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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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My bad. A lot of times I lose sight of the fact that not everyone has played it thousands of times. But I assure you, once you've learned it inside and out, it does become an easy (or should I say, a consistent) game.

Speaking of which... today I decided to tackle the second loop of Castlevania, and ended up going a little overboard. I kept looping all the way until I reached stage 99... the counter never advanced past that.

I also maxed out the score... I thought it might become stuck at 999,999, but nope, it resets.

Anyway, it was fun. I still need to learn how to no-death the second quest, as stage 4 is considerably harder than normal.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Broke my Ninja Gaiden record again, got to the second final boss. Who of course killed me after I got a whopping two hits in.

Then it happened, what I knew was going to happen but I was still in denial over. The game sent me back to 6-1.

One day...

Although I find it a bit tricky to learn how to jump up walls in NG1, still the first final boss is easy enough. I've seen strategies on how to dodge the fireballs of the second guy, but I'm not sure how to
beat him without a bunch of firewheel magic backed up...
The third boss seems to just be a case of quick movements and a little luck, but it's probably easier than #2...

But man playing through 6-1, 6-2 and 6-3 again every time... I guess you have no choice but to master it...


I wouldn't recommend the Fire Wheel - if you are unable to beat Jaquio sword-only, then go for the Spin Slash. There is one on 6-3, in the first room, at the bottom right corner. Take this to him, and you'll be able to annihilate him in one hit. This is what I used to do before I learned to fight him sword-only...

My strategy would be hard to type out, especially since dodging his fireballs isn't always easy, you have to quickly look at the pattern he's throwing them, and gauge whether it'd be optimal to move out of their way, or swerve in between them. As for landing damage, I tend to cling to either side of the wall depending on his pattern, and then quickly jump off and get in as many slashes as I can when he approaches... then some more slashes when he leaves that side. I use the rapid air-sword glitch to eat away at his health quickly, on a good day I can beat him in 3 cycles, or so.

Also, take note that contact damage with him does a whopping three hits off of your bar, whereas each fireball only does one hit. So, if you have to choose to get hit by one of those, let it be the fireball.

Once you beat him, don't panic against form three: It's easy, and requires ZERO luck so long as you aren't going for speed. Slash away at the head (the head will roll off and hit you, which can't be avoided, don't worry), then slash away at the tail, then finally the orb in his center. It'll rain projectiles but so long as you watch where they're going, and swerve between them properly, you should be able to claim victory.

Good luck.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


So you have faced the true horrors of 6-2 and 6-3. It's not beating them once, it's beating them every time you die (which is usually at least once per boss). At least the final bosses only needs to be beaten once each. Keep at it!


Yesterday I sat down and played through an extensive Rescue Rangers 2 hack I have on multicart.  The dialogues were so funny.  I'll post something about it on my blog sometime soon, maybe tomorrow, as the ending text was really great...
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


2½ more hours on Ninja Gaiden, got in 5-6 tries on the 2nd boss but died every time of course. If I use the fire wheel there's a nice and easy pattern, but of course I never get there with enough, and whenever it's up to me and the sword I fail after getting maybe 2 hits in.  Running from side to side dodging works, but whenever I want to go in to attack it's super risky and I end up getting hit multiple times.


Then why not just use the Spin Slash? 5 Ninpo is all you need, it'll take him down with one hit.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


July 11, 2015, 04:06:40 am #3952 Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 10:12:10 am by Protoman
I'm considering it now, but isn't that cheating?

Although it's in the game and not a code of any kind... usually I don't consider that cheating.

Plus to do it I have to get there once first and die (because even if I make it there, they'll take my magic once I kill boss #1) then make my way back to 6-3, pick up the jump n slash, make it to the boss
without dying, and then beat him. So it's not like it's super easy to do...

Post Merge: July 11, 2015, 10:12:09 am


..wait for it


Beat the first last boss no problem, died at the 2nd of course, then about 1 hour later I got him with the spin slash (getting there with it wasn't so easy!) and he didn't die in one hit but two, the first hit took away all his
health except one bar, then I got the other with my sword.

Then I died at the third! I thought I was going to beat it then and there, from videos that boss looked much easier! But his attacks hurt and sometimes can be hard to run away from.
So after about 2 hours of trying to get to him with more health left over, I finally got there healthier and BAM, beat the gaaaaame~

A big moment for me, this beats when I beat Castlevania, because frankly Ninja Gaiden is more difficult and besides, I beat Castlevania on FDS, where I could save and train over a longer period of time
without having to play from the start every time.

So please allow me this moment of happiness without remarks of  "the game is actually pretty easy" or stuff like that...



The game is actually pretty e- uh, I mean, well done! Your first time clearing Ninja Gaiden I is an unforgettable experience, I knew you'd do it with enough practice.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Congratulations Protoman! It's a great game and beating it is a great feeling isn't it. :)
I didn't know the spin sword was that powerful though. I always have the fire ninjutsu spell and not too much ninpou power when I reach the boss. The fire spell isn't too useful on the bosses though.


Good going Protoman! That's one tough game.

Had a quick go at Ice Climber, haven't played it for years. Only made it to mountain 9. Definitely going to play some more.


Just got done with a no-death of Zen: Intergalactic Ninja on NES. 16:29 was my time... urgh, I missed the quick-kill on Contaminous.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


That's an amazing videogame! I wish I could beat it.


Been playing Hearthstone.. Quite addicting..


Been playing Challenger, Milk & Nuts and Popeye.  Some of the early Famicom stuff is really addictive.