everdrive n8 graphic glitch on dragon warrior 4

Started by peterwright1234, December 24, 2013, 06:06:46 pm

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December 24, 2013, 06:06:46 pm Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 07:16:52 pm by peterwright1234
Hey guys. Ive got a question about my new everdrive n8. I'm playing it on my orginal famicom and im playing dragon warrior 4. The graphic glitch shows up when the screen scrolls up and down. Especially when im moving my character down the screen and the background scrolls up. What happens is i see little glitches on the very bottom of the screen. Its very apparent in dungeons. Can anyone tell me if this is normal on the everdrive n8 or if Ive got a problem? thanks.

Post Merge: December 24, 2013, 07:02:08 pm

UPDATE: the glitch appears on other games that scroll vertically. I tried final fantasy and the same thing happens.

is this normal on an original famicom? this is my first time playing one.