Motherboard Extra Resistors

Started by NoodleIncident, February 01, 2018, 07:43:56 pm

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Dear Famicom World Members,

I am new to the boards and owner of a Rev. 5 Square Button Famicom, which I purchased about a year ago.

I am hoping that someone with greater technical expertise can help me with the following two questions, and I have no idea if the two questions are related.

1. As I live in the US (with 120V) power, I purchased a step-down converter to the Japanese standard (100V) to try to prolong the life of my Famicom. I use an original Famicom AC adapter purchased from eBay. Here's the thing - when I plug my Famicom into the converter, none of the games will load past the first panel of the title screen (e.g., on SMB3, I either see only the black and white tiled floor, or may see the tiled floor with the red curtain, but nothing else will load. It will also load incorrectly, like a pattern of Lakitu's cloud, which is red and tiled on the screen). When I plug it into a standard 120V outlet, the game loads and plays fine. What's going on here?

2. I attached a picture of the bottom of the motherboard below. There appear to be two extra resistors (brown one on left side near 'CC' and multicolored one on right side near 'CL'). These two resistors are soldered to the board, but the quality of the solder job does not seem consistent with the rest of the board. I do not see these resistors on any other boards when searching online. Is this something done by Nintendo or an aftermarket addition? Do the resistors relate to the difference in power noted above?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!




1. I have never used a step-down converter - it's not needed. I've had my Famicom plugged in for almost 10 years and it's still cool. I would just go without it.

2. Those 2 components soldered on the underside of the board has been done by Nintendo. It is common to see a resistor or ceramic capacitor soldered on various Famicom boards.


I have a version 3 board & when I opened it up I found extra components on bottom. Since Mario 3 graphics were messed up and I was getting radio stations I removed them thinking that someone in Japan had added them but after removing them I never got a picture (2 caps and 2 resistors combined in clear shrink tubing) so I done an AV mod (da bears less intrusive RF pass through method) and still same thing. I put new caps and cleaned connector good, reflowed connector points still no go. So I found a picture of a version 1 or 2 board with the same looking components and figured I'd put those back in the spots they showed on that board which very close to my board 3 (CPU 1983 no revision latest chip 27th week of 1983) and to my surprised it worked perfect. I know the one cap was in a different spot before but at any rate it worked and I'm so happy because it's a smooth flap famicom and earliest one I've been able to find. Now I have to finish restoring it I plan on making it a player since it came out before I started kindergarten, nostalgia heaven for sure to an nintendo geek like myself. Moral of my story here is do not move those components I learned the hard way.