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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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I remember that - I was going to buy one but they were VERY limited quantities and pre-orders sold out almost instantly.  Luckily, they're all available sea patently I believe, so I can make repros of individual games for example.
I had a lot of fun with STREEMERZ on PC so I'd live a fami cart of it one day.
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I think they're back in production. I only asked for this game a month ago. My title screen says "Rel #2." And my cart is a gray one, rather than the transparent carts that were in the first release.

If you did want to build your own, I believe the ROM with title screen and all games is also available for free download. I've seen it at one or more of the links that came right up with the simple Google search I offered above.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Ahh, I might try that then - seems a good shout if I can make a Famicom version with all those games!
My for Sale / Trade thread


I had a mini-marathon with my spare Genesis stuff today, as I had to test it out before offering it for sale. I started with Sonic the Hedgehog, so I could test the controllers with something familiar. It wasn't easy turning it off after the first world so I could move onto... NBA Jam. I also dabbled in a handful of other things, including Columns which is pretty fun. I also tried a few other games for the first time, as I'd picked up a few Genesis games at thrift stores over the past few weeks but hadn't had time to play them yet. Marvel World looks like it could be a pretty enjoyable platformer, and Zoom was definitely unique.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


I'm slogging through all of the titles on the exceptional 245-in-1.  However, my Super Joy famiclone is janky, so I plugged in my SNES. 
Wow, its alot better than I recall.
Been playing Yoshi's Island and it rocks.  That wailing Mario sound is sure effective. 


Rockman 5: Wily's Dream Space (NES).

It's very well-done, and very difficult. I've put several hours into it between last night and this afternoon, and I was only able to beat four of the robot masters and recover Beat components from two other stages. I decided to pick it up because I needed to test a pile of spare NES controllers, and it's always good to have a familiar game for that. (OK, so I haven't played much of Dream Space before yesterday, but the controls and physics are obviously the same as the original Rockman/Megaman 5, which I've played tons of.)
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


December 28, 2013, 04:34:57 pm #3621 Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 04:54:30 pm by Tetouani85
this time i have beaten "RESIDENT EVIL 2" the PSX version  :), 8 hours of paying  :-[


I love that game, I had it on PC.

Just played a half dozen levels of SMS The Ninja on my DSlite.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I played Fallout 3 GOTY, got the ending? and than after that the game continues with new quests  ???


I worked on Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak and Tecmo Super Bowl for the Nintendo Age NES Challenge, but wasn't able to finish either yet.

I also had a friend over, and we messed with an assortment of games. Space Invaders (FC), Super C and CastleVania (NES), and Wolfenstein 3D (SNES).
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


played Mario Party N64 (The first one) with a friend. IMHO, Mario party 2 is much better  :-\
I am a big Nintendo fan! especially GameBoy, N64, SFC, GC. And of course Mario games
I collect SFC/N64 mainly. Some rare famicom stuff too. Also miscellaneous video game stuff.


Mega Man 7 (SNES)

I just got this in the mail today, which makes Rockman & Bass the only Mega Man game besides the soccer spinoff that I don't have for NES, SNES, and original GB.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?


Mega Man 7 is very underrated I think.

I had a first couple of levels on Dragon's Crown.  Looks beautiful but not quite what I was expecting at first.
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Played some Rush 'n' Attack, can't pass second stage  :'(


I played some "shive it", a clone of Sokoban for the sega genesis.