Twin Famicom Error 2

Started by Skuskowski, November 05, 2013, 02:14:05 pm

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Hey everyone, new to the forum here.

I just received a twin famicom off eBay that was listed as 100% working.  All cartridge games work fine, but I get a error 2 battery every time I try to play a disk game. I read reports that it could be my AC adapter?  Any help would be great. 

Attached is the picture of the adapter it came with.


How much did you pay for that Twin Famicom? It could be that the FDS needs a new belt and there are few people here in FamicomWorld who sell them :)
That Guy


The auction said fully working and just had the belt replaced. I'm trying to contact the seller as we speak.


ERR.2 has nothing to do with belt, it's power issue.
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


That was my thought as well.  I tested it some more and now it acts like a disk is in the system when it's not.


Get another adapter, your may be faulty.


If the adapter was faulty would the cartridge slot of still work without any issue?


When motor start, it takes much bigger current, so you have voltage drop
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


I went out and purchased another power adapter and I still have the exact same issue. Any other ideas?


November 07, 2013, 09:44:01 pm #9 Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 09:54:09 pm by jpx72
Can you hear the motor spinning?
Maybe opening and checking the connectors may be a good idea, at least the one that can be accessed from bottom of the console.


I've also gotten error 2 with known working power supplies. What fixed it in my case was a belt replacement and lubrication of the rails of the drive mechanism. If your belt is fine, when you turn the Fami/FDS on, listen for drive sound or open the case and look. If you don't see the head move it may be the lubricating problem. If lubrication doesn't help, check to make sure you/whoever put the gear mechanism together correctly. There are many sites with pictures of how to do it properly. Try these out and let us know if anything gets better.


The inside of the power plug on the power board sometimes need cleaning or could need a restoration.
But since this is a twin famicom apparently it turns on before it can give Err 2.
I would check that the disk unit is properly attached inside the console.
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