Compute PI on 8-bit famicom clone (SB2000) source code!

Started by doctorlai, February 19, 2014, 11:43:33 pm

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Interesting! I'll try this program tomorrow and see what happens.
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i bet it can be upto 10x+ times faster if you rewrite it on pure 6502 assembly without decimal operations (division by 10 and mod by 10)


of course.. and i couldn't agree more..

but so far,  BASIC is the most - platform independent programming language (although it is quite slow, as interpreting language) for all famicom clones with keyboards!


Make long story short - when you going to sell massively your SB2000 famiclones?
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy



I just have one...

but i am going to get BBK famicom soon, so I am considering selling it...

I 'll offer a reasonable price if you are interested... PM if interested. thx