FDS: belt on edge question

Started by leonk, March 31, 2014, 04:18:30 pm

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I recently fixed my FDS by installing the new yellow belt that came from Japan. All 15 games I tired on it work great after I reset the hub position back to factory position as per instructions on the net (before I was getting a disk error). Before I closed the system I noticed the band is literally on the edge of the big wheel to the point where about 1/4 of it is off the wheel!! It works fine (doesn't fall off) but seems to stabalize on this spot no matter how much I reseat it back down. Anyone else noticed this and how did you go about fixing it? (Or should I just ignore it and hope it doesn't fall off!)


I have had the same thing happen to me to where the yellow belt looks like it will fall off. If the wheel and belt have good grip, it will stay on. Keep testing the drive over and over again to see how well the belt holds up.