famicom hvc-cpu-07 reset problem

Started by mrforever, May 23, 2016, 04:30:12 pm

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hi guys,
i've famicom that i've modded for composite av...i run smb 3 and that's run fine...but if i put other games like ninja kun, king kong 2 it doesn't run it show me gray screen and i've made more try like turn off-on various time and some rarest time games run it...of course smb 3 run it without problem...I've see that if turn on smb 3 the reset button doesn't work.
I've dissoldered and soldered reset buttons but without success...same problem...of course i've see into reset button and show me it's ok...
i don't understand which is cause...and which item on board can be defect...i think that if i solve reset buttons games can be run correctly...
I hope that you can be precious support me...i'm sorry for my bad english...i live in italy but i hope that you understand me.
The board is intact and don't have cut traces...
thank you in advance
see you soon