Famicom Honeybee

Started by Alter Egotist, June 22, 2015, 01:28:10 pm

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Alter Egotist

Can anyone help me with the following...

i received a boxed famicom honeybee in the post today..

the box had a picture of a white adapter on the front... but the honeybee is golden.

did the golden honeybee come in the same box as the white one or have i been duped/mislead by the person i bought it from... p.s. i didnt buy it on here.

Now buying/trading to get sealed NES games. Send me a PM :)


I've never seen the box for one, so can't say for certain.

But I've also never seen a white one, and a quick google search found this:

Which leads me to believe that that is the standard packaging, and you did not get duped.


That's likely a silver one on the box, but in all honesty the Honeybee adapters are very poorly constructed. You are better off with a official Nintendo one from the inside of a Gyromite.