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Kinda Quiet Here Lately

Started by vealchop, September 27, 2006, 05:44:58 am

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Yeah, we've all been busy with the Christmas jitters. I was actually going to do a project about Famicom games with Christmas themes but it just got too overwhelming...:( I'll probably just do a "Top ten winter games" thing or something.


Isn't there a disk system game about santa claus or christmas or something? I saw it complete on ebay a few months ago, it was complete with inserts and stickers and some other cool stuff.


Yeah, I don't know the name off hand but it's a bunch of mini games all with Christmas themes.


August 28, 2007, 08:51:32 am #18 Last Edit: August 28, 2007, 01:28:20 pm by JC
Is everyone busy with the end of summer and beginning of the new academic year? Things have been quiet around here this week.


I have lots of freetime, but there aren't many new posts to respond to. :P
I think there will be busier times again. Don't worry, JC.


Well, I'm not as worried as I am curious. It's just that so much has been slow--other forums, eBay, etc.--and I get curious to know what all the 14- to 30-year-old humans are doing right now instead of hanging around the web.


I'm getting ready to go back to work...which has slowed me down on everything else I can do.

Manuel, if you can't find any new posts, then start a topic of your own, or even go back to older threads and re-start discussion! Post digging is allowed. :)


I know some forums guys who aren't that keen on post-digging.
I think I'll have a look at some older posts. :)


at school right now busy with classes and other stuff.
Retro Gaming Life