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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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I just had a bit of a marathon with KickMaster (NES). I'm trying to knock it out for the NA challenge. The game is actually pretty easy up to the last level, but I eventually reached the final boss. I came close a couple of times, but it's late and I'm pretty burned out. I'll try it again tomorrow; we'll see if I can rack up a little more mana before the nastiness of the last level. The magic is very helpful, but they're pretty stingy about handing out the mana to use it.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Ive been messing around with my N64 and Gameshark Pro 3.3 lately.

I made a Gameshark code that I like to call Mitch Rules (Mitchell is my name) It is for the USA version of Super Mario 64

80336F80 004D
80336F81 0049
80336F82 0054
80336F83 0043
80336F84 0048
80336F88 0052
80336F89 0055
80336F8A 004C
80336F8B 0045
80336F8C 0053

See if you can guess what it does.

This is why I own a Gameshark :)


I've been playing LOZ - Minish cap again on my DS LIte.  It has some frustrating moments, but really is a masterpiece and a visual treat.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I've put a few hours into Wario's Woods (NES) last night and this afternoon. I was trying to see if I could beat this for the NA challenge, but I can't get past the upper 40s stages in Game A. I'm just not fast enough yet. I may keep hacking away at this for a while, but I'll probably play some other things too.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I'm playing zoo tycoon on my laptop and animal crossing  wild world on my ds. I'm considering setting up the famicom on the big teev but I need some more power outlets   ::) ???


I got to play some NES for the first time in a couple of days. I started off my day with some Wario's Woods. I've managed to break into the upper 50s on Game A. I also tested my new copies of Last Starfighter (still a piece of crap!) and Yo! Noid. I maxed out on stage 3. I can't quite tell if the hit detection is a little off, or if I'm just not doing something right when I jump on enemies.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Quote from: nerdynebraskan on July 06, 2013, 12:01:52 pm
Yo! Noid. I maxed out on stage 3. I can't quite tell if the hit detection is a little off, or if I'm just not doing something right when I jump on enemies.

B-but... m-my advice...  :'( Remember, hit them with the BACK wheels!
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I'll be honest: I didn't want to read it that closely. I prefer to figure out games on my own. I try not to resort to walkthroughs until I'm madly frustrated with a game. Back wheels, huh? That's kind of dumb, but I'll try to remember that. Didn't you say something about the graphics changes in the NES version being kind of screwy with this game a little while back?
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Ah, I totally respect that. I'm the same way when I first play a game, I love learning them. Yeah it is kinda screwy, but it's the same way in Hanamaru. The graphical deceptions in Yo! Noid are mainly attributed to the fact that there is no hitbox where Noid's ears are, so sometimes his long bunny ears can throw you off.  In the later stages you have to deal with a lot of airborne enemies, so you'll want to learn his hitbox well.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


It might be a bit before I get back to Yo! Noid. I sunk a couple more hours into Wario's Woods. I put a pretty nice dent into it, but I've still got more than 30 stages left apiece in both games A and B (and then the time trials after that). I am really loving this game. The time just flies when I power this sucker up.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Last night I decided to play my NES for the first time in a while, I beat Castlevania, and NInja Gaiden II. Forgot how great Ninja Gaiden II was, I'd also consider it to be the hardest in the trilogy.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Just played more Wario's Woods. I've been seriously addicted to this for the last few days. I've reached stage 75 on game A, 70 on game B, and have a silver medal in the Easy Time Trial.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I've started playing pokemon black on my ds last night. These pokemon games tend to be repetitive though


My obsession with Wario's Woods has continue over the last couple of days. I reached level 85 on game A last night, and also picked up a bronze medal in the "normal" time trials. I put in a couple of hours tonight, but didn't get anything accomplished.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Sniper Elite Zombie.. on Steam.. Love their summer sale now.