The King of Games!!

Started by vealchop, September 20, 2006, 06:25:49 pm

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but food is cheaper than in most other countries. I'm sure kris can attest to that.

And also something I notice of Retrogamer is that the magazines seem expeneisve. You can tell just by looking at the cover and the quality of ink and paper used.


Well, I`d say that food in Japan is the same per dish as America on average, however, in America one dish can serve two people. In Japan, it may take two dishes to fill you up!! 


no wonder we weight 300 pounds and die at 50 in america

anyway, the keychains arent 9 dollars in japan, its called scalping, and that's what importers at anime conventions do best


I've seen those same keychains on ebay for similar prices, so I don't know if its price gouging or if they generally are that expensive

Anyway, I went looking for retro gamer at Barnes and Noble today.  Sadly to say they didn't have it.  I'll keep looking

