Need help. famicom p2 mic on toaster nes.

Started by thepandaofnom, July 05, 2014, 08:15:22 pm

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I have my old toaster nes and i have been working on it trying to make it have all the capability and functionality of the famicom. so far I have been able to get it to have the famicom exp port and it is now a top loader cause screw that horrible push down leaver.  I went to put in the original famicom controllers on my toaster and player one went in no problem with just switching two wires. player two took a little more time but i got it working to the point that  A B up down left right work. I read a post made by Xious and I tryed following his advice. First i just tried to hook the mic wire up to pin 6 of the exp port and that didn't work. after that i hooked the hole controller directly up to the exp port both times the controller functions perfectly but wont activate the mic. I am not sure if this is possible because his guide is relay for the av famicom. I assumed that it would be the same but I am starting to thing otherwise. If anyone knows how to do this or if I it is not possible please let me know.  :help:


I read somewhere that the NES should have the capabilities to have a microphone but I never heard of anyone making one. It would be interesting if you succeeded.

First you didn't tell us how you made the 15-pin expansion port. Are you sure all pins on it are connected to the correct place in the NES? Does a Family Keyboard work (if you have one)?
Looks like pin 6 (D2) is pin 15 on the NES expansion port.


Yes I have tested the famicom exp port. It works without any problems with my Japanese one handed controller. I used the nes dev stuff you showed to get my pinouts right. Other than that I just driled a hole in the front of my nes and tacked down a db-15 connector then wired it directly to the motherboard exp port pins. As for the famicom keyboard I am still on the hunt for one so I cant test with that. The way I Actually have the controller two hooked up atm is directly to the nes exp because I am out of db-15 connectors.


Connecting one controller to the Famicom exp port isn't using D2 though, you need to get a multitap (or make one and connect a second controller. But since you are connecting the controller II directly it doesn't matter I guess.

Are you sure the mic is working on a Famicom? What game are you testing it with? I've noticed that most mics aren't very reliable and they only work when they want to (I still haven't got haggling in Paluthena to work even though I can kill Pols Voice in Zelda with it).

If you have an Everdrive or Powerpak the ideal test program is Makimura's mic test program When I use it on my Famicom the mic sprite is flickering heavily but when I use it on an emulator the sprite is constantly being displayed with zero flickering. I guess most games needs a constant high signal on the mic line for a certain period of time to activate haggling or killing Pols Voice or whatever (an emulator of course gives a pure high for as long as you push the assigned mic input button).

If you don't have a flashcart then Family Basic is the next best thing, since you are getting a keyboard anyway.


I don't have any flash cards atm. I have my famicom disk system hooked to my computer using fdsloadr and i was testing the mic on poils voice. every time I went to the dungeon went to the one room with them turned the mic volume up and would yell tap blow rub and nothing happened. I may want to try another game. I guess I can try kid iccaris on my fds and see if i can haggle. At the moment I cant get a flash card or i would try the test program. I took the controller apart and cleaned up inside using an eraser on the metal pads some fine grit sand paper to just re surface the slider pins with out actual grinding it down or taking away metal. The capacitor inside doesn't look blown out and the resister is showing 2.2k ohms like it is supposed to. The only other real think i can think is wrong is that my mic Itself is bad. If that is the case is their a way to replace the mic with a button that i can just push to activate is at least for testing or does it not work that way. I know i have a simple push button somewhere. Not sure if that would work at all.


I think Kid Icarus is even harder to test it with than Zelda. And the first shop is in stage 2 (black markets don't accept haggling), but you could give it a shot and hope you have more luck than me.

Family BASIC is probably best for you, because you can easily make a very mic-responsive program. For now I suggest to test Japanese Zelda again and again and again. I couldn't get it to work the first time either, you have to keep blowing into the mic for a long time and hope for it to work.

I guess a push button could also technically work.


I did a bit of reworking and connected the player two back up to the original player two port on the mother board like it originally was hooked up but kept the mic wire hooked to pin 6 of the exp port for the famicom. the controller part of p2 still works just fine but no mic. unless the nes toaster needs extra hardware or more modification to get this working I am at a loss as for what to do.   :'(


I'm still not convinced that your mic isn't working if you just tried Zelda and Paluthena.

I suggest to make a new thread about this on Nesdev