where is everyone? :)
JC is out for vacation, and I've been busy aswell. Just the old Fall blues...
Yeah -- on vacation. Had a little time today to check out the forum, however. :)
I'm here. One more semester of college! Whoo hoo! Then I will have more free time.
Wish I could spend that time playing my FAMI. But until I find out why it is always so hot, I am afraid I am stuck playing my NES. :-\
Quote from: vealchop on September 27, 2006, 05:44:58 am
where is everyone? :)
I guess people are busy.
I know, because I'm busy, too. :)
Quote from: manuel on October 01, 2006, 07:05:27 am
Quote from: vealchop on September 27, 2006, 05:44:58 am
where is everyone? :)
I guess people are busy.
I know, because I'm busy, too. :)
Same here :) Got a lot of stuff to do for school.
Actually, yeah, we're not dead. The Thanksgiving Vacation has pretty much slowed down the forums and activities on it. For the past few weeks it seems like it's been that way...We apologize! We've been very busy, with real life being in the way and all...
JC has been missing, yes, but he will be back on Monday, I THINK. He told me he was in NYC for vacation and such. He'll be back. :)
And we hope YOU, the members start up topics and posts too! It can't just be a certain same group of 4 or 5 being the only ones to start topics. ;)
- Your friends at Famicom World
FW will nnneeeeeeevvverr die!!!!!
I'm working on reviews right now too.
Cool, yeah...no, I'm not dead...just was on holiday. But I'm back. But now I'm loaded with work. Yikes!
we're you in NY? Did you go by Nintendo World!!?? :o
Yeah, I was in NYC. Fun days. ;D I didn't go to the World store. I went there in May and wasn't impressed, except by the mini-museum. Some of the old ass NES stuff they've got is neat. But you know me...I'm not into Wii and Advance, and those are the crowds catered to by that store. I did spend a few hours searching Chinatown for pirates and came up empty-handed. All I found was a plug-n-play. I hate those things. >:(
too bad man...nintendo world had a bunch of cool t-shirts and exclusive figures for sale if youre into that sort of stuff. Chinatown is beat if you're looking for retro stuff. It seems as if as far as they go back is PS1 and NeoGeo. I asked a guy at J&L Trading if he had any famicom games/systems and he looked at me like I was crazy. Theres this one FILTHY store on st. marks place that has a lot of retro stuff all over priced, mostly game and watch. They had a disk system behind glass for $325!! >:( >:( >:( >:( Ridiculous.
I've been to the St. Marks place, but I think it's moved since the last time I was there. At least I didn't see it this time when I strolled through the area. Oh well. I bought a NES game there long ago. But their Famicom stuff, which was limited, was overpriced.
I'm guessing its been quiet here lately due to the holidays. I hope everyone has a safe and happy one. I'm about to get on a flight to NY in a few hours (flying is my all time worst fear). Wish me luck. I'll have computer access during the break so I'll be here on and off throughout. Enjoy your time off, and use it to play some Famicom/Wii, I know I will! :D
There's nothing to worry about when flying (except having your luggage misplaced). It's much safer than driving, atleast in my neighborhood. ::)
Yeah, we've all been busy with the Christmas jitters. I was actually going to do a project about Famicom games with Christmas themes but it just got too overwhelming...:( I'll probably just do a "Top ten winter games" thing or something.
Isn't there a disk system game about santa claus or christmas or something? I saw it complete on ebay a few months ago, it was complete with inserts and stickers and some other cool stuff.
Yeah, I don't know the name off hand but it's a bunch of mini games all with Christmas themes.
Is everyone busy with the end of summer and beginning of the new academic year? Things have been quiet around here this week.
I have lots of freetime, but there aren't many new posts to respond to. :P
I think there will be busier times again. Don't worry, JC.
Well, I'm not as worried as I am curious. It's just that so much has been slow--other forums, eBay, etc.--and I get curious to know what all the 14- to 30-year-old humans are doing right now instead of hanging around the web.
I'm getting ready to go back to work...which has slowed me down on everything else I can do.
Manuel, if you can't find any new posts, then start a topic of your own, or even go back to older threads and re-start discussion! Post digging is allowed. :)
I know some forums guys who aren't that keen on post-digging.
I think I'll have a look at some older posts. :)
at school right now busy with classes and other stuff.