FS: U.S. Chinese Famicom clone console CIB/Super Everdrive

Started by Hamburglar, August 27, 2018, 01:22:27 pm

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August 27, 2018, 01:22:27 pm Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 08:52:32 pm by Hamburglar
At the moment I can only ship to the US because I cannot print customs forms, I only have a label printer.

Chinese Famiclone from the 80's.
It has the box, coax cable, power supply and instruction sheet. I am not sure if it came with an RF switch.
Has RF/Composite video out.
I got this new. Tested it and then set it aside.

This is probably the nicest famiclone I have seen, it is heavy and well built, it has CPU and PPU clones not a nesonachip.


Super Everdrive V1.3  in a Super Famicom shell. Has had a DSP coprocessor installed so games like Mario Kart work. Gonna send it out in a generic shell, I found the pcb for dragonball and put it back together.
With 1GB sd card.
70.00 shipped.


 It is, I think it is heavier than my original Famicom. I have run into a bunch of famicoms/famiclones this was the nicest, I remember a Hyundai one I used to have but that was a nesonachip.



Did you take the thing apart?  Or can you just tell it's chips?  How is the video quality over component, for example the colours and jailbars etc? 

Looks interesting but I'm not in the US unfortunately.  Do you know where the unto was made, for example Hong Kong or Taiwan etc?
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on August 28, 2018, 10:20:36 am

Did you take the thing apart?  Or can you just tell it's chips?  How is the video quality over component, for example the colours and jailbars etc? 

Looks interesting but I'm not in the US unfortunately.  Do you know where the unto was made, for example Hong Kong or Taiwan etc?

I looked at the board and it does have a clone DIP PPU and CPU. Doesn't have component, only composite, and it looks fine, has jailbars as usual, I can get rid of them with some mods but I would not tamper with something this old and in new condition like this, already have other systems for playing Famicom games..
Don't know where it was made. I spent a bunch of time looking at websites with clone systems and couldn't find a similar one.


That machine looks quite nice!  I'd be all over it if I lived in the USA still, and if I didn't already have so many machines (which thus lowers the amount of what I'd be willing to offer for it).

For those who are wondering, the machine's made in Taiwan. 
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Thanks for the info, I wanted to keep it but I am getting rid of stuff I don't use.Don't need that many famicom systems.



Hey, is the Super Everdrive still available? Is it a Krikzz, or a Chinese version?