WTB: DMG-01 Volume Potentiometer [SOLD]

Started by SuperMew98, April 16, 2017, 05:49:58 pm

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April 16, 2017, 05:49:58 pm Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 09:16:18 pm by SuperMew98

I have an original Game Boy that I am convinced has a faulty volume potentiometer in it (the sound is crackly, both from the headphones and speaker). I heard that replacing the capacitors in it would fix the issue. In my case, this didn't. My next plan is to desolder the old volume pot and solder in a new one.

Does anyone have a spare DMG-01 volume potentiometer they'd be willing to sell me?

Thank you,



email me leonki@gmail.com

I can desolder it from ine of my stack of faulty dmg gameboys.





are you sure it's faulty? perhaps, it's just filthy inside.

from my experience, i have repaired a lot of pots (from walkmans, cassette decks and so) with a couple of WD-40 drops. Just few small drop into the moving parts of the pot.

have you tried WD-40 or any special thing named "contact cleaner"? it could help a lot.

at least, i will try cleaning before any soldering job.


@leonk And replied to that one!  :D

@famifan Thanks for the suggestion. This was actually the very first thing I tried before recapping. Unfortunately, it didn't make much of a difference, and to make matters worse, the toothpick I used to put the contact cleaner into the potentiometer broke the tip off inside of it.

I used a toothpick so I could put in just a little bit of contact cleaner without drowning the thing.


Update: I swapped the original potentiometer with leonk's and it worked wonders! Thanks man!