NESRGB Kit - Anyone Tried It?

Started by joestar3, May 29, 2014, 04:27:26 am

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I use an old adjustable tenma iron with a simple solder sucker. as famiac said sometimes the best thing is to re flow the pins again with new solder and a dab of flux doesn't hurt ether. also when I am desoldering something I use high heat but stay on a pin for a very short time. this way the solder all melts quickly and I get get it out easily. Just watch you don't heat the pins for to long or you will burn off the solder pads from the board. The pins that  gohanX was talking about being stubborn were probably some ground pins.  Since they normally connect to larger pads on the board they take a wee bit longer to heat and all the solder doesn't come out in one go. When this happens I normally apply a wee bit more solder and give it a second or two more time to heat up before trying to pull the solder up. Also after the solder is removed take an exacto knife or a small flat head screw driver and apply a little bit of tension on the pin to make sure it is free floating in the hole. This helps free any small bits of solder from sticking to the sides and potentially tearing out the solder pads when you remove the chip.