Which System for the beginning?

Started by Ginkgo*, January 30, 2014, 08:45:35 am

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Maybe best to set a budget and then decide what's the best choice for that budget.  

It depends on what you want first out, you have all the information here though to make an informed decision now at least.  

The decision ultimately has to be yours of course, let us know what you choose!   :)
My for Sale / Trade thread


Thank you all for your help!
Although there seems to be some good Famiclones I can't get to like the idea of playing on a clone. Maybe this is nonsense but I can't really enjoy the games if I don't play them on a original console, for instance I never fully enjoyed the idea of playing on an emulator, well I guess I'm not the only one on this forum who thinks that way.
The other thing are multicarts. I understand why some of you recommended to get one of these, it helps me to get an overview of the famicom-library but I already owned an NES for some years and there is also the internet, so I more or less "know" (the quotation marks should be big and bold  :-[ ) what I'm diving into. Just like fredJ somewhat inside me refuses to use one of them.

To get back to the topic: I think I'll buy a regular Famicom, from my point of view it looks like it's the cheapest way to get into Famicom gaming, first I'll take a look around the Trade-section of Famicom World like some of you recommended, maybe I'll find there an AV-modded one.

So, yeah, I think that should conclude that topic, thanks again for your help and I'll keep you updated, I'm somehow already fixed although I never touched an Famicom  :P
