Famicom AV mod, no video output

Started by Pingaloka, November 27, 2015, 04:11:08 pm

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November 27, 2015, 04:11:08 pm Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 12:49:20 am by Pingaloka
Hi guys, my first post here.
I'm trying to mode an HVC-CPU-GPM-02 Famicom using the following tutorial:


But I get no video output.
Here are some pictures of my mod. DO you guys see anything weird?

Post Merge: November 28, 2015, 12:12:09 am

BTW I'm using a 9v 1200A negative centre Power Supply with an Everdrive cartridge.
The everdrive cartridge seems to work as it has a led that turns on which tells me that the console is also on.
Tried it on my projector as well and nothing. I have Famicom 3 boards, tried doing this mod in all 3 of them and nothing.
I'm thinking and thinking but can't find my error...


I don't use that mod, but this part seems strange, unless I'm missing something.

Next, solder 150R resistor to pin 22 of the PPU (+5V).

Pin 22 is /RST.

This schematic is from the AV Famicom and has always worked for me:


Thanks! I'll try that one!.
One question, C of the trasistor goes to ground right?


Yes, the collector is wired to ground. The electrons need to come from somewhere  ;D


One question chowder, no capacitors on the other side of the board so jailbards are reduced.
In the other tutorial I seen 2 x 1uf ceramic capacitors used.


Quote from: Pingaloka on November 29, 2015, 04:16:00 am
One question chowder, no capacitors on the other side of the board so jailbards are reduced.
In the other tutorial I seen 2 x 1uf ceramic capacitors used.

I don't bother, they're optional in case the jailbars really annoy you.  I just turn the sharpness on the TV down a little and they're virtually unnoticeable to me :)


November 29, 2015, 08:43:48 am #6 Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 05:49:52 pm by FAMICOM_87
I used this guide to mode a friend's famicom https://playoffline.wordpress.com/mod/oldfcfba/
and the same as you posted for mine because it is simplest :) http://jpx72.detailne.sk/modd_files/fc/avmod/avmod.png
and it is working , try to bring back the original transistor in place and add one more for the mod
and did not disconnect the original transistor to keep RF functionality :)
an add extra cap for reducing the vertical lines  ;)