March 15, 2025, 03:16:20 am

Japanese display cabines?

Started by lwizardl, February 12, 2015, 07:31:29 pm

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I was wondering  if nintendo of japan had ever released branded display cabinets for stores in japan? In America we had the world of nintendo cabinets and variations of them over the years. But I never see anything like that in pictures and videos of the stores in Japan. Did they never have them or are they just sitting in a landfill someplace?

examples I can find all day of these cabinets

But the closest I can find to Japanese versions are like these

Anyone have any pictures or magazine scans with details of any ?


Shumi Nagaremono

I talked to a dude who has been running a toy/game store since the late 60's if he'd ever seen anything like that in the Japanese market.  He hadn't.  The closest he'd seen were little plastic signs that could be used with existing shelving units. 


okay thanks for the information, I had suspected that they never got anything like that in that market. But never knew for sure.