Famicom Power Issues

Started by jonathanb9595, May 06, 2016, 01:51:50 am

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Hello all,

I received a famicom that has been sitting in an attic for 20 some years. The previous owner stored it after it stopped working, so I am the first to actually open it up and look at it.

After reading some pointers on this site and poking around with my multi-meter, i discovered that the 1.5A fuse as well as the 7805 voltage regulator were both burned out. I have just replaced those, but the new voltage regulator will not give any voltage readings when probed. The fuse still gets power, but it doesn't seem to make it up to the voltage regulator. Is there anything else I should be searching for?

Thank you


Did you find any shorts when probing the output of the 7805 to other 5v points,also check the power cap,think it's 1000uf.


I've had some power/RF boards where it still doesn't work after putting in a new 7805. Something has been shorted. Keep looking around carefully for any bridged solder points.

I have fixed this issue a couple of times by taking the power/RF board from another Famicom and swapping it in. But since your Famicom has a fuse, it is the GPM  'FF' model of Famicom, where it is much harder to swap the board. Just keep looking around for a mistake with a multimeter. I'm sure you can find out what went wrong with some patience.


Thanks for all the advise thus far everybody. It seems this problem was caused by faulting soldering of the fuse (oops). The whole board seems to be getting power now, but I am not getting any video output. But before I get too far ahead of myself, where are some points I can test to double check the board is getting proper voltages? Also, will the famicom output any signal even if no game / controllers are inserted?

Thank you all again for the help.