March 15, 2025, 08:42:46 am

Super Famicom Sound Novels

Started by Protoman, May 18, 2018, 11:19:31 pm

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August 01, 2019, 09:58:03 am #15 Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 05:49:10 am by Protoman
Quote from: P on August 01, 2019, 06:37:42 am
BTW the data cartridge isn't just for taking the game you made to a friend and for transferring sound data on but also for downloading games from the Satellaview.
Also I think the gnomes on the Sound Novel Tsukuuru packaging are great. They may look out of place if you don't consider that they are mascots of the Tsukuuru series. They only seems to appears in Tsukuuru titles for the SFC and Playstation though. Not on anything for any PC system as far as I remember, nor do they appear in recent entries in the series for GBA, NDS, 3DS or Switch. Maybe their artstyle doesn't go well with modern artstyles or something.

I didin't think to mention that the memory pak is used to download from Satellaview(which I knew) because it was irrelevant to Sound Novel Tsukuuru, unless there were like other sample novels to download via satellaview, if there were I am unaware.
Also I don't like the gnomes anyway, but I did notice them on both Tsukuuru 2 and Kanaderu as I was editing, I guess they were mascots.

One more for the road: I've translated one of the stories from Gakkou de atta kowai hanashi