Favorite Super Mario Bros. game?

Started by Doc, September 10, 2006, 12:05:48 am

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What's your favorite Super Mario Bros. game?

Super Mario Bros.
5 (13.5%)
Super Mario Bros. 2j
8 (21.6%)
Super Mario USA
3 (8.1%)
Super Mario Bros. 3
21 (56.8%)

Total Members Voted: 37


Now we have one vote for it.  ;D
Great game, no doubt.


I think this is the first poll where someone voted for every choice. Awesome!


My all time fave SMB game for me it had to be Super MArio Bros 3 and heres why,

in 1985 my mother got me SMB1 as a gift as I was getting the NES system for my Bday.
in 1988 of my mother's friend got my SMB2 for Xmes.
but in 1990 I remember that day I got SMB3 like it was yesterday^_^

months before it was released Nintendo Powers was promoting SMB3 like it was the second coming of Christ  (BTW still  have thouse NP mags) and I was hooked so for the next three months I saved up the cash plus my aunt took me to Toys r Us in Brooklyn and for the first time in my live I pre-order the game, got the blue reset with my name and SMB3 title and waited for the game to be sold and what a wait at first I though I can just walk in the store and pick up the game but me and aunt had to go to the long line and waited for 30mins still I pickup the SMB3 game and I played it till I passed out and the second I woke up the next day played it some more and to me thats is why I love SMB3 now and forever.

Side story: Before me and my aunt got back from Toy r Us I show on the side of McD an ad of New SMB3 Happy Meal toys so we gone in and she got me all four toys plus a full meal^_^ TO this day I still have the toys:D

Super Mario Bros 3 Happy Meal TV ad


Yeah these kid's meal toys are pretty common around my place. There were a couple more toys than the ones you show in your pic. ::)


Those figurines look cute.
A nice addition to the collection.



I would have to say Super Mario Bros. 3... ;D


SMB 3 for sure. I still remember the night my mom came home with the cart sealed and man I ripped the seal off and couldn't wait to play it. My brother and sisters gathered up in my room to get a chance to play this great gem. Truly the best Mario game period.
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


I like Super Mario 2(j) & Super Mario 3


Super Mario Bros, definitely; I just never get bored of it.


I can't decide between SMB and SMB3...I didn't beat SMB3 nearly as much as I did SMB...but I still liked them both alot more than Super Mario USA...

Quote from: Atariboy on September 01, 2007, 06:04:48 pm
all four toys plus a full meal^_^ TO this day I still have the toys:D
What about the meal? :P
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat

turbo D

I voted Super Mario Bros. 3 as many before me have. that game just rulez too much!  :D
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