it's a code stub added by the ripper (for the init it probably is, so get the real address from this code)
replace all the calls to that address with NOPs
If removing play doesn't work, try the same thing with the init address instead.
But if that same address initializes/plays sound effects too, or is otherwise still needed, then it's going to be significantly more complicated."
So with that in mind,
The Megaman 2 GBS file can be found here:
and the original rom for disassembly purposes can be found through a simple google search. Not gonna direct link to it in this case.
Hopefully there is someone out there with the knowledge to do what was suggested with these files.
That's essentially what I tried to do. It does appear that the same routine is used for both music and sound effects, so I couldn't just disable the routine (it mutes the entire game). I tried to separate the music calls and the sound effects calls, but I couldn't get it to work properly. I did get it to only play SFX and not music, but the SFX were messed up. It seemed to me like the SFX won't work properly at all unless there is music playing, but I didn't take the time to disassemble the audio routine. (I'm not familiar enough with the gameboy's architecture to do it, and even if I were it would be very time-consuming).
Hm. So then in your estimation, do you think what I am seeking is possible? If it isn't then I might as well know so I can give up on it.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on September 25, 2016, 05:06:04 pm
Hm. So then in your estimation, do you think what I am seeking is possible? If it isn't then I might as well know so I can give up on it.
I'm not experienced enough with the GameBoy to say one way or the other. I would guess that somebody more familiar with it than me could figure it out if they put in the effort. I do think it would involve figuring out how the sound engine works, though, which is no simple task.
Don't worry UglyJoe, it's okay. I'd rather focus on NES/Famicom games anyway. To that end, I would please like to ask for some BGM cuts (sound effects remaining) in a few other NES/Famicom games:
Megaman/Rockman 1
Gradius 1
Super Mario Bros.
Castlevania 1 NES
DuckTales 1
Dr. Mario
Here is something I have wondered for a long time, since back in 1999 or so.
Regarding Castlevania III: Is it possible to use a Game Genie code(s) or create a password of sorts, where Trevor Belmont is replaced by one of the spirit helpers? For example, having Sypha and Grant (and no Trevor), or Alucard and Sypha, etc. I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be possible to replace Trevor with one of the other helpers, having two special characters without the Belmont, but thus far I have never seen any code about it, and I just play games, don't create them, so maybe I am expecting the impossible?
I've never looked at the game's code, but my guess is that Trevor is sort of hard-coded in such a way that you can't remove him from the party. I'll take a look later if I get a chance.
Edit: Looked into it a bit. I don't see a way of doing it by only changing three bytes (the standard limit for number of Game Genie codes). I'm pretty sure I could do it with a plain ASM hack, though.
Quote from: UglyJoe on October 05, 2016, 12:04:37 pm
I've never looked at the game's code, but my guess is that Trevor is sort of hard-coded in such a way that you can't remove him from the party. I'll take a look later if I get a chance.
Edit: Looked into it a bit. I don't see a way of doing it by only changing three bytes (the standard limit for number of Game Genie codes). I'm pretty sure I could do it with a plain ASM hack, though.
If you combined multiple Game Genies, do you think it would be possible?
Quote from: fcgamer on October 06, 2016, 01:51:34 am
If you combined multiple Game Genies, do you think it would be possible?
Does that even work?
I found a new approach to take last night after I posted, so I may be able to get it in three bytes or less after all.
Quote from: UglyJoe on October 06, 2016, 07:10:06 am
Quote from: fcgamer on October 06, 2016, 01:51:34 am
If you combined multiple Game Genies, do you think it would be possible?
Does that even work?
I found a new approach to take last night after I posted, so I may be able to get it in three bytes or less after all.
I know you can use multiple Game Genies to make more than 3 changes / to combine codes.
If you can figure out some Game Genie method to get this to work, I'll send you a nice goodie package as a reward ;) It's always been my dream, something like this.
Flashcarts usually gives 5 Game Genie codes or something. But it might still not be possible to do by just changing 5 bytes.
Quote from: fcgamer on October 05, 2016, 11:02:37 am
Regarding Castlevania III: Is it possible to use a Game Genie code(s) or create a password of sorts, where Trevor Belmont is replaced by one of the spirit helpers?
Okay, I managed to get this to work using a combination of cheat codes (special user names at the name entry screen) and game genie. I would consider these "beta" codes, since CV3 is a complicated game and I didn't test things out too much. These are for the US version of Castlevania III.
I'll test them / convert them for Akumajou Densetsu in a bit. Akumajou Densetsu does not seem to have name cheats like the US version, so I'm not sure I could do it.
Party | Name | Game Genie |
Sypha + Alucard | URATA | SEXOZAEI + PUXOLAZE |
You'll still start out as Trevor, but once you switch characters he should be gone for good.
Now that's pretty cool! I'd never thought to try CV3 without the Belmont, but now I'm going to have to give this a playthrough. Thanks!
When you get a chance, could you please see about BGM muting in the NES games I mentioned above? Thanks.
Megaman/Rockman 1
Gradius 1
Super Mario Bros.
Salamander (or LifeForce if you can't do Salamander)
Castlevania 1 NES
DuckTales 1
Dr. Mario
Yeah, I saw your list.
Megaman/Rockman 1 - No music - ATKOIAEL
Gradius apparently uses its SFX engine to play back certain overture type tunes. Like when the game starts, you hear music but no sound effects, but eventually the song loses a little depth and then you hear your sound effects. With the BGM disabled, you still hear those overture things.
Gradius (J) - No music - USSVOGTV
Gradius (U) - No music - SXXVUKAU
Great. No rush on all of them, just one at a time at your pace. Thanks! :)
These are great. I was hoping that Gradius 1 wouldn't have that problem but I speculated that would indeed be the case which is why sound effects don't play as soon as you start the game.
The Megaman 1 codes are very useful. Now I can do that Touhou project I had been planning. Many thanks.
Could you please look into Castlevania 1 (NES) next? Thanks.
Bump...UglyJoe, could you please see about Castlevania 1 without bgm next? I wanna do a halloween special. Thanks!
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on October 30, 2016, 10:51:36 pm
Bump...UglyJoe, could you please see about Castlevania 1 without bgm next? I wanna do a halloween special. Thanks!
Preliminary codes:
This mutes the stage BGM, but the incidental stuff (intro, boss music, game over, ending [probably]) still plays.
Too late for Halloween, though :-[
Thank you! Even though its late it still is very much appreciated. This will let me do some Castlevania stuff I've wanted to do for a while now. This will be a great result.
The next ones that I'd like SFX only codes for:
Super Mario Bros. 3
Final Fantasy 1
Earth Bound
Super C
Here's some Game Genie codes for Moai-Kun: :)
PEEOZYGT - Fall from high places without getting hurt.
SZELGYVG - Infinite Time
LOSTVYLA - Doesn't really help with anything, but enables horizontal side-scrolling in level 3. (There is unused code for horizontal side-scrolling, but it isn't used without hacks or game genie codes)
I also made a bunch of Game Genie codes, one for each level, so you can start on any level you want. I don't remember where I saved them, but later I'll try and find them.
Also, could someone make a Game Genie code for Super Mario Bros. that prevents you from getting extra lives? (Both by 1-ups and by getting 100 coins). I'm making a ROM hack where you have infinite lives, and I want to combine the code that prevents you from losing lives with a code that doesn't let you get lives.
There's these 2 GG codes for the Japanese version of Final Fantasy IIj (NES):
Walk through walls in towns/dungeons:
Walk faster in towns and dungeons:
Is there a way to convert them to work on the U.S. Prototype version? Most codes already work with it, but these 2 don't unfortunately. Thanks!
Quote from: DDCecil on November 06, 2016, 01:28:36 pm
There's these 2 GG codes for the Japanese version of Final Fantasy IIj (NES):
Walk through walls in towns/dungeons:
Walk faster in towns and dungeons:
Is there a way to convert them to work on the U.S. Prototype version? Most codes already work with it, but these 2 don't unfortunately. Thanks!
Do either of these codes work for you with the Japanese version? They don't seem to be working for me.
Hmm, both codes work fine for me on the normal FF2j ROM and the FF1 and 2 combo cart ROM:
I've found sometimes it depends on the revision. I couldn't get the Castlevania codes to work until I tried a totally different rom. My actual cart won't accept them.
UglyJoe, when you get a chance, please see about a code for Super Mario Bros. 3. I don't know if youtube will block it without the music. It'll be interesting to see what happens.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on November 07, 2016, 11:33:39 am
I've found sometimes it depends on the revision. I couldn't get the Castlevania codes to work until I tried a totally different rom. My actual cart won't accept them.
Sorry about that. I wasn't done making the codes, so I didn't try both roms (there is a PRG0 and PRG1 version).
Post Merge: November 08, 2016, 06:47:57 pm
Quote from: DDCecil on November 06, 2016, 01:28:36 pm
There's these 2 GG codes for the Japanese version of Final Fantasy IIj (NES):
Walk through walls in towns/dungeons:
Walk faster in towns and dungeons:
Is there a way to convert them to work on the U.S. Prototype version? Most codes already work with it, but these 2 don't unfortunately. Thanks!
Walk through walls in towns/dungeons:
Walk faster in towns and dungeons:
(FYI, if you find yourself using Mednafen and the cheats aren't working, hit Alt+T to make sure cheats are enabled :-[)
Post Merge: November 08, 2016, 07:28:39 pm
Quote from: HummerTeam1001 on November 06, 2016, 01:17:57 pm
Also, could someone make a Game Genie code for Super Mario Bros. that prevents you from getting extra lives? (Both by 1-ups and by getting 100 coins). I'm making a ROM hack where you have infinite lives, and I want to combine the code that prevents you from losing lives with a code that doesn't let you get lives.
SXVATKVV - no extra life from 1-up
SZOUUKVV - no extra life from 100 coins
Post Merge: November 08, 2016, 07:30:20 pm
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on November 07, 2016, 11:33:39 am
UglyJoe, when you get a chance, please see about a code for Super Mario Bros. 3. I don't know if youtube will block it without the music. It'll be interesting to see what happens.
FYI, not ignoring you. I've been making codes from my couch where I can't really be messing with audio without being really annoying ;)
Okay, thanks. I'll be all done the Castlevania content in four days. If you could please have at least one of the games I requested BGM removal for by then that would be much appreciated. Really, I am very thankful for you. I wouldn't be able to make these videos without you.
The FFIIj codes worked great! Thanks again!
Quote from: UglyJoe on November 07, 2016, 11:48:05 am
SXVATKVV - no extra life from 1-up
SZOUUKVV - no extra life from 100 coins
Thanks! :)
Quote from: HummerTeam1001 on November 11, 2016, 05:50:42 am
Quote from: UglyJoe on November 07, 2016, 11:48:05 am
SXVATKVV - no extra life from 1-up
SZOUUKVV - no extra life from 100 coins
Thanks! :)
Sure. But I guess there's also the case where you get a 1-up by jumping on enemies repeatedly? And also one for using the same turtle shell to kill a bunch of enemies?
And from the flag pole. Or maybe that was exclusively in SMB2j?
Quote from: UglyJoe on November 11, 2016, 11:46:32 am
Quote from: HummerTeam1001 on November 11, 2016, 05:50:42 am
Quote from: UglyJoe on November 07, 2016, 11:48:05 am
SXVATKVV - no extra life from 1-up
SZOUUKVV - no extra life from 100 coins
Thanks! :)
Sure. But I guess there's also the case where you get a 1-up by jumping on enemies repeatedly? And also one for using the same turtle shell to kill a bunch of enemies?
Yeah it's ok. That sort of thing doesn't really happen very often in my ROM hack, as far as I know. :)
Quote from: P on November 11, 2016, 02:16:27 pm
And from the flag pole. Or maybe that was exclusively in SMB2j?
That wasn't in the original SMB, I'm 99% sure.
Ah yes I'm pretty sure it's in SMB2j only. Something about jumping on the flag at a certain value of the timer.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on November 09, 2016, 12:26:04 am
Okay, thanks. I'll be all done the Castlevania content in four days. If you could please have at least one of the games I requested BGM removal for by then that would be much appreciated. Really, I am very thankful for you. I wouldn't be able to make these videos without you.
Sorry, man, I don't think I can do these for you. These aren't easy like most of the other requests. I enjoy making them, but they take too much time/concentration, neither of which I have much of recently.
What about the original Super Mario Bros?
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on November 17, 2016, 04:39:26 am
What about the original Super Mario Bros?
Okay, so this one was easy since there's a fully documented disassembly of the game...
Okay, that'll be useful. Thanks. Please see about SMB3. There's so many rom hacks out there I definitely want to do something with Mario 3 there's any possibility at all.
If Mario 3 is still out of the question,
What about Final Fantasy 1 or Earth Bound? Can you see about either of those? Thanks.
I had started looking into SMB3 (since, amazingly, there is a disassembly for that as well), but did not get a chance to complete it. I'll be pretty busy throughout December, so I don't think I'll be able to make any codes until the new year.
Hey I found the "start on any level" codes for Moai Kun I made. :)
I wrote a computer program to make codes for levels 0-255, although there aren't that many levels in the game. :P
Level 0 will crash, and levels after the last level will be kind of glitched, with weird objects and stuff.
I would take out those codes, but I don't remember how many levels the game has.
Here's the list (in a spoiler because it's really long):
Start on level 0: AESEGZPA
Start on level 1: PESEGZPA
Start on level 2: ZESEGZPA
Start on level 3: LESEGZPA
Start on level 4: GESEGZPA
Start on level 5: IESEGZPA
Start on level 6: TESEGZPA
Start on level 7: YESEGZPA
Start on level 8: AESEGZPE
Start on level 9: PESEGZPE
Start on level 10: ZESEGZPE
Start on level 11: LESEGZPE
Start on level 12: GESEGZPE
Start on level 13: IESEGZPE
Start on level 14: TESEGZPE
Start on level 15: YESEGZPE
Start on level 16: AOSEGZPA
Start on level 17: POSEGZPA
Start on level 18: ZOSEGZPA
Start on level 19: LOSEGZPA
Start on level 20: GOSEGZPA
Start on level 21: IOSEGZPA
Start on level 22: TOSEGZPA
Start on level 23: YOSEGZPA
Start on level 24: AOSEGZPE
Start on level 25: POSEGZPE
Start on level 26: ZOSEGZPE
Start on level 27: LOSEGZPE
Start on level 28: GOSEGZPE
Start on level 29: IOSEGZPE
Start on level 30: TOSEGZPE
Start on level 31: YOSEGZPE
Start on level 32: AXSEGZPA
Start on level 33: PXSEGZPA
Start on level 34: ZXSEGZPA
Start on level 35: LXSEGZPA
Start on level 36: GXSEGZPA
Start on level 37: IXSEGZPA
Start on level 38: TXSEGZPA
Start on level 39: YXSEGZPA
Start on level 40: AXSEGZPE
Start on level 41: PXSEGZPE
Start on level 42: ZXSEGZPE
Start on level 43: LXSEGZPE
Start on level 44: GXSEGZPE
Start on level 45: IXSEGZPE
Start on level 46: TXSEGZPE
Start on level 47: YXSEGZPE
Start on level 48: AUSEGZPA
Start on level 49: PUSEGZPA
Start on level 50: ZUSEGZPA
Start on level 51: LUSEGZPA
Start on level 52: GUSEGZPA
Start on level 53: IUSEGZPA
Start on level 54: TUSEGZPA
Start on level 55: YUSEGZPA
Start on level 56: AUSEGZPE
Start on level 57: PUSEGZPE
Start on level 58: ZUSEGZPE
Start on level 59: LUSEGZPE
Start on level 60: GUSEGZPE
Start on level 61: IUSEGZPE
Start on level 62: TUSEGZPE
Start on level 63: YUSEGZPE
Start on level 64: AKSEGZPA
Start on level 65: PKSEGZPA
Start on level 66: ZKSEGZPA
Start on level 67: LKSEGZPA
Start on level 68: GKSEGZPA
Start on level 69: IKSEGZPA
Start on level 70: TKSEGZPA
Start on level 71: YKSEGZPA
Start on level 72: AKSEGZPE
Start on level 73: PKSEGZPE
Start on level 74: ZKSEGZPE
Start on level 75: LKSEGZPE
Start on level 76: GKSEGZPE
Start on level 77: IKSEGZPE
Start on level 78: TKSEGZPE
Start on level 79: YKSEGZPE
Start on level 80: ASSEGZPA
Start on level 81: PSSEGZPA
Start on level 82: ZSSEGZPA
Start on level 83: LSSEGZPA
Start on level 84: GSSEGZPA
Start on level 85: ISSEGZPA
Start on level 86: TSSEGZPA
Start on level 87: YSSEGZPA
Start on level 88: ASSEGZPE
Start on level 89: PSSEGZPE
Start on level 90: ZSSEGZPE
Start on level 91: LSSEGZPE
Start on level 92: GSSEGZPE
Start on level 93: ISSEGZPE
Start on level 94: TSSEGZPE
Start on level 95: YSSEGZPE
Start on level 96: AVSEGZPA
Start on level 97: PVSEGZPA
Start on level 98: ZVSEGZPA
Start on level 99: LVSEGZPA
Start on level 100: GVSEGZPA
Start on level 101: IVSEGZPA
Start on level 102: TVSEGZPA
Start on level 103: YVSEGZPA
Start on level 104: AVSEGZPE
Start on level 105: PVSEGZPE
Start on level 106: ZVSEGZPE
Start on level 107: LVSEGZPE
Start on level 108: GVSEGZPE
Start on level 109: IVSEGZPE
Start on level 110: TVSEGZPE
Start on level 111: YVSEGZPE
Start on level 112: ANSEGZPA
Start on level 113: PNSEGZPA
Start on level 114: ZNSEGZPA
Start on level 115: LNSEGZPA
Start on level 116: GNSEGZPA
Start on level 117: INSEGZPA
Start on level 118: TNSEGZPA
Start on level 119: YNSEGZPA
Start on level 120: ANSEGZPE
Start on level 121: PNSEGZPE
Start on level 122: ZNSEGZPE
Start on level 123: LNSEGZPE
Start on level 124: GNSEGZPE
Start on level 125: INSEGZPE
Start on level 126: TNSEGZPE
Start on level 127: YNSEGZPE
Start on level 128: EESEGZPA
Start on level 129: OESEGZPA
Start on level 130: XESEGZPA
Start on level 131: UESEGZPA
Start on level 132: KESEGZPA
Start on level 133: SESEGZPA
Start on level 134: VESEGZPA
Start on level 135: NESEGZPA
Start on level 136: EESEGZPE
Start on level 137: OESEGZPE
Start on level 138: XESEGZPE
Start on level 139: UESEGZPE
Start on level 140: KESEGZPE
Start on level 141: SESEGZPE
Start on level 142: VESEGZPE
Start on level 143: NESEGZPE
Start on level 144: EOSEGZPA
Start on level 145: OOSEGZPA
Start on level 146: XOSEGZPA
Start on level 147: UOSEGZPA
Start on level 148: KOSEGZPA
Start on level 149: SOSEGZPA
Start on level 150: VOSEGZPA
Start on level 151: NOSEGZPA
Start on level 152: EOSEGZPE
Start on level 153: OOSEGZPE
Start on level 154: XOSEGZPE
Start on level 155: UOSEGZPE
Start on level 156: KOSEGZPE
Start on level 157: SOSEGZPE
Start on level 158: VOSEGZPE
Start on level 159: NOSEGZPE
Start on level 160: EXSEGZPA
Start on level 161: OXSEGZPA
Start on level 162: XXSEGZPA
Start on level 163: UXSEGZPA
Start on level 164: KXSEGZPA
Start on level 165: SXSEGZPA
Start on level 166: VXSEGZPA
Start on level 167: NXSEGZPA
Start on level 168: EXSEGZPE
Start on level 169: OXSEGZPE
Start on level 170: XXSEGZPE
Start on level 171: UXSEGZPE
Start on level 172: KXSEGZPE
Start on level 173: SXSEGZPE
Start on level 174: VXSEGZPE
Start on level 175: NXSEGZPE
Start on level 176: EUSEGZPA
Start on level 177: OUSEGZPA
Start on level 178: XUSEGZPA
Start on level 179: UUSEGZPA
Start on level 180: KUSEGZPA
Start on level 181: SUSEGZPA
Start on level 182: VUSEGZPA
Start on level 183: NUSEGZPA
Start on level 184: EUSEGZPE
Start on level 185: OUSEGZPE
Start on level 186: XUSEGZPE
Start on level 187: UUSEGZPE
Start on level 188: KUSEGZPE
Start on level 189: SUSEGZPE
Start on level 190: VUSEGZPE
Start on level 191: NUSEGZPE
Start on level 192: EKSEGZPA
Start on level 193: OKSEGZPA
Start on level 194: XKSEGZPA
Start on level 195: UKSEGZPA
Start on level 196: KKSEGZPA
Start on level 197: SKSEGZPA
Start on level 198: VKSEGZPA
Start on level 199: NKSEGZPA
Start on level 200: EKSEGZPE
Start on level 201: OKSEGZPE
Start on level 202: XKSEGZPE
Start on level 203: UKSEGZPE
Start on level 204: KKSEGZPE
Start on level 205: SKSEGZPE
Start on level 206: VKSEGZPE
Start on level 207: NKSEGZPE
Start on level 208: ESSEGZPA
Start on level 209: OSSEGZPA
Start on level 210: XSSEGZPA
Start on level 211: USSEGZPA
Start on level 212: KSSEGZPA
Start on level 213: SSSEGZPA
Start on level 214: VSSEGZPA
Start on level 215: NSSEGZPA
Start on level 216: ESSEGZPE
Start on level 217: OSSEGZPE
Start on level 218: XSSEGZPE
Start on level 219: USSEGZPE
Start on level 220: KSSEGZPE
Start on level 221: SSSEGZPE
Start on level 222: VSSEGZPE
Start on level 223: NSSEGZPE
Start on level 224: EVSEGZPA
Start on level 225: OVSEGZPA
Start on level 226: XVSEGZPA
Start on level 227: UVSEGZPA
Start on level 228: KVSEGZPA
Start on level 229: SVSEGZPA
Start on level 230: VVSEGZPA
Start on level 231: NVSEGZPA
Start on level 232: EVSEGZPE
Start on level 233: OVSEGZPE
Start on level 234: XVSEGZPE
Start on level 235: UVSEGZPE
Start on level 236: KVSEGZPE
Start on level 237: SVSEGZPE
Start on level 238: VVSEGZPE
Start on level 239: NVSEGZPE
Start on level 240: ENSEGZPA
Start on level 241: ONSEGZPA
Start on level 242: XNSEGZPA
Start on level 243: UNSEGZPA
Start on level 244: KNSEGZPA
Start on level 245: SNSEGZPA
Start on level 246: VNSEGZPA
Start on level 247: NNSEGZPA
Start on level 248: ENSEGZPE
Start on level 249: ONSEGZPE
Start on level 250: XNSEGZPE
Start on level 251: UNSEGZPE
Start on level 252: KNSEGZPE
Start on level 253: SNSEGZPE
Start on level 254: VNSEGZPE
Start on level 255: NNSEGZPE
Here's some other codes:
Infinite Lives: SZOAUGVG
Stunned for twice as long when you fall from high: AEEOZYGT
Here's a few I made for Gimmick!
Jump infinitely: IEOEIPLA
Walk through walls to the right:
Walk through walls to the left:
In some rare cases you can get stuck in walls (mostly boundaries of the level). Use these two codes to prevent that in some cases:
Games gives you max speed instead of making your speed 0 when stopping to the right. It's only purpose is glitching the game especially together with walking through walls:
Games gives you max speed instead of making your speed 0 when stopping to the left. It's only purpose is glitching the game especially together with walking through walls:
Here's what it looks like when you get out of bounds with the speed + walk through walls codes
Quote from: UglyJoe on December 08, 2016, 05:47:21 am
I had started looking into SMB3 (since, amazingly, there is a disassembly for that as well), but did not get a chance to complete it. I'll be pretty busy throughout December, so I don't think I'll be able to make any codes until the new year.
Thank you so much. I eagerly await the results. SMB3 is a huge amount of potential through romhacks, not the mention the core game itself.
Hey, could you try to make a code for Super Mario bros that lowers the amount of time the game spends on the screen that shows up when you die or start a level?
I was trying to make it myself but i can't get it to work. :(
Seems to work on the four variants of the rom I have (U PRG0/1, J PRG0/1).
Post Merge: January 20, 2017, 08:51:00 pm
Quote from: HummerTeam1001 on January 19, 2017, 08:21:07 pm
Hey, could you try to make a code for Super Mario bros that lowers the amount of time the game spends on the screen that shows up when you die or start a level?
ZEXAVAYA will shorten it down quite a bit. What you're really doing is "88a6 07 -> 02". In other words, change code at address 88a6 from 07 to 02. You could set it higher to wait longer or lower to go faster. AEXAVAYA sets it to 00 so it just blinks that screen at you.
ZESAGTZP can be used to similarly shorten the "game over" screen (86d4 12 -> 02).
Post Merge: January 22, 2017, 08:39:05 am
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on December 08, 2016, 01:40:45 am
What about Final Fantasy 1 or Earth Bound? Can you see about either of those? Thanks.
Final Fantasy also has a disassembly, so it wasn't so bad:
Tested with the US rom and the two Japanese roms.
Thank you! :)
Thanks so much for the no music in SMB3! That's AWESOME!
A while ago, I asked for some codes for Rockman 2 that make Rockman impervious to enemies and shots, effectively removing collision detection.
There a rather crazy impressive Rockman 2 rom hack that does something to prevent the codes that work the original rom from working.
Rockman CX patch can be found here:
I don't know if this is impossible, but could you take a look a look and see if you can figure out how to get the same walk through enemies/bullets effect working for this super tough rom hack? I want to fully explore it without having to reload save states every five seconds. Thanks!
Here were your original Rockman 2 walk through enemies codes:
AVOVTSSA - works in levels
ATNZPSSA - works on bosses
This seems to work in stages. I don't have much time to test, so let me know if it stops working at some point: ATSTYSOZ
That works on stages, but not bosses. Can you come up with something that works on bosses?
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on February 13, 2017, 10:09:51 pm
That works on stages, but not bosses. Can you come up with something that works on bosses?
That worked for me on the Kirby boss and Yoshinoman. Didn't try the others.
Having played through half of Ganbare Goemon 2 and not wanting to start over, I created some Game Genie codes to start off on different stages:
Ganbare Goemon 2:
TAEIOGPA - Start on Stage 2
PAEIOGPE - Start on Stage 3
TAEIOGPE - Start on Stage 4
GZEIOGPE - Start on Stage 5
YLEIOGPA - Start on Stage 6
Okay, nevermind. After completing a stage, it assumes you beat stage 1 and moves on to stage 2. Can anyone help me figure out how to do a stage skip properly?
Using the cheat search on FCEUXD, I found that address 07B4 is the current stage (00=stage 1, 01=stage 2, etc.). I plugged that into the debugger, but could not find any breakpoints.
Hey UglyJoe, I saw a video on youtube that explained the ugly leftmost vertical bar in many NES and Famicom games is a CPU-controlled mask layer used to better hide swapping of nametables.
Is it possible to disable this through the use of GameGenie?
It's present in Super Mario Bros. 3, Megaman 3-6 and many others. Think you could whip up codes to remove it? I'd just like to see for myself what the result would look like without the line, especially for Megaman 3-6.
Sounds like you are talking about bit 1 and 2 of register $2001. Both bits, when zero, hides the leftmost 8 pixel columns of background and sprites respectively for bit 1 and 2.
If a game is using the mask, I guess it's to hide some ugly artefacts that results from scrolling or something, so it might not be pretty to remove it. But it would be interesting to see how it looks. I tried simply forcing the bits to 1 in SMB3 in FCEUX but the game is updating the register every frame so my changes was overwritten immediately.
I guess a Game Genie code should do the trick.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on April 09, 2017, 09:56:42 pm
Is it possible to disable this through the use of GameGenie?
It depends entirely on how the game is coded.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on April 09, 2017, 09:56:42 pm
It's present in Super Mario Bros. 3
So you want to see the ugly artifacts, then?
That'll work for level 1-1 and possibly others. It would probably take too many codes to patch the whole game.
Rockman 3:
Rockman 4:
Rockman 5:
Rockman 6:
This is real interesting stuff. Seems like in a lot of places Capcom didn't even bother making the leftmost eight pixels correct in many places - they are garbaged parts of tiles or else just glitchy.
This brings up a second question. Why is there a need for a two line code for all but Megaman 6? What's different about Megaman 6 compared to say, 5 that allows it to get the same effect from a single line of GameGenie instead of two?
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on May 05, 2017, 02:40:46 pm
This brings up a second question. Why is there a need for a two line code for all but Megaman 6? What's different about Megaman 6 compared to say, 5 that allows it to get the same effect from a single line of GameGenie instead of two?
I don't have the time to look up the code right now, but I can assure you that it is nothing really notable. I think 3/4/5 bit mask the PPUMASK in two places and 6 only does it in one place.
I remember from the sound hacking GG codes that 3/4/5 have a
very similar engine (the same GG code worked for all three) and then 6 needed a different code since it seems to use a new (or altered) engine.
In other words, one Game Genie code changes one byte, all Rockmans except 6 needed two bytes to be changed, so they got two codes, while Rockman 6 only needed one byte to be changed.
I tried the code for SMB3. It has lots of scrolling artifacting as it is, when removing this mask it gets much worse.
Thanks for that explanation.
Can you disable the BGM in these? I came across some nice rom hacks that I want to overlay with my own bgms. I'll list them in order of priority.
Bomberman 1 (Japanese version if it matters)
Ice Climber
Donkey Kong
Dig Dug II
Binary Land
Atlantis no Nazo
Nuts & Milk
Dig Dug
Spartan X
Clu Clu Land
Bomberman (JP):
This also makes the "STAGE X" screens flash by rather quickly, since I guess it's programmed to wait until the song is over before moving on, but since there's no song it just moves right along.
Post Merge: May 13, 2017, 06:26:47 pm
Can't figure out Mappy.
Post Merge: May 14, 2017, 07:00:17 pm
Thanks. I would assume that these Namco games would all work similarly. If not Mappy, what about Dig Dug 1?
Post Merge: May 17, 2017, 02:04:56 am
Hey UglyJoe, a whiile ago I asked you for Castlevania 1 no BGM.
For that you gave me
Can you see about an adjusted code for the Famicom cart version of Akumajou Dracula released in 1993? Found a hack that uses that version and need to mute the bgms.
Another gentle bump for UglyJoe :D
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on May 15, 2017, 01:20:13 pm
Hey UglyJoe, a whiile ago I asked you for Castlevania 1 no BGM.
For that you gave me
Can you see about an adjusted code for the Famicom cart version of Akumajou Dracula released in 1993? Found a hack that uses that version and need to mute the bgms.
For Akumajou Dracula no BGM, use:
I had an idea for a code I'd love to see: Skip the opening red/blue flashing seizure screen of Transformers: Convoy no Nazo and go right to the Stage 1 screen.
Thanks for the Akumajou Dracula no bgm code.
Could you please generate no bgm codes for
Gradius 2 and Salamander
gentle bump.
Can I ask - what do you use the no BGM codes for? YouTube playthroughs or do have otehr music on in the background?
I was playing Sonic Mania the other day and had a no BGM glitch kick in, and it was really nice to hear all the SFX that are usually missed to be honest.
It did feel different. I suppose ou can always turn the music off in that game anyway though (or at leats right down).
Quote from: L___E___T on August 25, 2017, 09:07:40 am
It did feel different.
Try playing the Rockman games with no music. It feels like a completely different game.
Since the Famicom only has four sound channels total, sound effects and music must both use the same resources, which often lead to them clipping each other.
I'm looking for no bgm codes for Gradius 2 and Salamander, please and thank you.
Hey UglyJoe if you get a chance, could you please see about a no BGM code for NES Tetris? (The official one put out in North America, not the BPS Japan or Tengen version).
Sorry to bump this again, but I'm still hoping for NES official Tetris no BGM GG code if possible. Thanks.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on July 28, 2018, 12:47:16 pm
Sorry to bump this again, but I'm still hoping for NES official Tetris no BGM GG code if possible. Thanks.
You can turn off the BGM from the options menu. Or are you trying to disable the fanfare music and all that, too?
AVETLSSZ - No BGM for Nintendo Tetris
Could I please get Infinite Health (or walk through enemies) code for NES Blaster Master? Thanks!
NNUAXPAE - Health refills when reaching '00' in Blaster Master -- you may want to test this out, though. I think it only works when inside your tank.
Also, I was playing Star Wars (JVC) and didn't want to start over, so:
Star Wars (1991):
AKUZGTAA - start on Tie Fighter Attack stage
Yeah, Star Wars is brutal on NES. I've never once beaten it. Maybe with this I finally will!
The problem is, starting off at later stages, you don't have R2-D2, Obi Wan Kenobi, Leia, or Han Solo with you. Though at this point, only R2 really matters.
Here's a code to start with all of them:
Star Wars (1991):
PEVVGAAA - start with all characters (but Han Solo & Princess Leia have no health)
HI all! Very nice to meet you all!
So I'm really not an emulator type of gamer, but what I do like is playing reproduction carts on my authentic NES. I have repro carts of Sweet Home and Ys 1. I saw the SZOTONSE code for the Famicom version of Ys for Inf. Health. I'm wondering if that will work on the US NES Game Genie with my repro cart of if there's another version for the US version.
As for Sweet Home, I haven't found any, so I'm wondering if anyone either has or can make ones for Inf. Health and Quick Level Up.
Thank you all so much for your help and understanding!
The thing with RPGs... is that all party members have their own health, different enemies deal different values of attacks, and I believe there are several ways to die in this game (I've never fallen into a pit before; how does that look? ???).
But I did manage to find the addresses of each characters' health in FCEUXDSP
Kazuo: 6194
Akiko: 6195
Taro: 6196
Asuka: 6197
Emi: 6198
Maybe someone can continue from there?
Quote from: SaintRaven357 on December 02, 2018, 10:04:41 pm
So I'm really not an emulator type of gamer, but what I do like is playing reproduction carts on my authentic NES. I have repro carts of Sweet Home and Ys 1. I saw the SZOTONSE code for the Famicom version of Ys for Inf. Health. I'm wondering if that will work on the US NES Game Genie with my repro cart of if there's another version for the US version.
Depends entirely on the translation patch. In most cases the GG codes would still work, but some patches are more extensive than others and would move code around such that GG codes would not work without modification. Best bet is to just try it and see what happens.
Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on December 03, 2018, 12:45:03 am
The thing with RPGs... is that all party members have their own health, different enemies deal different values of attacks, and I believe there are several ways to die in this game (I've never fallen into a pit before; how does that look? ???).
It would use the same routine for all of the players, though, just changing which address it loads from and stores to. I usually look for where they are subtracting health and either skip it or force it to subtract zero. Sometimes better off commenting out the part where it stores the reduced health, though. Certainly there are a lot of other cases to handle in RPGs, though (like falling into pits or whatever, like you said).
Here's an SMB code.
YEAAAA: Mario eats some shrooms if you know what I mean.
Could I please get an infinite health code for Konami's Getsufuu maden? Thanks.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 26, 2019, 05:45:36 pm
Could I please get an infinite health code for Konami's Getsufuu maden? Thanks.
OTXGTYSV - infinite heath - you still get knocked around, but you won't lose health
These two stop you from getting knocked around (you just walk through enemies). I think 1 is for enemies and 2 is for projectiles. I played through five or so stages and never got knocked back, but there may be some enemies that still do?
AVESPPSZ - no knockback (1)
AVVIYLSZ - no knockback (2)
SZXTYEVK - infinite lives - for those pesky pits
Oh, also made this one by accident:
ATOKPYSA - one-hit deaths - in case you're feeling masochistic :bomb:
Hello again!
Can someone confirm this code is doing what it looks it does and nothing more? no garbage?
It's for Shatterhand (U) [!]
Infinite Energy
It looks like it's working but you know some codes.... Thanks
Those look okay to me. There's a routine in the game that loads your health, subtracts from it, and then stores it. The codes are modifying that routine so that it does not store the decreased amount back in. I couldn't get to a point in the game where the second code is needed, but it looks like it would work the same way as the first one.
Oh thats great insight! Maybe there is some special level that needs the second part. I wish I understood this genie stuff like you do UglyJoe...
So straight into the rom! Thanks a lot!
Well I gues I'm the only one keeping this thread alive :)
Anyway, I am in need of another code, for Guevara (japanese counterpart of Guerilla war).
I have tried codes for (U) version but they don't work, and couldn't find a japanese GG website...
I am looking for a simple "life counter" code, code that will freeze the counter and doesn't substract when player dies.
So, not "invincibility", just unlimited lives. ....funny, the other thing is "undamageability"? :D
THANK YOU (UglyJoe ;) )
SZSKNVVS - Guevara: Infinite lives (both players)
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on January 26, 2019, 05:45:36 pm
Could I please get an infinite health code for Konami's Getsufuu maden? Thanks.
take this code
tested and working 8)
Quote from: UglyJoe on November 09, 2019, 08:17:43 pm
SZSKNVVS - Guevara: Infinite lives (both players)
Working perfectly! Thank you so much for your help!!!!
Now me and my friend can get some beers and have a Guevara night when we actually beat the game ;D
i am looking for game genie codes for super cars for the NES
i am also looking for game genie codes for world GP
Anyone have a code for Infinite Lives for Total Recall?
Quote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on March 27, 2021, 05:08:52 pmAnyone have a code for Infinite Lives for Total Recall?
The game seems to use generic routines for updating lives and health, so I didn't see an easy way to get infinite lives without risking other things in the game breaking (it probably can be done, i just didn't feel like analyzing the trace log any longer).
I made this, though:
Total Recall (NES): EYKAPYLA - start with 240 lives.
i need some help sith Super Cars; anyone know any game genie codes
Quote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on March 28, 2021, 08:57:19 ami need some help sith Super Cars; anyone know any game genie codes
Super Cars - IAIGIA - Start with 555555 cash.
thanks for all your help
While typing random letters into the Game Genie I made this code:
Super Mario World (Bootleg, Full version)-IAIAEA- Lower BGM's pitch. Plays SFX at random pitches.
It makes the music sound really cool in my opinion. Although you can only use it on emulator (unless there's a way to enable and disable codes on the fly on a real console), it crashes the game if you try to enable it while loading the title screen or the map, you have to keep it disabled whenever the map is loaded and enable it once you enter a level.
ok, now to find some game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP
i could also use some game genie codes for track and field ii for the NES
anyone have any game genie codes for Track And Field II and Michael Andretti's World GP?
I also would like to see an NES game genie code for infinite items if there is one
Hello it's me again :)
HOLY DIVER MMC1 is my new target, and I am looking for a Invincibility code (infinite red energy bar).
This is the link to the romhack:
I don't know if applying the romhack has some influence on existing codes, for example code for infinite lives SXKVTOVK works ok (at least it seems so).
But I have found several for infinite energy bar (which size can increase later in the game), so I really would love if you can check out which (if any) works without any unwanted sideefects:
Thank you :star:
A mapper change patch can definitely break Game Genie codes. I didn't look at the ones you provided, but I did make these ones:
Holy Diver (MMC1 patch):
SXNYNESE - take no damage from enemies
ATOIGSVG - take no damage from lava traps
ATVYNESL - no knock-back (enemies don't push you around -- I am guessing this could cause bugs with the game, but didn't run into any)
I only tested them in the first level and very first part of the second level.
You never leave me helpless UglyJoe! Amazing my friend, thanks a lot!!! :star: :star: :star:
i mean a code for infinite items for who framed roger rabbit for the NES
Anyone have any game genie codes for Track And Field II and Michael Andretti's World GP?
I also need help with a one hit kills codes for Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5 and Mega Man 6 for the NES
Quote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on June 13, 2021, 12:52:16 pmI also need help with a one hit kills codes for Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5 and Mega Man 6 for the NES
Mega Man IV - one hit kills:
Mega Man V - one hit kills:
Mega Man VI is being weird, so no codes for that one ;D
anyone have a game genie code for infinite items for who framed roger rabbit for the NES
amd what is the code foe 1 hit ills for Mega Man 6 for the NES?
i'd also like some game genie codes for jordan vs. bird for nes please
Zelda II
Skip to lass boss in Great Palace
Go down first elevator, go right, shadow Link next screen, you get shadow Link. No annoying great boss that needs Thunder spell first.
i need some game genie codes for roger rabbit for NES, i am looking for one for infinite items
Infinite Health vs Judge Doom is an NES game genie code i need along with infinite items, etc. please
Sorry for reviving an old thread, I'm looking for codes for Rockman 1 to 6 that can let me jump in midair and walk on spikes, I've been searching in several japanese sites for these cheats but there's nothing available anywhere, found some invincibility codes on the previous pages here which could not be found on any cheating site, so I'm trying my luck here, hoping the codes I mentioned above could be added as well, thanks a million!
Quote from: HippyJ3 on January 06, 2022, 07:51:59 amSorry for reviving an old thread, I'm looking for codes for Rockman 1 to 6 that can let me jump in midair and walk on spikes, I've been searching in several japanese sites for these cheats but there's nothing available anywhere, found some invincibility codes on the previous pages here which could not be found on any cheating site, so I'm trying my luck here, hoping the codes I mentioned above could be added as well, thanks a million!
I tried to get the air-jump thing working but I'm not sure it's possible just using game genie codes. If it is, I'm pretty sure it would cause lots of game-breaking bugs. Sorry ;D
If there are any jumping-related codes (or others) for the Megaman games, I can port them to Rockman games. Just let me know.
As far as the spikes go, do the invincibility codes posted here not work with spikes? If not, can you tell which game and which level it doesn't work on?
Quote from: UglyJoe on January 08, 2022, 04:36:45 pmI tried to get the air-jump thing working but I'm not sure it's possible just using game genie codes. If it is, I'm pretty sure it would cause lots of game-breaking bugs. Sorry ;D
If there are any jumping-related codes (or others) for the Megaman games, I can port them to Rockman games. Just let me know.
As far as the spikes go, do the invincibility codes posted here not work with spikes? If not, can you tell which game and which level it doesn't work on?
The jumping in midair and walk on spikes game genie codes I found somewhere several years ago does work on all Megaman versions, just want them to work on rockman versions, the codes for the invincibility and spike invincibility are separate invincibility codes I'm afraid. The invincibility codes found on the previous pages only works on enemies and projectiles but not on spikes.
Here are the codes I've used for all Megaman games (100% Working on US Versions) if they can be converted for Rockmans 1 to 6 that would be groundbreaking as those codes cannot be found anywhere as of yet.
Jump Midair
Megaman 2
Megaman 3
Megaman 4
Megaman 5
Megaman 6
Walk on Spikes
Megaman 2
Megaman 3
Megaman 4
Megaman 5
Megaman 6
Thanks in advance, mate!
Quote from: HippyJ3 on January 08, 2022, 10:04:59 pmHere are the codes I've used for all Megaman games (100% Working on US Versions) if they can be converted for Rockmans 1 to 6 that would be groundbreaking as those codes cannot be found anywhere as of yet.
Jump Midair
Megaman 2
Megaman 3
Megaman 4
Megaman 5
Megaman 6
With the exception of Rockman 3, all of these codes work on their Rockman counterparts without any changes :-[
For Rockman 3, you can use these (they work the same way, just shifting the addresses around to match up with the ROM changes):
These definitely cause some issues (in Rockman 3, at least), but the game is still playable. It makes you jump much farther and faster forward than standard jumping. You also never enter the jumping animation, so you kind of just stand in the air. Gets glitchy on ladders, as well. It works by essentially never putting Rockman into a "jumping" state (or, more accurately, tells it to treat the jumping state like the "on the ground" state). Aside from the changes to the jumping physics, it also means you cannot use Top-man's power, as you have to be jumping to do that, but these codes skip that game logic altogether.
That said, the codes make the game pretty different. I felt like I was playing a Rockman/Flappy-Bird mashup ;D
I'll take a look at those spike-death codes later (but do try them out on the Rockman games as-is, since some of them might work already).
Quote from: UglyJoe on January 09, 2022, 12:32:14 pmWith the exception of Rockman 3, all of these codes work on their Rockman counterparts without any changes :-[
For Rockman 3, you can use these (they work the same way, just shifting the addresses around to match up with the ROM changes):
These definitely cause some issues (in Rockman 3, at least), but the game is still playable. It makes you jump much farther and faster forward than standard jumping. You also never enter the jumping animation, so you kind of just stand in the air. Gets glitchy on ladders, as well. It works by essentially never putting Rockman into a "jumping" state (or, more accurately, tells it to treat the jumping state like the "on the ground" state). Aside from the changes to the jumping physics, it also means you cannot use Top-man's power, as you have to be jumping to do that, but these codes skip that game logic altogether.
That said, the codes make the game pretty different. I felt like I was playing a Rockman/Flappy-Bird mashup ;D
I'll take a look at those spike-death codes later (but do try them out on the Rockman games as-is, since some of them might work already).
Thanks for the help, really appreciate it! I never tried the codes on the japanese versions before, thinking it might not work since it's a different game region, I'll post the results on a later time once I tried the codes!
Edit: After testing the codes, the one you provided for Rockman 3 really did the trick, when I tried the midair jump code from Megaman 3 to Rockman 3 the game instantly freezes the moment I jumped, the only problem left is the spike invincibilty code for Rockman 2 which is ZEUEUGLA, when I tried the code it introduces a bug where Rockman instantly dies the moment you grab a ladder, and the one hit enemy/boss code for Rockman 5 - AEUAZOIZ, which actually works fine on Megaman 5 but doesn't work on it's Rockman 5 counterpart.
Quote from: HippyJ3 on January 09, 2022, 10:07:13 pmEdit: After testing the codes, the one you provided for Rockman 3 really did the trick, when I tried the midair jump code from Megaman 3 to Rockman 3 the game instantly freezes the moment I jumped, the only problem left is the spike invincibilty code for Rockman 2 which is ZEUEUGLA, when I tried the code it introduces a bug where Rockman instantly dies the moment you grab a ladder, and the one hit enemy/boss code for Rockman 5 - AEUAZOIZ, which actually works fine on Megaman 5 but doesn't work on it's Rockman 5 counterpart.
Oh yeah, that code seems buggy. I think what it was doing is changing the logic from "if
spikes then
instant death" to "if
ladders then
instant death". I mean, technically it does stop spikes from killing you :-[. Still, it was useful for pointing me to that instant death logic.
Try this one instead:
Rockman 2 / Mega Man 2
OXUEXKOK - walk on spikes (and still climb ladders)
I'll take a look at that Rockman 5 code later.
i still need help finding game genie codes for roger rabbit for the nes
Quote from: HippyJ3 on January 09, 2022, 10:07:13 pmand the one hit enemy/boss code for Rockman 5 - AEUAZOIZ, which actually works fine on Megaman 5 but doesn't work on it's Rockman 5 counterpart.
This one is working for me in both Megaman 5 and Rockman 5 ???
Quote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on January 10, 2022, 08:16:01 pmi still need help finding game genie codes for roger rabbit for the nes
You'll need to use a password to actually get the items in your inventory, but with this code you won't run out of them:
Don't lose items after you use them:
Not sure about the invincibility one, since I don't care to play the game long enough to get to the end (even while cheating!). There are infinite lives / continues codes on the Internet already, though.
Quote from: UglyJoe on January 12, 2022, 07:14:36 pmThis one is working for me in both Megaman 5 and Rockman 5 ???
That's strange, but you're right, I also tried it and the code really does work on a clean japanese version. A few days back I only tested the code on the "Rockman 5 Metropolis" ROM Hack, looks like the hack affected the game genie code address in some way that renders the code useless, guess I'll just have to play the ROM Hack without that one hit death code. Thank you for all the help Uglyjoe! Now I can play most (if not all) of the rom hacks up to the end exclusively compatible for all the Rockman NES ports.
Quote from: UglyJoe on January 09, 2022, 12:32:14 pmit also means you cannot use Top-man's power, as you have to be jumping to do that, but these codes skip that game logic altogether.
I guess it's not possible to complete the game in that case.
Quote from: UglyJoe on January 12, 2022, 08:43:28 pmQuote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on January 10, 2022, 08:16:01 pmi still need help finding game genie codes for roger rabbit for the nes
You'll need to use a password to actually get the items in your inventory, but with this code you won't run out of them:
Don't lose items after you use them:
Not sure about the invincibility one, since I don't care to play the game long enough to get to the end (even while cheating!). There are infinite lives / continues codes on the Internet already, though.
i tried that code but i run out of items
anyone know any game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP?
Hello. I don't know if anyone still views this thread, but I was wondering if anyone knew of game genie codes for Mega Man 1,2,5 and 6 that allow Mega Man to run faster. Game Genie officially released codes for Mega Man 3 and 4 to do this, but I can't find the rest anywhere on the net.
6 is the one I REALLY want because I found speed hacks of the rest at least. But not for 6! So 6 is the holy grail for me. I just want to play as a speedy Mega Man!
Quote from: Doctorwily on July 08, 2022, 12:41:10 pm6 is the one I REALLY want because I found speed hacks of the rest at least. But not for 6! So 6 is the holy grail for me. I just want to play as a speedy Mega Man!
Mega Man VI - run really fast!
I can slow it down a bit if you want, but going any faster than that tends to get Mega Man stuck in walls or randomly blow up.
I am looking for game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP
Quote from: UglyJoe on April 23, 2016, 07:50:48 amQuote from: satoshi_matrix on April 22, 2016, 10:56:21 pmThanks! Lastly, can you see if you can get a code for Rockman 1 and Megaman 1?
Megaman / Rockman:
ATUXYXAL - run through enemies and projectiles
Post Merge: April 23, 2016, 08:23:17 am
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on April 22, 2016, 01:24:27 amI've also got another request. In Rockman 2, is it possible to generate a GameGenie code to mute sound effects, but not music? There are a number of hacks that use custom music, and I'd like to record it without sound effects getting it in the recording.
Rockman 2, Megaman 2:
AVKALAEL - no sound effects
I got lucky with this one. I probably wouldn't have been able to figure it out without the RAM map (
I updated the Rockman 2 and Megaman 2 invincibility codes so that they are less buggy, btw.
I tried that Rockman 2 No Sound Effects code on a real NES console and the code works but the music is all messed up is there a way to fix that with another game genie code or do I just have to live with it?
here is a recording of the messed up music:
Quote from: Overcomplicated on October 12, 2022, 04:36:04 pmI tried that Rockman 2 No Sound Effects code on a real NES console and the code works but the music is all messed up is there a way to fix that with another game genie code or do I just have to live with it?
here is a recording of the messed up music:
Your video is super-low quality, so I can't tell exactly what's going on with your setup there. Are you using some kind of 60 to 72 pin converter plugged into a Game Genie? Or do you have some version of Rockman 2 within an NES cartridge?
Quote from: UglyJoe on October 12, 2022, 08:46:16 pmQuote from: Overcomplicated on October 12, 2022, 04:36:04 pmI tried that Rockman 2 No Sound Effects code on a real NES console and the code works but the music is all messed up is there a way to fix that with another game genie code or do I just have to live with it?
here is a recording of the messed up music:
Your video is super-low quality, so I can't tell exactly what's going on with your setup there. Are you using some kind of 60 to 72 pin converter plugged into a Game Genie? Or do you have some version of Rockman 2 within an NES cartridge?
Yeah I have a 60 to 72 pin adapter with a Rockman 2 cart plugged into a Game Genie
Sorry about the low quality my PC has been having issues with recording external video sources If needed I think I could get some better video with some work around though
Yeah, I'm not sure then. I don't have that kind of setup right now so I can't try it myself. Honestly, I've only tried it in emulators.
This is a common problem with certain Capcom games (specifically ones that use Yoshihiro Sakaguchi's sound driver). More info can be found here:
Quote from: Overcomplicated on October 12, 2022, 04:36:04 pm
Woohoo! Gameboy Camera ;D
Oh wow, I never heard of that.
You can try this code 'AKNPKTAZ' from ( which claims to fix your music issue.
Quote from: UglyJoe on October 13, 2022, 09:40:32 pmOh wow, I never heard of that.
You can try this code 'AKNPKTAZ' from ( which claims to fix your music issue.
Thanks! I tried the code with my setup and even though I haven't tested all that extensively it seems to work great!
Sorry I haven't for a good while
Section Z is another game with this issue:
I can still hear the glitchy music in my head. ;D
I am still looking for game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP
Quote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on November 09, 2022, 03:55:12 pmI am still looking for game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP
What kind of codes are you looking for?
Quote from: Overcomplicated on November 09, 2022, 08:17:59 pmQuote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on November 09, 2022, 03:55:12 pmI am still looking for game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP
What kind of codes are you looking for?
Game Genie codes (cheat codes) for Michael Andretti's World GP for NES
Auto Race At 999+ MPH (Player 1)
Infinite Time (One's Digits)
I want to make game genie coees out of these
Quote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on November 12, 2022, 10:28:39 amAuto Race At 999+ MPH
this one makes the car crazy and not drivable, it kills the fun.
i have tried it on action replay. ???
what other game genie codes are there for Michael Andretti's World GP for NES
Quote from: Tetouani85 on November 13, 2022, 02:16:46 pmit kills the fun.
That sounds like most cheat codes to me. :)
does anyone have any game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP for NES
Quote from: Jeep Liberty Video Game King on November 16, 2022, 10:04:51 amdoes anyone have any game genie codes for Michael Andretti's World GP for NES
At the moment, there is no gamegenie codes for it.
thanx anyway
What is the Game Genie code where link dolls come out of statues instead of magic bottles in palaces in zelda 2 for the NES?
i am looking for a game genie code for super cars where the computer cars do not move
I am also looking for Game Genie codes for Casino Funpak for the Game Boy
I need a code for Indiana Jones and The Temple of doom game genie code to walk on lava
Wish I can help but I don't have a Nintendo or game genie
I wish I could get the game genie code for Always Land On $5,000 for Wheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna White FOR THE nes
I am looking for game genie codes for Total Recall for the NES for Jump Higher
anyone please has some GameGenie codes for this NES game ? Jim Power - the lost dimension.
Neat game!
Jim Power (NES):
SZNVIAVG - Infinite Health
SXUVLEVK - Don't lose gun power when getting hit
IAXLITPA - Start with max gun power
Quote from: UglyJoe on August 29, 2024, 09:17:31 pmNeat game!
Jim Power (NES):
SZNVIAVG - Infinite Health
SXUVLEVK - Don't lose gun power when getting hit
IAXLITPA - Start with max gun power
:o :o
thank you so much, i cant find any single code for this game
i searched everywhere
where did you find this please ?
It's modern "homebrew" (by which I mean an aftermarket NES game) so it's not something you will find in any old game magazines or anything. It's a port of an Amiga game, apparently they retrieved the rights for the game so it's an official port. It indeed looks like a very nicely done port and it doesn't have the overdramatic parallax effects the Amiga version has.
UglyJoe creates these codes himself by figuring out how the game works and translates the necessary changes into the Game Genie code format.
Quote from: Tetouani85 on August 30, 2024, 12:11:42 pmwhere did you find this please ?
I made them myself using a cheat search and debugger.
Quote from: P on August 30, 2024, 01:45:25 pmIt's modern "homebrew" (by which I mean an aftermarket NES game) so it's not something you will find in any old game magazines or anything. It's a port of an Amiga game, apparently they retrieved the rights for the game so it's an official port. It indeed looks like a very nicely done port and it doesn't have the overdramatic parallax effects the Amiga version has.
Yeah, I bought it on Steam last night and found the ROM buried in the assets ;D
Quote from: P on August 30, 2024, 01:45:25 pmUglyJoe creates these codes himself by figuring out how the game works and translates the necessary changes into the Game Genie code format.
that's great
Quote from: UglyJoe on August 30, 2024, 05:18:23 pmI made them myself using a cheat search and debugger.
good job
what tools did you use ? is it easy ?
Quote from: Tetouani85 on August 31, 2024, 01:32:38 pmwhat tools did you use ? is it easy ?
Yes and no. A lot of emulators have cheat searches built in, so I use whatever emulator I feel like using at the time (Mesen, FCEUX, Mednafen).
There are probably guides online for how to use them, but the way they work is you have it take a snapshot of all the values in memory, do something in the game that you suspect will change something in memory, and then take another snapshot. You keep doing that until it narrows it down to just the addresses that could be what you're looking for.
So, for example, I know that when I die I lose a life, so some value in memory is going to decrease. So I do a search, play for a bit, do another search where I say "the value hasn't changed" (since I haven't lost a life yet). I repeat that a few times to weed out obviously wrong addresses. Then I make myself lose a life in the game. Then I do another search, but I say "the value has decreased". That usually narrows it down to just a few possible addresses. You kinda have to guess from there, but it's usually pretty obvious based on the values which one it was.
If all you need to do is make a cheat, you can usually from there have the emulator fix that address at a particular value so the game can't change it (so, in this case, even though the game said to remove a life, it won't)).
The way I go from that to Game Genie is to set a write breakpoint on that address in the debugger, lose another life, and then take a look at the code in the debugger to see what I can patch in one byte to make the game's code not do that. I don't have an easy way to describe this part, though. There's a few common approaches I take, but they all involve having some knowledge of 6502 assembly code, which is a bit much to explain in a quick reply ;D
Quote from: UglyJoe on August 31, 2024, 02:32:53 pmQuote from: Tetouani85 on August 31, 2024, 01:32:38 pmwhat tools did you use ? is it easy ?
Yes and no. A lot of emulators have cheat searches built in, so I use whatever emulator I feel like using at the time (Mesen, FCEUX, Mednafen).
There are probably guides online for how to use them, but the way they work is you have it take a snapshot of all the values in memory, do something in the game that you suspect will change something in memory, and then take another snapshot. You keep doing that until it narrows it down to just the addresses that could be what you're looking for.
So, for example, I know that when I die I lose a life, so some value in memory is going to decrease. So I do a search, play for a bit, do another search where I say "the value hasn't changed" (since I haven't lost a life yet). I repeat that a few times to weed out obviously wrong addresses. Then I make myself lose a life in the game. Then I do another search, but I say "the value has decreased". That usually narrows it down to just a few possible addresses. You kinda have to guess from there, but it's usually pretty obvious based on the values which one it was.
If all you need to do is make a cheat, you can usually from there have the emulator fix that address at a particular value so the game can't change it (so, in this case, even though the game said to remove a life, it won't)).
The way I go from that to Game Genie is to set a write breakpoint on that address in the debugger, lose another life, and then take a look at the code in the debugger to see what I can patch in one byte to make the game's code not do that. I don't have an easy way to describe this part, though. There's a few common approaches I take, but they all involve having some knowledge of 6502 assembly code, which is a bit much to explain in a quick reply ;D
aah ok, thanks anyway ;D
another NES game that i cant find any single gamegenie code for it, it's "Gotta protectors Amazons Running Diet".
any help will be appreciated.
It's interesting how different the assembly code ends up looking for modern homebrew versus classic commercial releases. Anyway, some codes:
Gotta Protectors: Amazon's Running Diet:
OVEEATSV - never lose water (this also means the game never ends...)
TOKAGTLE - don't lose water unless you hit cake
Quote from: UglyJoe on September 13, 2024, 09:32:19 pmIt's interesting how different the assembly code ends up looking for modern homebrew versus classic commercial releases. Anyway, some codes:
Gotta Protectors: Amazon's Running Diet:
OVEEATSV - never lose water (this also means the game never ends...)
TOKAGTLE - don't lose water unless you hit cake
thank you so much ;D
Hey there UglyJoe,
I have searched high and low for any information on a 60 pin famicom game genie adaptor. They seem to be very rare, as i can barely find any information about them. Do you happen to know the value of a 60 pin famicom game genie? The internet seems to be very limited in its information regarding this item. Any ideas where i would find more information on it?
They're too expensive; I stopped looking years ago. You can get a flash cart with GG capabilities built into it for the same price or less.
Quote from: circlejim on October 16, 2024, 10:03:49 amHey there UglyJoe,
I have searched high and low for any information on a 60 pin famicom game genie adaptor. They seem to be very rare, as i can barely find any information about them. Do you happen to know the value of a 60 pin famicom game genie? The internet seems to be very limited in its information regarding this item. Any ideas where i would find more information on it?
The Realtec one? Not sure about successful sales, but I've seen a few listings for about 500 RMB on Xianyu. Condition was iffy for most of them though
Found one on taobao
What is the NES Game Genie code for moonwalking for Home Alone?