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Last game you played?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:54:18 pm

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What kind of things did you do inTwilight Princess?

Yes P, it is a beautiful game - though I'd never played it before I also have the handbill and a mint CIB copy filed away - I feel much better about those now that I have played it, interested to play Tetris Attack now too...
My for Sale / Trade thread


The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. I am still near the beginning because I don't get much time to actually sit down and play through anything. I am at the point where I have been transformed in to a wolf and have just found a sword and sheild and am about to go back in to the twilight. It's pretty cool.


November 25, 2015, 08:37:27 pm #4022 Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 08:42:48 pm by zmaster18
Panel de Pon: My favourite puzzle game. I love Vs puzzle games, and this game is perfectly balanced. Puyo Puyo on the other hand has a crappy balance.
Also, check out Pieces by Atlus on Super Nintendo. Watch a video of the gameplay, it's amazing. This game is actually pretty rare, about as rare as Earthbound but not as expensive. You can even use the SNES mouse with it and do up to 5 players.

Twilight Princess: I remember as a 12 year old, being such a huuuuge Zelda fan back when the series was at its prime (the Z in zmaster18 is Zelda btw) I was never excited for Twilight Princess. I don't like the visual style that much. Once I actually got the game in 2006, I didn't like it. My biggest complaint for this shitty Zelda game is that there's soooooo muuuuuuch stoooooory.....blah blah blah... You only get to the first dungeon after like 5 hours of gameplay. That's no fun, Zelda is all about exploration. My first playthrough of the game in '06 I only beat the 2nd dungeon and then quit. I tried playing it again last year and got in the middle of the 3rd dungeon and then quit. I will only buy the new HD remake if they somehow remove all the story elements of the game. Unfortunately, Nintendo won't do that. When looking online searching "when does Twilight Princess get fun", many other people asked the same question. It only gets fun like 15 hours in?? EFFF THAT.

Then when Skyward Sword was announced, I was a little excited. I thought it looked a bit better than Twilight Princess and I thought the Wii Motion plus controls were interesting. But once I got the game, it was ok but the story pissed me of. I almost made it to the 2nd dungeon, but you needed to go on a scavenger hunt and find 15 bugs before the door opens. After wasting 2 hours trying to find the last bug I needed, I just quit. I also hated how your sidekick Fi literally told you what to do for every single step. Dumb. So F##$cking dumb.

I am playing A Link Between Worlds on 3DS for the first time now, even though I owned it for 2 years. It's pretty good so far!  ;)  Also playing some Nintendo Badge Arcade on 3DS! A good fun game with great music and tons of collectibles. I'm not spending a dime on it unless the Famicom themed badges are available.


Quote from: zmaster18 on November 25, 2015, 08:37:27 pm
Panel de Pon: My favourite puzzle game. I love Vs puzzle games, and this game is perfectly balanced. Puyo Puyo on the other hand has a crappy balance.
Also, check out Pieces by Atlus on Super Nintendo. Watch a video of the gameplay, it's amazing. This game is actually pretty rare, about as rare as Earthbound but not as expensive. You can even use the SNES mouse with it and do up to 5 players.

Yeah exactly what I meant! It's Intelligent Systems' knack for perfectionism that makes it so perfectly balanced. It's the same for their other games like Fire Emblem and Paper Mario. Puyo Puyo is my other favourite Tetris-clone besides Tetris itself, but I agree that it feels much more random than Panel de Pon. Checked out a video of Pieces and it looks great! Never played that one, thanks for the tip!

QuoteTwilight Princess: I remember as a 12 year old, being such a huuuuge Zelda fan back when the series was at its prime (the Z in zmaster18 is Zelda btw) I was never excited for Twilight Princess. I don't like the visual style that much. Once I actually got the game in 2006, I didn't like it. My biggest complaint for this shitty Zelda game is that there's soooooo muuuuuuch stoooooory.....blah blah blah... You only get to the first dungeon after like 5 hours of gameplay. That's no fun, Zelda is all about exploration. My first playthrough of the game in '06 I only beat the 2nd dungeon and then quit. I tried playing it again last year and got in the middle of the 3rd dungeon and then quit. I will only buy the new HD remake if they somehow remove all the story elements of the game. Unfortunately, Nintendo won't do that. When looking online searching "when does Twilight Princess get fun", many other people asked the same question. It only gets fun like 15 hours in?? EFFF THAT.

Then when Skyward Sword was announced, I was a little excited. I thought it looked a bit better than Twilight Princess and I thought the Wii Motion plus controls were interesting. But once I got the game, it was ok but the story pissed me of. I almost made it to the 2nd dungeon, but you needed to go on a scavenger hunt and find 15 bugs before the door opens. After wasting 2 hours trying to find the last bug I needed, I just quit. I also hated how your sidekick Fi literally told you what to do for every single step. Dumb. So F##$cking dumb.

I think Twilight Princess is pretty cool what with being a wolf gives you abilities to speak to animals and see ghosts, but I agree that it's the least exciting of the new 3D Zeldas. Among the new 3D Zeldas I love Skyward Sword the most! It's so beautiful and although I miss the fishing mini-game I love the new bug-catching part that's replacing it. Only problem is that it's too easy, I had tons of all bugs and "rare" treasures long before I actually needed them in the late-game. It's kind of like fishing in Twilight Princess: very cool, but way too easy (the Hylian Loach is hardly challenging to get except that you need to complete a certain mini-game).

I also agree that it's dumb that Fi walk you through the game hand in hand. Tingle is even worse in Wind Waker, he gives away every single puzzle in all dungeons if you are using the Tingle Tuner. I'm glad I didn't have a GBA when I first played the game or the game would have been totally ruined. Nintendo is overly generous about giving away how to proceed in their games nowdays. I guess they are afraid that young impatient ones are going to get stuck and just give up. For us old ones that are used to getting stuck, it feels totally stupid and meaningless. Why even play a game if there's no challenge to it?


Golden Axe on the Megadrive.  Good game, but not a patch on the Amiga 500 port.  That reminds me, I need to fix my A500 at some point, or at least try to.  Neither mouse/joystick port works...



Above is what all of the battles I've entered pretty much look like. $3 well-spent on Steam (and my first Steam purchase). The music is excellent too.

Here's a trailer for those interested:
The music in the trailer is the battle theme.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -

famicom guy

Who Framed Roger Rabbit NES (on emulator)


I've heard Hylics is very strange and weird and worth playing!

I've been playing my 3DS a lot lately. Working my way through Boxboy! and Azure Striker Gunvolt, two very good downloadable titles, as well as replaying A Link Between Worlds on Hero Mode. The game gains a lot of tension when you have 8 heart containers and some enemies can still kill you in a single hit.
Favorites: Castlevania, Metroid, Namco 18


Fallout 4

I have never played a Fallout game before but F4 is great game! the map the gameplay the atmosphere so amazing.
Love it! 8)


I'm currently at my parents house and I played my brother's PS4 games. I didn't like any of them. Here's what I played:

-Diablo III: This game was playable, but boring and shallow. Also no music in-game.

-Bloodbourne: Awkward controls, and environments with interactive elements that do nothing. I saw like 10 doors in the first part of the game that you couldn't open. I think this is kinda dumb level design. Also no music in game.

-Guacamelee: OK, had nice style and presentation. Just a little but slow without much to do. Got bored quick.

I played some other PS4 download games but they were totally weird. I noticed that Western games don't have music, and you just play in silence. I feel like a big part of the experience is missing. I know that with Playstation and Xbox you can play your own music during gameplay, but still... the lack of a soundtrack was lame. In high school, my friend came over and laughed hysterically when he saw a CD of Super Mario Galaxy 2 on my shelf. He basically thought I was a gay faggot. There's such a huge difference between Western and Japanese gaming.  I also don't like realistic, grey, and empty worlds. I really didn't enjoy these games.

I also brought my Famicom with me in my suitcase because my bro said he might want to try Goemon 2 with me. After showing him some gameplay, he said it was just too basic for him. He also said that the original Mario Bros was bad and just plain old not fun. I was actually a little bit sad he didn't want to try my games. I played his shitty PS4 games....he even just bought a 2nd PS4 controller because he thought I would like his stuff.


Man, I haven't played a game in ages.  I hope to play something this weekend :)  Open to suggestions, as long as it is Famicom.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Duck Tales 2. After beating the first one a couple of times this feels like a disappointment :(
Life is too short to be little.
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Quote from: Cheetahmen on December 23, 2015, 10:02:43 am
Duck Tales 2. After beating the first one a couple of times this feels like a disappointment :(

I feel the exact same way about this one, as well as Rescue Rangers 2.
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Quote from: zmaster18 on December 23, 2015, 08:38:55 am
-Bloodbourne: Awkward controls, and environments with interactive elements that do nothing. I saw like 10 doors in the first part of the game that you couldn't open. I think this is kinda dumb level design. Also no music in game.

I Played and finished both Dark Souls 2 and Bloodbourne, The game is great but do not compare with Dark Souls.
I think BD has awkward characters and atmosphere too but you may like it if you follow your way outside Central Yharnam.
Gave it another try. :fire:


People say Bloodbourne is one of the best of the year, but I really can't adapt to this kind of game :0 I'm kinda too old skool to get into modern games like this unfortunately. The only new game that looks awesome to me is Transformers Devastation. It looks beautiful and has the retro Transformers look.  ;D