Do you like Super Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros: the lost levels?

Started by nes player, April 06, 2013, 01:35:25 pm

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Do you like Mario Bros, SMB, or SMB2?

Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 2 (Famicom)
Two of them
All three


Mario Bros. is an okay game.  It is an arcade game....great for killing time, but after blowing a few quarters (or spending 10 - 15 minutes), I quickly lose interest and am ready for something else.

With Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 (J version), there is something interesting going on, for me.  I love Super Mario Bros. And I used to think that I loved the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2, that is, until I actually took off the training wheels (i.e. Super Mario All Stars remake) and got myself a Famicom port copy of the game.  I quickly gave the game a go, here and there, but just could not get into it so much.  My biggest problem is that because I know SMB like the back of my hand, I *feel* as though I should know SMB2J the same way...and then I do...well until I whip myself into a pit or a goomba, and have to start from square one.  That game is challenging, but mentally I feel as though it shouldn't be (due to my relationship with the original SMB), and hence my problem.  I have played (and almost mastered) BAttletoads, and while challenging, it doesn't feel like it should be easy, mentally.
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How about "All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros." "Vs. Super Mario Bros." or "Return of Mario Bros." ?
I mainly collect Gamecube (GCN) items. I collect other items too, but I'm focusing on my GCN collection currently.