Regarding SNES capacitors I,

Started by Mudk112, November 09, 2015, 02:59:53 pm

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Well, I'm probably going to look like a total idiot, but I'm quite new to the SNES scene and I can't seem to find this information anywhere else on the interwebs :\

I've seen various Capacitor replacement kits all over the Internet for the SNES, but none of them say what exactly the benefits are of such a project, and what problems it can fix, asides replacing dud and/or leaking capacitors on the board of course.

Do faulty caps cause the SNES to malfunction or anything?
(Those of you who read my last post will know I am currently trying to repair a SNES with a suspected faulty VRAM or PPU chip, but I thought that maybe it might be worth checking the capacitors too, though it could just be me being a bit hopeful as always)

Thank you in advance for your patience :)


Adding more caps to the SNES helps protect the chips from premature death from dirty power.


For the snes it's best to have a test cart to diagnose whats wrong but if your getting a black screen on every game it could be the cpu or ppu but thats a pain to replace.

As for caps I have a snes that would display wavy lines so I replaced some of caps and fixed the problem.


Well, the only game I have that displays a black screen as such is Star Fox, all my other games boot, but all display different symptoms, one Game (Super Soccer) works flawlessly, others have severe graphical glitches (Super Mario World) some load with scrambled graphics, but seem to crash when it tries to do Mode 7 (PilotWings) and others boot fine, with the graphics intact, but crashes when a save file is loaded.

But anyway, I was just posting this to clarify what benefits replacing the caps would have, and whether it may have been a possibility to consider to fix my SNES' problems.
If only I had a test cart... :\
(I guess I'd better break out a multimeter and confirm whether it's the ram or PPU at fault...)

But thanks anyway for the information :)