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I'm Back

Started by super56k, June 08, 2007, 11:35:42 pm

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Hey, man. Cool to have you back. :D It'll be good to have your contributions again, now that you're settled into your new place. I'll be sure to link FW to your site when I get a chance.

And what about our trade? :'( Actually, I sold that Famicom this week. :-\


Cool man! Greetings from Chile, your neighbor-country ;D


Welcome back.
I hope the move and everything went well.


Retro Gaming Life


Welcome back :)By the way I'm also back from New York city. I got to go at Nintendo World and see the one and only Nintendo AVS (Advanced Video System) for real! ;D Got tons of pics if anyone is interested to see them. :)


Of course we are !!! ;D



YES! I'm back! Finally the forum's working again for me! ;D


Cool, keiffer. I don't know what kicked it back on for you. But someone messed around with the forum and fixed the problem.


I think FamicomJL contacted the server and solved the problem. ;D


Turns out I jumped the gun...someone did mess with the forum, but that's not what fixed the problem. Here's an explanation I received via e-mail:

QuoteWhat you are experiencing is most probably caused by your ISP, which is caching results of the DNS queries. What this means is every site has nameservers. And that name is attached to an IP Address. And That IP Address is attached to the server where all the files are. So when someone enters they get the nameservers, which contain the IP Address to the server with all your files.

But some Internet Service Providers are slower than others in refreshing this. So when that forum member enters, it goes to the old server and instead of the new Server IP, it still has the old one, so it brings the person to the old server, with the old files. That's why many people go to the right server, and some to the old. It all depends on what company they get their internet from.

But from what I heard AOL or SBCGLOBAL/YAHOO, are slow at this, among other random ones.

Now this will eventually fix itself, and your forum member will be brought to the new Famicom World. If for example he used a Proxy Server, he would be able to see the forum, because a proxy server is on a different Internet Service Provider.

I myself went back and fourth, and went to the old forum until today, when my ISP finally refreshed it all.

Sorry about all this. It may sound weird, but that's how domains and hosting general work, and it all depends on your ISP. But he should see the new forum soon.