NES screw issue...

Started by bha2248, November 28, 2015, 10:26:50 pm

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Well, after buying a used nes, having it not work, getting it replaced and going home i figured "HEY!" why not disable its lockout chip! I grabbed my philips head screwdriver and BANG! the screws are stripped. I DO NOT WANT TO DAMAGE MY SYSTEM! I've tried the rubberband trick, i tried superglue and it didnt bond and i cant use tools, any other recommendations?


How many screws did you strip?!  Philips screwdrivers come in different sizes, yours is probably too small.  You can try to use one with a larger tip to see if that can get a better grip on what's left of the head, but if it's properly chewed up you'll need to drill it out.


I didnt strip them, But there is still a little line across the screws, i tried to fit a flathead in it but it was too big. All but one is stripped completely.



I'll tell you how it turns out when i get one, thanks!


If you have a drill, drill on the head of the screws to heat them up. The heat will kinda melt the plastic screw holes on the case and then you can pull the bottom of the console apart.