Playing my Color TV Game 15 on an American television

Started by PatMan33, August 20, 2007, 12:10:11 pm

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Before messing with anything, try getting your finger near those pieces of wire labeled 1ch and 2ch (depending on which channel are you using) and watch the screen for any changes. Try passing your finger over them at different distances, touching them, etc.


There does not appear to be any change in the on-screen action when I pass my finger by or touch them. This holds true for both channels.

I've also tried adjusting the knobs a bit but no dice. I can't even approach a level of clarity that could be called satisfactory. That's fine though, being able to play it was a bonus, maybe I'll try again some time in the future.

One last question, that third silver shield, it also has a sort of screw in the top like the channel 1 and 2 shields... does that one do anything that could help? The marking near it says '4.5MHZ' and another marking nearby reads '1660'.

I'm not going to touch it unless there is good reason.

Also thank you so much for your help!




I tried it on a few televisions; some new, some old, but they all seemed to yield the same results.





Actually, when I got it there were no other ones available. But about a day after I put my bid in one of the guys I get stuff from regularly had one in a box. So I was a little aggravated but, hey, it happens.


send me a PM before youre gonna buy pre-famicom stuff and I'll let you know if you're getting a good deal, I have quite a bit myself and maybe can help you get some better deals.



bring it to a tv store and try it on a samsung hdtv. let me know what happens

also, you could probably modify it for composite, ask 133mhz.


Composite is a very good idea. Can you give me the numbers of the ICs? Maybe I can find the datasheets and look if it's possible to take composite out. I have a Pong machine (a clone) but not a Nintendo one. Does the Nintendo ones make sounds through the TV speaker or they have a built-in speaker like most Pong clones?


I believe nintendo is through the TV, so that makes things harder or easier depending upon how you look at it


More than easier or harder it's more like aesthetic reasons :P. If only video delivery to the TV is needed you can use the built-in RCA cable that's used for RF. Just connect it inside to the composite out instead of RF out and the mod is totally invisible from the outside and completely functional on today's TVs. Just connect it to the front video in that most TVs have nowadays and play! No messing on the back of the TV and changing channels. And since many of these run on batteries too it would make for a very portable system ;). Actually I think I'm going to make that mod to my Pong system in a near future. Doesn't ruin aesthetics, completely functional and also very easy to undo if the need comes. And thinking, even if the Nintendo one does broadcast its sound to the TV it's not that big of a deal. You can install a small audio amp and speaker inside the console and use the RF cable for composite.

It would be fun to have a 'portable' Pong system to play around in friend's houses or strange places, plug it in for a quick match ;D


That does sound interesting...

On the one hand I want to keep it in original condition, on the other hand I have no intent to ever sell them for profit or anything... I have it to play it.

Of course, I'm shipping off to college tomorrow but the chaos will only last a few days at most. I think I may try this!