Famicom Family Basic question

Started by Protoboy, July 11, 2014, 07:12:52 pm

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P, it would be nice to see some links or code examples from late 70s, early 80s :-[

Well, i wouldn't call it V3 for V2 or v2.0a(dvanced). Main purpose was to have 24K RAM with custom mapper. Functionality is exactly the same as v2.0 at moment.

And there is two ways to go
- keep functionality as is and increase speed as much as possible
- strip down some features(kana support, autorepeat, key macro) and add SD card support
- do both from above
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


I meant the game V3 not the V3.0 version of NS-HuBASIC, you removed the annoying stuff the same way.
But why didn't you use V3 to begin with? That way you wouldn't need to remove anything an it has several usefull new commands (I like RENUM for example).

I'm sad to see kana input go though.


January 09, 2017, 11:37:26 pm #32 Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 11:46:50 pm by 80sFREAK
 Well, it's just happened  :) v2.x is common, and original manual is widely avaliable.

I'm pretty sure, you'd instantly drop off RENUM for CLOAD/CSAVE on real hardware  ::) Also with a source code is easy to add/remove functionality.

2cut or not 2cut kana - look, compiled ROM is 15K+ now and SPRITES not finished(there is few tables left to fiure out, how it is working). And make ROM over 16K will make things more complicated(if you wish to have big RAM).

So... to gain some space and increase speed i have to rewrite NMI handler(really funny slice of code), keyboard driver(i think total code, related to keyboard, include autorepeat is about 1K) and most likely drop key macros(KEY).

There is always another way TODO - split kernel of Basic(I/O, editor, tokenizer) and operators. Put them in 8K banks, but this will drop speed.

At moment 24K/16K is a very good compromize and there is very big potencial to optimize code. I also keep in mind 24K/32K(64K) config for some extra software(tracker, assembler, wi-fi, etc.).
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy