WTS: loose famicom games

Started by famifan, July 31, 2016, 10:25:35 am

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July 31, 2016, 10:25:35 am Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 03:33:19 am by famifan
hey folks, :bub:

please stop by and help me save some money by acquiring the redundant carts i have. :redcart:

more or less expensive games:

Migthy Final Fight $25 PENDINGSOLD
Ninja Ryukenden I $15
Ninja Ryukenden II $15
Ninja Ryukenden III $25

cheap games:

Sky Destroyer $2
Top Gun $3
Top Gun: Duel Fighters $3
Gyrodyne $2
Front Line $2
Senjou no Ookami $2 PENDINGSOLD

Ye Air Kung Fu $2
Seicross $1
Mappy Land $1
Soccer $1

Tetris (BPS) $1
Flipul $1
Championship Lode Runner $1
Bomberman $1
Nuts & Milk $2
Yoshi no Tamago $2
Galaga $2

Magical Taruruuto-kun Fantastic World $3
Dragon Buster II $3
SD Hero Soukessen: Taose! Aku no Gundan $3
Saiyuuki World 2: Tenjoukai no Majin PENDINGSOLD
Fudou Myouou Den $3 PENDING

Dragon Quest I $1 PENDING
Dragon Quest II $2 PENDING
Dragon Quest III $3 PENDING
Dragon Quest IV $4 (2 copies remain)

all of those games were tested on real Famicom recently, they're proven to work. :yoshi:
the pics are in progress...will be added soon :-[ it seems that my connection sucks, so don't expect any pics today
pm me about the shipping quote.

also, i'm taking offers. no low-balling please, any reasonable offer could be the best offer  :)

UPD: added the pics
UPD2: added shipping info
latest small packages airmail rates:
up to 100g = $3
101-250g = $5
251-500g = $9
501-1000g = $16
1001-2000g = $28

plus additional unavoidable $3 charge for registered mail and 1$ for the package.

my rough estimates are: 80g per cart.

that means:
1 cart gonna take to up to $7 for the shipping
2 carts: $9
3-5 carts: $14
6-10 carts: $20
11-25 carts: $32

disclaimer, those shipping quotes aren't final.  the final quotes will be calculated upon the request, i hope it will be slightly smaller than the estimated ones  :) no worries, i will provide the photo of the receipt from post office and will refund the excessive shipping charges (if any).

i want you guys to be happy with your purchases after-all  :)

however, i can't compete any seller from Japan and even not trying to.
so if you're looking for the real bargains, then you would probably want to deal with the seller from Japan  :)



latest small packages airmail rates:
up to 100g = $3
101-250g = $5
251-500g = $9
501-1000g = $16
1001-2000g = $28

plus additional unavoidable $3 charge for registered mail and 1$ for the package.

my rough estimates are: 80g per cart.

that means:
1 cart gonna take to up to $7 for the shipping
2 carts: $9
3-5 carts: $14
6-10 carts: $20
11-25 carts: $32

disclaimer, those shipping quotes aren't final.  the final quotes will be calculated upon the request, i hope it will be slightly smaller than the estimated ones  :) no worries, i will provide the photo of the receipt from post office and will refund the excessive shipping charges (if any).

i want you guys to be happy with your purchases after-all :-[

however, i can't compete any seller from Japan and even not trying to.
so if you're looking for the real bargains, then you would probably want to deal with the seller from Japan  :)
