I recently bought a Game Axe Color on ebay. For those who don't know, its a Sega Nomad sized portible gaming device that plays Famicom and with an adaptor, NES games. While I wait for it to arrive, I'm just cerious if anyone owns one and what they think of it. Any games that don't work on it? since its based on the NMOS 6502 I'm sure that counts out a few games.
I've been told it's not THAT good, but is good for portable playing. Low battery power is a con, and sometimes the games don't work...
Well, when it arrives, I'll post a full review of it and list any game (NES or Famicom) that I can't get working with it. I suspect that it'll also work with the Famicom Disk System which will look really odd because I would look like this:
The Famicom Disk System sitting on my desk plugged into the wall.
The RAM Adaptor cord leading to the top of the Game Axe Portible which is no longer portible because its forced to the FDS via the very short cable.
Famicom Disk System games being outputted to the handheld.
can't wait for that!
You've probably read the review on NESWorld:
Actually no I hadn't read that. Thanks for pointing it out. Even still, I'm going to post my own review with my own impressions. I hope to make my reviews much more visual than whats currently on the site assuming the server can handle that. I beleive that when your talking about pirated stuff the more pictures you have to subliment the text the better.
A GTA or Pokefami is a much better option than the Game Axe. The screen on that thing is horrible.
I have a Game Theory Admiral and it is actually decent. I have an old multi-cart with 32 games on it. I heard the the GameAxe's screen is a TFT screen versus and Active Matrix thus the poor ratings for game play.
I finally got my GameAxe Color and.....would you beleive it? The LCD screen doesnt work! I'm so pissed off! Can anyone help out here? I recorded a 2 minute video of the problem I'm having. Download it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GYNANTCS
I'm not even looking because you used megacrapload instead of youtube, haha!
No, seriously, just return it if you can.
youtube videos are limited to 100megs. This video is 275megs.
275MB only for 2 minutes?
Try to compress that man. :/
yeah thats a bit large, but anyhow, you bought it on ebay? can't you return it?
I've contacted the seller but havent heard back yet. By the way, does anyone know of a program that I can use to reduce the size of the video I have? Its a raw avi off my digital cam. I'd like to upload it to youtube.
VirtualDub. ;)
Can you take still pics instead? Either way, it's broken. There's no much one can do to repair that unless the cable is loose in there or something.
I'm going to see about taking it to a repairshop to see if they could do something. It's weird, because EVERYTHING else works. The buttons, the volume, the AV Out even. Just the screen doesnt turn on. I dont get it.
You made a 275mb video of a screen not turning on ???
I'd open it up, see if anything came loose in there maybe.
I did that. I didn't see anything loose. The thing that attaches the LCD to the unit is a golden belt right?
What does one of these cost, with a rough estimate of shipping included? I want to get me something portable, considering one of these. :-\
They are rare and pricy. Nothing less than around $150 US. Thats why I'm so pissed off that the screen doesn't work.
Wow. That price is higher than I expected, but I'm sure you searched for and found the best deal. ;D Maybe I'll try something else, like one of them cheaper TimeMachine things, but then I'd need the GB.
Pokefami is your solution.
Oh, or you could just build your own out of a spare nes and a psone lcd, but considering you are aiming to buy something, you probably dont want to build it yourself.
$150 for a Game Axe? That's a ripoff. A brand new one just ended on EBay for $41.
Link please?
I saw a store item for sale at $75 + shipping.
How are you finding them? I type in every variation of Game Axe I can think of and only find ones in the $150 + shipping range.
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on May 04, 2007, 02:42:43 pm
How are you finding them?
By typing "game axe" into the search bar :)
JQ, just do a completed auctions search.
You end up finding a whole bunch of Golden Axe games for the Megadrive though. I've only seen a few auctions for the Game Axe Color.
Search "Worldwide" . ;)
By the way, here's the one I was talking about: ;)
Link (http://cgi.ebay.com/Game-Axe-Color-Portable-Game-System-Nintendo-Famicom_W0QQitemZ330113971012QQihZ014QQcategoryZ62054QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) ;)
Holy shit!: :o
Your were right (http://cgi.ebay.com/Game-Axe-Color-NES-Famicom-portable-system-NEW_W0QQitemZ120113163498QQihZ002QQcategoryZ62054QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) ;)
I would've bought it at that price. ;)
Problem is that I'm Canadian, so the ones that don't show up wouldn't ship to me anyway. Some sellers are like that. But thanks anyway.
Hey all, I sent the one with the broken screen back for a refund, and just got another one. This time this one works perfectly. The screen is comperable in quality to between Gamegear and GBA SP. It's much clearer than the Handy Famieight, but its AV in options are much more limited. Also: The GameAxe is LOUD. I can't beleive how much power the speaker has, I'd say at least twice the output of the GBA's speaker. Even having the volume at 25% is loud.
I want to write up a review of the GameAxe for Famicom World next. Did you get my review for the Yobo, JC? I sent it with the pics this time! ;)