Extra sound channels (and mappers)

Started by Romeo, November 10, 2008, 12:21:55 am

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I'm no huge collector or anything but I am nostalgic and pulled the trigger on a Famicom AV yesterday and can't wait to get it.
Anyway in the auction, it was mentioned that Castlevania III has extra sounds that the NES version did not have.
My question is what other famicom games have this? Is there a list somewhere?
Sorry if I missed it, I'm new.  8)

I know the Famicom Disk System (next purchase) adds FM synthesis but didn't know certain game carts also had better sound.
Any help is appreciated.

My ebay auction comes with:
Castlevania III, Circus Charlie, Gradius, Gradius II, Pooyan, Yie Ar Kung Fu
Dig Dug ,Galaga, Galaxian, Mappy, Pac-Man, Sky Kid, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros., Punch*Out! (gold), Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3
Elevator Action


Well, there are only certain mappers that have extra sound.  And, of the games that use those mappers, only some of them make use of the extra sound.  I could compile a list of candidate games, but someone would have to go through (on an emulator or whatever) and figure out which ones actually use the extra sound.

Meanwhile, games that I know have extra sound:
Lagrange Point (Konami)
Rolling Thunder (Namco)
Gimmick! (Sunsoft)

Different companies used different mappers, so each company's mapper has a different sound to it.

Trium Shockwave

Somewhat related to this topic, when FDS games like Castlevania 1 were later ported to cart format, were the FM synth sound effects reproduced by hardware in the cart?


No, CV 1 never had additional sound hardware.
You're confusing it with the cartridge-only Akumajou Densetsu (CV 3).

Ken Tama

Didnt Zelda on the disk system use the mic?   Ive heard that the part with the Digdogger, which hates loud noises, you have to make a loud noise into the mic to make it split into pieces.  Ive heard this, but I dont know how accurate it is.  Has anybody heard anything like this, and is there a similar application in Castlevania 3? 

Also, congrats on your find!  There is a game that I would like to make an offer out the collection you bought.   I PMed you with the details.  Thanks man!
The president has been kidnapped by ninjas!

Ken Tama

The president has been kidnapped by ninjas!


Any game that made use of the sound expansion channel, be it disk or cart, had to have the sound reprogrammed when the game was released outside of Japan.  The Zeldas are fantastic examples of this, with Castlevania III being the feature's posterchild.

It's not that the NES hardware was incapable of utilizing the sound expansion port, but rather it fell victim to a poor design choice that probably seemed like a good idea at the time.

(And now I'm going to shamelessly plug my video that talks rather extensively about this: Famicom Dojo: Cartridges and Pins.)


Thanks for the info Sean, just subscribed to your channel.
Now time to watch your video and then AVGN's new video. :)