Top ten users with the most feedback

Started by BonBon, January 25, 2015, 10:12:17 am

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January 25, 2015, 10:12:17 am Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 11:59:20 pm by Jay-ray
This list is current as of 7/11/2016

1.senseiman *323*
2.manuel *178*
3.fcamer *88*
4.80sFREAK *71*
5.MWK *58*
6.Jay-ray *56*
7.Nightstar699 *54*
8.JC *47*
9.ekkaeak *44*
10.trenton_net *41*


I really should start leaving regular feedback :D
My for Sale / Trade thread


Awesome, nice to see I am at number 4.  :)

I should leave feedback more often too, so often I just forget or become lazy, unless people remind me :'( 
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Whoo-hooo!   ;D ;D

Actually this reminds me I am way behind in leaving feedback for some people....


Wow, senseiman's numbers are through the roof!  :o

And if you're like me you're probably missing lots of feedback, because people just forget or don't know about it.


Thanks for reminding me... I really need to start leaving feedback for all my deals here.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


Me, too. I started with Nightstar699 just now. You're deserving the good feedback!


Quote from: manuel on March 30, 2015, 09:15:34 pm
Wow, senseiman's numbers are through the roof!  :o

And if you're like me you're probably missing lots of feedback, because people just forget or don't know about it.

Yeah, I had a busy year last year on here :)  You`ll probably re-take the #1 spot now that you are re-opened though  ;D

I  get feedback about half the time or so.  I usually just leave feedback for people who left me one on the theory that people who don`t leave it probably dont know/ don`t care. 


Maybe.  ;D
But maybe not.  :D
Being 2nd isn't so bad.  :bub: