Brand new square button Famicom

Started by Salduchi, July 26, 2023, 05:08:07 pm

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Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted here...

I was doing a little searching on eBay yesterday and I had happen to come across a supposed brand new square button famicom that was not listed as a square button famicom, and I bought it for $389. Not sure if the guy knew exactly what he had. Pretty excited to get this in the mail and check it out.

The pictures look nice and it doesn't seem to be bleached to get rid of any yellowing and the serial number seems to suggest that it's either a 05 or 06 motherboard but of course that's impossible to know without opening it which I will not want to do if it truly is new.

An interesting thing I noticed was that it has this little Nintendo stamp on the bottom left of the box right above the Nintendo logo, and I've never seen that before on any other famicom box. Any ideas what that could be? It also comes with a paper that's I've never seen before that shows how to hook up the RF box.

This is my second time attempting to buy a brand new square button Famicom as they rarely pop up online. Here is a link to what I bought. Check it out and let me know what you guys think.


Very nice! Quite amazing these things are even still out there, considering.

No idea about the stamp; can't really tell what it is from the picture. Maybe some store's own addition?

A well-done application of hydrogen peroxide to whiten the plastic is very hard to spot, but cosidering the condition of everything I doubt it has been touched up in such a manner as well.

I recently got a square button Fami of my own for $12, although it's only half of one, as the second controller wasn't salvageable.


How did you manage to find one for so cheap?

How do they use peroxide and get it under the stickers without ruining them?


July 27, 2023, 05:44:28 am #3 Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 05:54:06 am by Skawo
Well, it wasn't working, and it looked like this:

I did fix it, though, and even with just one controller, for the price, that's fair, no?
Perhaps I can someday 3D print a replacement for the second controller's shell, as, electrically, it works fine.

As for the peroxide: You'd just peel the stickers off, stick the whole console in the peroxide and put it out on the sun. You can get or even make replacement stickers that will be really difficult to tell apart.

Here's one I did for myself. You can tell it's the same console by the little chip near the RESET button:


Congratulations! It looks like a very nice find. :)
Skawo's find also seems nice, at least for that price!

Quote from: Salduchi on July 26, 2023, 05:08:07 pmAn interesting thing I noticed was that it has this little Nintendo stamp on the bottom left of the box right above the Nintendo logo, and I've never seen that before on any other famicom box. Any ideas what that could be? It also comes with a paper that's I've never seen before that shows how to hook up the RF box.
Do you mean the marking above the Nintendo logo on the box in the first picture? That's a picture of the Famicom Mini box so it doesn't really belong, but it says there are 30 Famicom titles internally. I guess the seller just thought it was a generic image of a Famicom and used it.

Otherwise I don't see any stamps.


He meant this

I think you're looking at the "we found something similar" page instead of the thing he bought.


Yeah I was looking at whatever came up when I clicked, it was something else.

OK now I see it, the pic is too blurry for me to tell anything.