AV mod troubles

Started by Bigbillybiscuits, November 13, 2021, 06:56:39 pm

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Hi all, I tried modding my Famicom to have composite out. I first tried the scruffy lookin method on YouTube, however the colours were all wrong. I then tried a different method with a 100 and 150 ohm resistor and 33uf capacitor, but now all I got is grey. Think I might have killed it :(

Totally not the end of the world if I have, but if anyone could have a look at my photos https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=16MoJElGdXscmmnhtImFL6K5Js1HlxYmi

and let me know their thoughts I'd appreciate it. I feel like I've learnt a lot already but I definitely had trouble with this. The other method I started looking at had me remove the transistor and replace it with another PNP, and remove the 2200 resistor next to it, and cut pin 21.

I wouldn't do that again haha  :'(


very bad work. Do not remove or cut anything , just add the mod, but solder the base of the transistor as close to the pin 21 possible . And other leads to the ground and +5V should be as short as possible as well.