WTS Switch Games

Started by Terpor, July 22, 2018, 04:56:04 pm

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July 22, 2018, 04:56:04 pm Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 12:19:27 am by Terpor
I want to sell / trade following Nintendo Switch

PAL - Dragon Quest Builders 32€
PAL - Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age 30€

I'm looking for
SNES controllers
6-button Megadrive controllers
AV Famicom console
Super Famicom console

I am Setsuna Import w/English text


That Guy


That Guy


Hi!  I am interested in buy mario kart 8 deluxe. But i don't if you can send me this game since a live in Brazil and don't know how much is to send a game from there to here. If you want a better contact maybe you can give me or your e-mail or whatsapp. And i have one pirate snes controller and one pirate mega-drive 6 button controller. Maybe i can give you my pirate mega-drive controller and you give me a little discount in the game. Deal?


Sadly i do not have Mario Kart 8 anymore
That Guy