Interest Check: 50+ Taiwanese Computer Gaming Magazines

Started by fcgamer, November 05, 2015, 06:35:13 am

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One of my buddies / contacts over here recently hooked me up with a large set of gaming magazines, dating from the late 1980s through the mid 1990s.  This stuff was worthy of being in a library somewhere, imo, as it offers a totally different perspective of what gaming was really like over in Asia (outside of Japan) during the "golden era".  Because I am a nice guy, the price was right, and I also don't want to risk pissing my buddy off, I bought the entire lot of stuff, despite the fact that a small portion of it was computer related (the console games stuff I am keeping for myself).

So I have around 50 different pieces (unless I miscount, it is 53 booklets / magazines) relating to PC gaming during the early 1990s, for the Taiwanese (and sometimes Hong Kong) markets.  These items are incredibly rare, are in excellent condition, and some of the issues seem to be small magazines produced by Softstar (called Softstar Magazine), presumably advertising / reviewing the latest Softstar games (Softstar was a large Taiwanese PC Game Company back in the day). 

The problem is, I have no interest in these magazines myself, yet they are of the nature that I am sure someone, somewhere would appreciate them. 

Any idea of value?  Any idea where I could market these for sale?  Anyone here interested?

Thanks guys.

P.S.  Everything is in Chinese, of course.
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I'd be interested in archiving them for sure. Shoot me a PM with what you were thinking ballpark?


If things don't work out, let me know, I'd definitely be interested.


Quote from: joestar3 on November 09, 2015, 06:30:51 pm
If things don't work out, let me know, I'd definitely be interested.

I am 99% sure things are going to work out with Hubz, but if for some reason they don't, then I'll let you know joestar3.

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