WARNING: Be careful when opening tall Konami cases (Lagrange Point etc.)

Started by Arkanix38, October 15, 2015, 10:16:33 pm

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Just a quick update on this. If you are extremely careful when repairing your cart you can avoid interfering with the Pin Contacts. The concern raised by famifan is completely mitigated if you know what you are doing when soldering to the card edge connector.

The Famicom socket contacts most of the copper on the card edge, but a small amount of bare copper is left well away from the cart slot. If you have a steady hand and solder wick you can attach your mod wires ABOVE any point of interference with the connector as I did. Note this also comes in handy for adding address lines to SNES/SFC carts like Final Fantasy IV when translating, when the original carts don't route required address lines to the board from the card edge connector.
