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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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Testing ny toasters last night I played Dr Mario then the next thing I know it's 3am :(


I took another stab at Firehawk (NES) today, since I'm trying to beat it for the NA challenge. I reached level 6 (of 7) today, which is two stages better than my previous best. Hopefully that means I can finish it off soon.


After that, I decided to have some fun with something I knew a little better. I had a new copy of Dr. Mario I needed to test, so I popped that in and played the first 12 stages on HI speed. It had been a bit too long since I'd last played that.

Then I popped in a Super Mario/Duck Hunt cart. I hit Duck Hunt first, to make sure it loaded properly. Then I played some Super Mario. Beat the game twice in a row; I was a bit rusty, having not played it in a bit, so I did die a few times.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I think i'm gonna get the superfamicom out and test my superscope. Had to test the toasters because i'm selling one I also found I had a chinese multicart with all sorts of games on it


A lot of Net Yaroze games for the PS1. ;)
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I took another stab at beating Firehawk (NES). Again, I crashed and burned in Stage 6. This game gets tough! And it's a lot like a Konami shooter (e.g.: Gradius), in that you lose a life, and you lose all of your upgrades. And then, the game is just that much harder.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?

Jedi Master Baiter

Completed Duck Tales 2 on Normal with 3 pieces of the treasure map. I'll have to go back & collect the rest, on Difficult this time. :crazy:


Open Arena. I come back to this game every once in a while, It's mostly dead but I finally found a server with the best configuration that speeds up gameplay like woah.



Nice. I've only beaten that on Easy. I'll have to revisit that sometime soon on the higher difficulties.

I played two games of Tecmo Super Bowl to cap off my night. Two blowout wins, and I'm up to 7-1 on the season. Not bad for the Packers.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: nerdynebraskan on August 23, 2013, 09:05:38 pm
I played two games of Tecmo Super Bowl to cap off my night. Two blowout wins, and I'm up to 7-1 on the season. Not bad for the Packers.

Crap! :o I completely forgot to play Tecmo Super Bowl this summer!

By the way, I started StarTropics today. ;D I've always wanted to play that. Fun stuff, but I don't recall any other games that rewards you with an instant death room for trying to explore. :fire:



Yeah, that death-trap room is pretty annoying in StarTropics. I haven't played too deeply into that game, but that room is in, what, the first underground in the game right?

And it's not too late to pick up your copy of Tecmo. I usually start in late summer, about a month to month and a half before the start of the real college football season, but you can play it whenever you want of course. I played a couple more games: I blew out Buffalo (!), before losing a very frustrating game to the last-place Vikings. Three aggravating turnovers, including the ridiculously-inaccurate-interception, and the Vikes clinched it with one of their offfensive linemen returning a fumble 85 yards for a touchdown in the last minute (and flying past my fastest defenders). I swear, the luck system in that game is absurd some games.

That was what I've played so far today, along with a little bit of Donkey Kong Land (GB), which is my newest game. I'm suspicious the save-battery may be dead in my copy.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Last game I played was Jurassic Park (NES). I've played it since childhood, and owned it since adolescence. I'm trying to knock it out for the NintendoAge challenge. I had the best playthrough of my life yesterday, and I'm hoping to knock it out in the next week.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Dracula X, amazing game but not quite as fun as the original so far.  A lot more fun than Dracula XX of course.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Samurai Shodown (3DO) Man I love Earthquake. He is the true king of turtling.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I just played a bit of Dizzy the Adventurer (NES) , which is the only game exclusive to the strange and interesting Aladdin Deck Enhancer. I thought I'd take a crack at making it the next game I conquer for the NintendoAge challenge. Kind of tedious how they force you to beat a game with lots of trial and error on three lives, though.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Got the Super Famicom version of Super Metroid this morning (haven't played it in years), and just beat it a few minutes ago, and got the best ending! (2:50)