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Started by FAMICOM_87, October 22, 2015, 05:50:45 pm

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October 22, 2015, 05:50:45 pm Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 05:46:09 pm by FAMICOM_87
the story about the game!  :o
A friend of mine for some reason kept that game for years he did not want to trow it,
because it his favorite one.
The story behind it was that when he was a kid he gave a game to one of his friends.
the sad part of the story is that the father of this friend smashed the game, because his son did not want to stop playing it...
2 years ago I saw that smashed PCB and and said him "I can rescued that game is you give it to me  :redcart:

so I and other friend of mine  rescued poor game so we was vary satisfied with the results  8) ;D


That Guy from Faxanadu

Very sweet! You guys did a good thing!


Wow, the cartridge edge looks so f@cking nasty with that unnecessary soldering iron on it, you are more likely to damage your Genesis/Mega Drive connector after using the cart for a while... Why did you even do that??

Otherwise, it's good to see you managed to resurrect the cart, not to mention it's still a good game ;) . That daddy must have been so unsatisfied that his son had been having a good time enjoying those good games


Quote from: FAMICOM_87 on October 22, 2015, 05:50:45 pm

You're gonna mangle your Genesis slot with cartridge pins like that. Not to mention they're probably gonna corrode all to hell. You need a better board man.

The initiative is very good though, I repair cartridges with board swaps all the time.


I do not play it long ago ,extra soldering was for better contacts just to see it works , I will remove that extra soldering with this https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/6/e/5/5/8/523a6018757b7f27758b456a.jpg
I hope this will work  :D



Quote from: jensma on October 24, 2015, 04:13:09 am

*hint* *hint*

:) I give a credit for SEGA about that ! they using a standard for the game boards and in most cases they are with only one chip :)  8)

thanks for the link !  :D


Quote from: jensma on October 24, 2015, 04:13:09 am

*hint* *hint*

That's what I thought too. You can buy easily 3 of them for 27$ right away from OSHPark. There are also different companies like eurocircuits that may do it for even cheaper if you order more bla bla bla

In short, it is surprisingly very easy to make Sega Genesis/Mega Drive cartridge from scratch ;) . But the harder thing to do/buy is casing unfortunately



I can almost see how the cartridge pins are grinding the console's connector  :o

Nice custom work, though. Why is it shiny? Did you coat it?


They're shiny because the pins are coated in solder, which corrodes a lot easier than the gold plating one usually finds on cartridge boards.


Quote from: jensma on October 29, 2015, 02:00:42 pm
Why is it shiny? Did you coat it?

it is shiny because I put varnish on PCB to protect it .
I did this because my fingers cause a tarnish on the copper  :-[