How to clean FDS/ FDS games?

Started by smileyman8b, June 23, 2014, 09:25:38 pm

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June 23, 2014, 09:25:38 pm Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 09:55:35 pm by smileyman8b
so i got my FDS games in today  ;D and was playing kid icarus  :gamer: saved then hit continue on the main screen and when it tells you to switch to side b i hit the eject button and tried to pull out the game and it was stuck ??? though i found out i had only hit the eject button halfway when i turned on my bedroom light  :P (in my defense the game did pop out halfway)  and when i looked at the kid icarus disk i thought i scratched it  :-\  although it turns out i just wiped a small section of the grime on it off onto something.... probably the head that reads the disks  :'( .......
though the game works fine and so does the FDS i have this sort of tradition ive always opened up all of my consoles/games that i get that arent brand new and give them a really good cleaning that way my games arent getting my consoles dirty and my consoles arent getting my games dirty and for other obvious reasons but with the FDS i made an exception because i knew of how sensitive it could be and i had already gotten one error 27 (though i loaded and unloaded 7 games continuously afterwords with no other errors) but now i kinda feel like i need to clean not only the console but the games too considering that light coating of grime is apparently on my games, so i guess the questions here is should i try to clean the FDS and can i clean the games, if so how?


I don't know of a method for cleaning the FDS disks, but I would like to know.

As for the console, I recommend opening the FDS and cleaning the head with alcohol. I also highly recommend cleaning the "orange snot" in the FDS drive's moving parts. The orange snot is the old grease from 20 years ago that now is thick and goopy. Get this old grease out and put new oil on all moving parts and your disk shouldn't get stuck while loading. I hate when I load a disk and the eject lever makes inserting it awkward... I feel like I'm breaking the disk when I do that! :P It's ok though, it should be perfectly fine though.


I've never cleaned my disks but I heard there's an FDS disk cleaner that supposedly produced good results. Cleaning the head might also be a good idea but I haven't done that either.

That thing happens to me too sometimes. When it say I need to change the disk side I push eject and it suddenly starts reading the disk although it's half-way out. It have never damaged my disks but as soon as it happens I usually immediately turn off the power so that it forces to stop. I guess one has to make sure one pushes the eject button all the way in to avoid that as you say, and of course never push eject when it's reading or writing.


June 24, 2014, 06:09:29 pm #3 Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 09:47:30 pm by smileyman8b
yeah im gonna go ahead and clean the FDS and hopefully it will stop with all the weird problems i have inserting and ejecting 
EDIT:  ........... the moment i heard moving parts never should of tried it this is by far the most complicated little box i have ever opened (and that includes me fitting an Xk3y and an R-jtag into my 360 with my own western digital 320 gb hardrive flashed with firmware to work on stock nand) and my weakness is always putting stuff back together so to make it worse i couldnt seem to find any good guides for putting it back together............. why cant everything be as simple as the NES just BAM! one board one problem (pretty much)