MetaFight/Blaster Master - Getting stuck

Started by DDCecil, July 02, 2015, 08:53:54 pm

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July 02, 2015, 08:53:54 pm Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 06:08:12 pm by DDCecil
A guy on another forum tells me its possible for your tank to escape this:

True? I tried for 10 minutes, and couldn't get out.

I did get out of this one (which i thought was impossible, but isn't!):



Did the devs just forget to test that area or something? It looks like a huge oversight.


Man. Games look gorgeous on real TVs....


The first time I made a serious attempt at finishing Blaster Master, I got stuck somewhere in the underwater level. The game has a few infuriating spots like that. I think they can technically be escaped but it's best to just know and avoid them.

And why doesn't that game has a password feature? I mean seriously. Oh well, pet peeves
Favorites: Castlevania, Metroid, Namco 18
