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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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I just played Panic Restaurant again. I beat it this time. I had one game over, mostly due to the tight platforming required in the sewer stage. It's a good challenge to have to do a half-height jump across a barely-doable distance. I actually dumped the final boss (Ohdove... not one of the better named arch-enemies in NES history) on my first try. Overall the game was short, but sweet.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I have been playing Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Grafitti a whole lot these days, I want to beat it with the full ending.


Quote from: nerdynebraskan on June 05, 2013, 07:26:45 pm
I just played Panic Restaurant again. I beat it this time. I had one game over, mostly due to the tight platforming required in the sewer stage. It's a good challenge to have to do a half-height jump across a barely-doable distance. I actually dumped the final boss (Ohdove... not one of the better named arch-enemies in NES history) on my first try. Overall the game was short, but sweet.

Once you get the hang of those few tricky jumps, the game is very easy to no-death run. Doing a no-hit run is a bit more difficult though. And you might already know this, but in the Japanese version, the final boss was named "Hors D'Oeuvre". Not sure how that got lost in translation.

Last game I played was Ninja Gaiden Shadow (Game Boy) on the plane ride... going 7 days without Famicom will be a nightmare.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Project X Zone 3DS demo. 

My first playthrough was pretty crazy, as I didn't really know what was going on.  All I know is that I was able to summon Ulala from Space Channel 5, and she summed Opa Opa from Fantasy Zone and the guy from Space Harrier.  It was awesome, and if this is the kind of thing that happens in these "blah X blah" type of games, I can totally understand why Japan makes so many of them.

For my second playthrough, I managed to find the game's (all-text) tutorial buried in the menus, so I was able to play it while having some idea what I was doing.


Earlier, I played some Les Chevaliers du Zodiaque, the PAL NES version of Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu. It's tough to play  an RPG in a language I don't fully understand, but at least with French I'm able to get pretty close because of similarities to English and Spanish (which I also know some of).

I'm still trying to decide if this game is worth holding on to. I'm leaning toward reselling it, but I haven't given up on it yet. I'm not quite sure I understand the game. Does anyone here enjoy this game? Anybody have any tips?
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Good luck on figuring that out, Nerdy. A couple years ago I had a few RPGs on Famicom, and I just couldn't play them whatsoever. Not that I'm into RPGs anyway, but in a language you don't know, it'd just be impossible. Or you could use GameFAQs to guide you through the game, but I'm guessing that'd potentially take the fun out of it.

Last game I played was Super Street Fighter IV at GameWorks arcade... last night I battled three very skilled opponents in rotation, and got a massive winstreak going as Balrog! One of the challengers was getting extremely mad, slamming the buttons and yelling "WHAT THE FUCK" every time I landed damage on him... oh well. It was fun.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I just played some Cobra Command (NES). I actually reached the last stage with only a handful of deaths, but I game-overed at what I think may be the final boss. This game's last stage is as tough as it is weird.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


June 12, 2013, 06:23:02 pm #3427 Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 10:25:41 am by nerdynebraskan
I last played a bit of Mega Man X (SNES). I picked up a spare SNES at a thrift shop, and I figured I should test the controllers with a game I was familiar with.

Post Merge: June 15, 2013, 10:25:41 am

I started my day by testing three NES spares I'd picked up at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago: California Games, Trojan, and Athena. Blech. I'm sure you can see why I wasn't in a hurry to take care of those. They'll all be getting resold, and hopefully soon.

After that, I needed something better. I pulled my copy of Terminator 2 for the NES, to see if I can beat it. I've recently started participating in NintendoAge's group effort to beat every NES game this year, and they still need this one knocked out. I've been playing this for 20 years, and owned a copy continuously for almost that long, but I've never been able to finish it.

As usual, I game-overred in the last stage. Some of the platforming in the steel mill is super-precise, and most of it is done over instant-death molten steel pools. There's this one particular jump that requires a long-jump over said death pool, onto a tiny platform being lowered by a chain. I think you can only successfully make it when the platform is all the way down, but it's continuously moving up and down while fireballs spew from the death pool up toward the platform. I practically have to put my Terminator's first foot off the ledge to even make the long-jump to begin with, and sometimes I move a little too far to the left and just walk into the pool. And even when you do reach the platform, you must quickly long-jump left to another platform to avoid being instantly crushed to death by the platform moving back into the wall (its highest up-point). This hazard cost me three of the four lives I had left at that point.

I actually survived that bastard jump once, and I can probably count the number of times I've done that in my lifetime on one hand. I then proceeded to die quickly on the next tough-ass jump, which is immediately to the left of the safe platform beyond the platform-on-a-chain. There's a chained platform spinning side-to-side, but most of it is off-screen by even the far-left edge of the safe platform. It's almost a blind jump, and I mis-timed, so I fell into the molten steel. Only to find that I respawn BEFORE the platform lowered from a chain. Ugh.

I'll have to pick this up again later, and see if I can do better.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Aleste on Mark III with my SG1000 Racing Wheel. It controlled like a crude mix between RC plane and Etch a Sketch and I didnt't even get through a quarter of the first stage, but it's quite fun^^


Retro City Rampage, just too good.  So Konamísme!
My for Sale / Trade thread


I spent the last hour or so with some Sqoon on the NES. I'm trying to beat this game for the first time, and for the NA challenge. I didn't get it done, but I'm getting better. I reached Phase 6 on one playthrough, and managed to score over 400,000 points. Not bad, but not good enough either. It's sad this game is so obscure; it's probably the best early shooter on the FC/NES (it was released in 1986).
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I just spent over 3 hours on one game of Sqoon for the NES. I... think... I beat the game, but I honestly didn't see the end screen. (The game loops forever, but supposedly you get a different  text message after you complete the fourth loop where the aliens claim to want to surrender. Thus, beating the fourth loop is considered beating the game).

It was pretty insane, considering I'd never beaten the first loop before. But I got into a zone early in the second loop and just starting going nuts.  I went five or six levels without getting hit. I racked up about 15 extra lives, but I wasn't sure of the number because the live counter replaces numbers with pictures after 9. (I had a white and pink dot frequently, but I was a couple above that for a while.) Honestly, the loops are kind of pointless since they don't seem to get any harder. The enemies don't change; they stay the same in number, formation, speed... everything. Even the hidden extra lives appear in the same place of the level every time you loop through it.

3 hours later, confident I'd beaten it, and pretty tired of this repetitive game. my game slipped and I game-overed. But I finished with 5,003,330 points. Which is super nuts, considering the enemies that swim at you are only worth 50-100 points apiece. The ground targets are only worth 1,000 each, and there aren't a ton of them in every level.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


You've been doing well, Nerdy. I've been extremely sick over the past few days so I've been slacking, gaming-wise.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I honestly woke up with pain and stiffness in my right arm this morning, possibly from the relentless tap-tap-tapping of a 3 1/2 hour Sqoon marathon without a turbo controller (as per NA rules). Yeah, I'm old.

I was going to take a day off from videogames today to heal up, but I was bored and had some time to kill. So, I made a logical choice. I played a bit of Ms. Pac-Man (licensed Namco version for the NES), which doesn't require the use of my right arm at all. I just had to steer her movement, with my left hand on the D-pad.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


found myself back to playing mario party 2 japanese version. nearly at the 40,000 mark for coins in the bank.  i am starting to think this is my favorite N64 game, even passing SM64 :-\
I am a big Nintendo fan! especially GameBoy, N64, SFC, GC. And of course Mario games
I collect SFC/N64 mainly. Some rare famicom stuff too. Also miscellaneous video game stuff.